Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #70 - Public Relations, Feminine Visibility and Thought Leadership with Almira Bardai

If you have a business, you’ve probably heard you should use publicity, media and public relations to build brand awareness and grow your business.

Whether you’re a business owner or not, maybe you’ve always wondered how do talk shows, podcasts, and blogs pick who their guests are?

And perhaps there’s a piece of you that’s thought “maybe it could be me” and then instantly gotten imposter syndrome. Full disclosure: I know I definitely have.

Maybe your mentor has told you to become a “thought leader” to differentiate yourself but you’re not sure where to start, what you have to share, or how to do it.

Publicity, media and public relations can be a GAME CHANGER for your personal brand - whether you’re a professional or entrepreneur, for your business and your career…if you know how to get it and leverage it.

But SOO many people - women especially - get stuck.

They underestimate their credibility, and decide not to put themselves out there. Women tend to think of themselves as “nobodies” or look at where we WANT to be and determine where we are now isn’t good enough. So we wait.

I say women because I don’t think men struggle with this as much.

So many of the women I know, and work with - and heck, even myself – we tend to make ourselves small. We minimize our story, our experience and our expertise.

Women are taught to fit in, to not rock the boat or we will get judged. And as a result, we people please, and live in fear of standing out, afraid that people won’t like us. *Again, I’m guilty as charged here*.

The impact of this?

We already know women don’t apply for jobs and ask for promotions as much as men. They don’t raise capital as much as men do.

But in the PR world?

It’s also making a difference because women aren’t applying for awards, or to be experts. As a result? Their brands - both business and personal - aren’t getting the exposure, growth, and credibility they deserve.

When women don’t get the credit and publicity, they’re not visible and they miss out on opportunities. Their businesses and careers are limited, and this extends to their ability to create generational wealth too: something you know we’re passionate about here.

On a bigger scale, our world suffers because we don't get to see women as role models as much as we should, and we miss out on the inspiration and role models we deserve.

BUT it’s not all hopeless. In fact, there’s never been a better time to get visible and step into the spotlight.

Today, I’m joined by Almira Bardai, one of North America’s leading experts in brand building and communications.

Almira is a fierce, powerful, BRILLIANT woman, and she’s here to help women see themselves as worthy, get more visible, and get the publicity they deserve. Also, be aware there is some swearing in the episode so if you’ve got little ears around, put some headphones on or listen to this episode later.

In this episode, we get tactical and spiritual.

You’ll learn:

  • What publicity and PR is – including some ideas and opportunities you may not have thought of and are evolving in our constantly changing world

  • Why it’s so necessary to be visible and what the benefits of PR are

  • Why it’s important to build your publicity, even if you’re in a corporate job or a professional

  • How to start to plant the seeds of PR now, not “someday”

  • Why “thought leadership” is important to establish and how to do it

  • When paid media is worth it and what to consider before paying for publicity

  • The difference between cold and warm pitches, and how much time to dedicate to PR

  • The importance of finding your unique angle and differentiating yourself from others: and believe me, if you’re here listening, you already ARE unique and different and your thoughts are worthy :)

Almira and I also talk spirituality, mindset and energy when it relates to PR including how manifestation and feminine energy plays into publicity, The Great Awakening, and how you can integrate more feminine energy into your life.

By the end of this episode, you’ll be ready to put your hand up, step into the spotlight and remember that YOU and your story are worthy of being shared. You’ll be ready to speak, share your voice, build connections, send pitches, and have the media want YOU.

We hope you walk away feeling confident, important and powerful - all things you ALREADY are - and you’ll feel inspired to take your confidence and power and go take action on your PR journey.

Listen up to this episode about public relations, feminine visibility and thought leadership with Almira Bardai…and get ready to get visible!!

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • What is PR and publicity? (7:40)

  • Why PR is important. (10:30)

  • Why it is particularly important for women to be heard in media. (13:20)

  • Why PR is important even in a corporate role. (29:45)

  • How to leverage speaking engagements as thought leadership. (41:40)

  • What “media is story” really means. (44:00)

  • Mantras and mindset to help with PR. (52:25)

  • Harnessing the feminine energy to make big change. (1:03:15)

  • What Almira is doing to cultivate more feminine energy in her life (1:09:35)

  • What the true ROI of PR is. (1:19:45)

  • When to consider paid media. (1:23:30)

  • How much time you should dedicate to PR. (1:30:20)

  • The biggest misconception people have about PR. (1:33:05)


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If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

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Almira Bardai:

Website: www.almirabardai.com   

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/almirab/ 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/almira.bardai 

LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/almirabardai 

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/6figuremediaqueen

Coaching Program: https://almirabardai.com/6-figure-media-queen/

The 2nd cohort of Almira’s business & visibility growth coaching program, 6 Figure Media Queen, starts Sept 26th. All Goalden Girls Podcast listeners get pre-launch pricing at $1497 (regular price is $2,000). It's a 6-week, group coaching program focused on 10x your visibility, and scaling your business to 6-figures (and beyond!). To claim your exclusive Goalden Girls Podcast discount, simply send Almira a message and she will set you up with the over $500 savings. 

Other resources mentioned:

The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks: https://amzn.to/2AWA5WD  

The Dressmaker of Khair Khana by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon: https://amzn.to/3QvVveM  

Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“I didn’t go into entrepreneurship because that’s what I thought about doing, I literally had no other choice.” - Almira Bardai

“Put your hand out there ladies, it’s time to be visible.” - Almira Bardai

“We’re all Googling anyway, so what are you putting out there?” - Almira Bardai

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #69 - Weekly Planning | How to Plan Your Week and Crush Your To-Do List

Anyone who knows me knows that if you give me an opportunity to talk about weekly planning I will take it! So you better believe when my good friend Rachel Harrison invited me onto her wildly successful YouTube show to talk about weekly planning I said heck yes!

One of the reasons I love Rachel is because she's whip smart and incredibly sharp. In my conversation with Rachel she asked me brilliant questions, ones that I knew I had to share with you so we've taken my YouTube Interview with Rachel and turned it into this podcast episode.

Now as I said, I LOVE talking about weekly planning, and in fact, Episode 39 of Golden Girls podcast is all about it. In that episode, I shared why weekly planning is so important and got into the nuts and bolts of how to find a system that works for you - a step-by-step to actually planning your week, and how to block the time. I also talked about some of the common challenges people face, including having a too-busy calendar and the ALL so common one: overestimating what happens in your week.

Rachel didn’t let me off easy just because we’re friends and she asked me some really powerful and important questions, like is it possible to succeed without weekly planning? 

We talked about the most common mistakes people make when approaching the process of weekly planning and the difference between urgent and important tasks, and how to navigate that. You're going to hear a lot of practical tips that you can take away and start implementing to make your weekly planning more successful moving forward. 

Rachel is also a busy Mom and entrepreneur and in this episode we also got real about how our mindset has affected our weekly planning. You’ll hear about the struggles we've faced - especially over the last few years with young children, businesses, a wild world and big dreams - and what it looks like to balance the realities of life and our big dreams - sometimes gracefully and sometimes with a lot of tears.

Here’s my challenge to you – listen to this episode, but also, commit to yourself to trying at least one or two things that we share. You don’t have to do it all, but don’t let this episode just go in one ear and out the other.

The tools we talk about have literally changed our lives. It doesn’t come without work or intention, but it’s all possible and there for you too, my friend. 

Take my invitation: commit to INTEGRATING one or two things – have that in your mind as you listen in as Rachel interviews me about weekly planning. 

By the end of this episode, you’re going to be confidently planning your weeks and executing on your goals and dreams, one week at a time. I don’t have a magic wand that will give you 200 hours a week or a full household staff. but I can promise you that you’ll feel a little less alone in the chaos that sometimes is our life in motherhood and entrepreneurship. And I promise you’ll walk away with some great tips to tweak - or overhaul - your weekly planning to make it work for YOU. 

And when you can do THAT… when you own your weeks, and put time on your calendar for your dreams … anything is possible. 

Enjoy this episode!

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Whether you should plan on a granular level or keep it high-level. (8:00)

  • The biggest mistakes people make when it comes to weekly planning. (11:30)

  • Practical tips for weekly planning. (20:00)

  • How to fit weekly planning into your already jam-packed schedule. (31:15)

  • The importance of zooming out. (34:45)

  • How anyone can make weekly planning work for them. (40:45)


Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



  • Goalden Girls Podcast Episode 39:  The one habit that changed everything: the benefits of weekly planning and how to prepare for, organize, and plan your week so you can crush your to-do list (without losing sleep or your sanity): https://www.lisamichaud.com/podcast/39 

Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“It’s about taking back control - this is what I want in my life and this is how I’m going to make it happen.” - Lisa Michaud

“It’s really important that we take care of ourselves and feel good.” - Lisa Michaud

“We are not just here to be human doings, we are also human beings.” - Lisa Michaud

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #67 - How to Connect and Use Ancient Wisdom and Practices with the Modern World with Aditja Jaykumar (Part 2)

In the last episode of Goalden Girls Podcast, I had the honour of interviewing Aditya Jaykumar, Certified Breathwork Practitioner and host of one of the top spiritual podcasts in the world, My Seven Chakras.

Aditya is all about bringing ancient wisdom to the world for the modern mind - and today for us, Golden Girls Podcast listeners.

In our first episode together, we talked about getting into the state of flow, flow versus presence, the role our nervous system plays in our life and why it matters so much, and how to bring bliss and playfulness into our life every day.

In this episode, we dive into a variety of healing modalities and creating natural altered states of consciousness.

You’ll learn about how to do this through breathwork, floatation, and the science and power behind brief intermittent hypoxia (aka holding your breath).

You’ll also learn about the power of yawning (and not just to be told it’s rude!) and about the ancient practice of Qigong.

Aditya also spoke candidly about the recent resurgence and interest in these ancient practices, the real cultural appropriation - and cultural distancing - that is happening – and the importance of respectful, conscious use of these practices.

There are a lot of deep conversations and thoughts weaved throughout, and we hope you enjoy this episode.

I know I’m not alone in desiring to find more simple, holistic ways of creating the beautiful moments in life. And I know you’ll love these ideas, and be served by starting to implement one or two (or as many as you want) in your life.

In this podcast episode, Aditya explores and shares wisdom on some of the best modalities out there to create flow to reduce anxiety, and create more creativity, fulfillment, and bliss in your life.

You’ll learn how to calm your mind, relax your nervous system and experience deep states of bliss.

If you haven’t already, make sure you go back and listen to the last episode to get the foundation of where we’re going, and the state of mind, consciousness, and body that we’re being called into.

Listen up Goalden Girl! In this episode, you’ll walk away with simple, practical, proven, evidence-based techniques and methods to improve the quality of your life - and notice a paradigm shift in how you look at - and LIVE - your life.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • The science behind conscious breathwork. (4:50)

  • The benefits of breathwork (with examples!) (9:00)

  • The power of yawning. (13:40)

  • What brief intermittent hypoxia is and its benefits (20:20)

  • How to create an altered state of consciousness without drugs or alcohol. (30:45)

  • The style of breathwork that Aditya prefers. (35:00)

  • The benefits of floatation tanks. (37:45)

  • All about Qigong and where to start with the practice. (46:00)

  • Let’s talk about cultural appropriation! (54:35)


Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Aditya Jaykumar:

Free Breathwork Session with Aditya –  mysevenchakras.com/breathworkexperience (Promo: HEAL2022)

Books & Resources:


Supplementary Goalden Girls Podcast episodes:

Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“We can use breathing to influence our surroundings, our situations, our interactions, and everything that we do.” - Aditya Jaykumar

“Maybe when a child is saying something, there is a glimpse of truth to it, maybe we need to research some more and find out more information." - Aditya Jaykumar

“It's almost like your heart is listening to a philharmonic orchestra.” - Aditya Jaykumar

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #66 - Flow, Breathwork, and Connecting with Yourself with Aditja Jaykumar (Part 1)

It’s impossible to talk about modern life these days and our experiences - especially in 2022 and going into our third year of a pandemic - without acknowledging the burnout, stress, grief, anxiety, imposter syndrome, and unhappiness that is being felt.

There’s a collective desire to move away from the negative - anxiety, burnout, grief, creative blocks - and create more of the really GREAT things in life (think presence, creativity, vision, joy, bliss and purpose!)

I know I’m not alone in wanting to find more simple, holistic ways of creating the beautiful moments in life.

Today, I’m joined by Aditjya Jaykumar, Certified Breathwork Practitioner and host of the My Seven Chakras Podcast, a podcast with over 6 million downloads. He’s worked with entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, Hollywood directors, and corporations with the goal to bring the numerous benefits of breathwork into the workplace - and today, to you.

As goal getters, it’s easy to keep moving the goalpost. You’ve run a half marathon and next you want a PB (and that never ends). If you’re building a social media following, you hit 10,000 followers, now you want 100,000. You hit 6-figures, then you want more.

There’s nothing wrong with being ambitious and having goals. In fact, I’m ALL about it.

But also, it’s so important to recognize that there’s so much beauty in this moment and if we’re in a constant hustle state, no matter what we have, we will never receive what we ultimately want in life - which is for most of us, to live it - to feel a sense of inner purpose, peace, happiness, fulfillment, and joy.

If we continue to chase, chase, chase, there’s no end. And while there can be purpose in the chase, chase on its own comes up empty.

In the last few years, we’ve also become intimately aware of how many things are OUTSIDE of our control. Travel, gatherings, events, business, relationships, have ALL been unpredictable over the last few years. For this reason, as challenging as it is, I believe it’s incredibly important to be able to tap into deeper levels of healing, transformation, and satisfaction.

What I’ve found in the last few years, is that when you can no longer be distracted by travel, events, business, or life, it leaves space for what’s really inside you.

And - on the flipside - when you can no longer achieve your goals the way you imagined them then it’s extra important to figure out how to create that joy, purpose and bliss, even when it feels “impossible” and outside of your control.

My interview with Aditya was JUICY and in fact, we broke it into THREE episodes.

In this podcast episode, you’ll hear about FLOW – what it is, why it’s important, and how it can add to your life.

You’ll learn:

  • How do you distinguish FLOW versus presence?

  • What the benefits of flow are (including accessing intuition, feeling calm and achieving a state of bliss - YES PLEASE!)

  • What happens when you’re in flow?

  • How do you know you’re IN flow?

  • How does FLOW affect time and how playfulness ties in?

  • You’ll also learn about the nervous system and its two states, and how to optimize your body’s experience in both.

In our next two episodes, Aditya explores and shares wisdom on some of the best modalities out there to create flow and achieve nervous system balance to reduce anxiety, and create more creativity, fulfillment, and bliss in your life.

You’ll learn how to calm your mind, relax your nervous system and experience deep states of bliss.

Aditya and I talk about Qigong, floatation tanks, cold exposure, and more. Of course, we also talk about breathwork and he will be leading us through a beautiful practice you can try if you’re new - or experienced - with breathwork.

Friend… this is going to be a good one because you’re going to walk away with simple, practical, proven evidence-based techniques and methods to improve the quality of your life and notice a paradigm shift in how you look at - and LIVE - your life.

Also, it’s impossible to talk about simple strategies and ancient wisdom without getting deeply spiritual, so we’re going there - we get real spiritual in this conversation. There’s a chance not everything will make sense right away. I was like that with Eckhart Tolle. When I first read his books 15 years ago they meant nothing to me. It was words on a page, and that’s it. I couldn’t absorb or understand the text, let alone the hype and life-changing experience everyone was talking about.

But now, all these years later, I get it. The words speak to me, and I can hear the message and am available to absorb it.

Since then, I’ve realized that this is very common in my spiritual journey - and it may be the same for you.

Basically what I believe is this: you can only absorb the information you’re available for. The awareness you’re ready for will appear when you’re ready for it.

Not everyone is prepared for it - Just like I wasn’t all those years ago, and just like not everyone is prepared for an ocean dip.

Sometimes we have to hear a concept several times to really let it land for us. Sometimes it takes years for it to fully be interpreted and understood at the right moment.

But I will say this: you don't have to understand, align with, agree, or believe everything Aditya or I share. I mean - spoiler alert – this is true for ALL of life.

And that’s OK. I know our world right now makes it seem like something is either good, bad, pro, anti, left, right, true, false, aligned, or not aligned. And that’s just not the truth.

I invite you to come to this episode - all episodes - and especially, your life, ready to receive. Ready to listen.

And be A-OK if not everything resonates - there’s nothing wrong with you, or with us for sharing. It doesn’t mean you’re “not spiritual enough” or that what we’re sharing doesn’t have some truth or purpose for it.

If you’re someone who struggles with trust - this might be a great practice for you.

Listen up Goalden Girl! In this episode, you’ll learn how to calm your mind, relax your nervous system, and experience deep states of bliss.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • What made Aditya want to get into real estate. (12:40)

  • What it means to be in flow. (15:30)

  • What flow isn’t and how our brains work. (18:30)

  • The concept of time dilation. (21:30)

  • The difference between flow and presence. (23:30)

  • What gets Aditja into flow. (29:50)

  • The benefits of being in flow. (32:25)

  • How our nervous system works. (37:55)

  • Why we need to take back our control. (50:20)

  • Where bliss and playfulness fit into the equation. (54:28)


Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Aditja Jaykumar:

Free Breathwork Session with Aditya –  mysevenchakras.com/breathworkexperience (Promo: HEAL2022)

Books & Resources:


Supplementary Goalden Girls Podcast episodes:

Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“Your home is deeply connected to energetics.” - Aditja Jaykumar

“If we have a self then we are not the future and we are not the past.” - Aditja Jaykumar

“We become the work that we are doing. We are not the doer, we are the work and the person who is doing the work as well.” - Aditja Jaykumar

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #68 - Vedanta, Breathwork and Cold Exposure Practices for Modern Life with Aditya Jaykumar (Part 3)

In the last two episodes, Episodes 66 and Episodes 67, I’ve had the honour of interviewing Aditya Jaykumar, Certified Breathwork Practitioner and host of one of the top spiritual podcasts in the world, My Seven Chakras. 

In our first episode together, Episode 66, we talk about getting into the state of flow, flow versus presence, the role our nervous system plays in our life and why it matters so much, and how to bring bliss and playfulness into our life every day. 

In our second episode, Episode 67, we dove into a variety of healing modalities and creating natural altered states of consciousness - from breathwork, to floatation, and the science and power behind brief intermittent hypoxia (aka, holding your breath). I learned about the power of yawning, Qigong, and Aditya spoke candidly about the recent resurgence in interest in these ancient practices, the real cultural appropriation - and cultural distancing - that is happening, and the importance of respectful, conscious use of these practices. 

In this episode - the one you’re listening to now, we talk about three more ancient practices to experience more joy, bliss, presence and beauty in our life. 

Aditya speaks about Vedanta - which is something modern day neuroscientists love and appreciate – and Ayurvedic oil baths, two practices that were BRAND new to me. We also talk about plant medicine versus breathwork, and then (my favourite) cold exposure, something I’m borderline evangelical about…and why the heck you should try it too. We also talk about the importance of integration when it comes to any practice and healing modality and how to continue your growth beyond the moments you’re in it.

I invite you to come to this episode - all episodes - and especially, your whole life, ready to receive. Ready to listen.

As with everything I create, I truly hope it will serve you. Dig into these practices, and enjoy, my friend!

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Aditya's thoughts on plant medicine. (6:00)

  • All about Vedanta. (12:00)

  • The benefits of cold exposure therapy. (22:55)

  • Ayurvedic oil baths as a way to express self-love and so much more. (28:30)

  • Connecting with our ancestors and our relationship with death. (32:50)

  • Aditya’s theory on reality. (47:55)

  • A breathwork exercise with Aditya. (52:55)

  • Rapid fire with Aditya. (1:01:05)


Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Aditya Jaykumar:

Free Breathwork Session with Aditya –  mysevenchakras.com/breathworkexperience (Promo: HEAL2022)

Books & Resources:


Supplementary Goalden Girls Podcast episodes:

Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“You need to know what you’re getting into in the first place, because it can get wild.” - Aditya Jaykumar

“The medicine is the message a lot of times.” - Aditya Jaykumar

“The lack of knowledge of self is ultimately why we feel sad.” - Aditya Jaykumar

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #65 - How to Heal the Divide

Alright, maybe you noticed - or maybe you didn’t - that I took a semi-retirement and took almost a year between releasing episodes.  

You can go back and listen to Episode 57 (my life update) where I share why I took a break, my health challenges, the recovery, and so much more.

One of the things I talked about in that episode is how heavy and exhausting I’ve found the state of the world these days. 

It felt like I had so many questions, so many things I wanted to say and conversations I wanted to share but that I wasn’t able to. The fear I had of cancel culture, being ostracized, labelled, and judged was DEEP and so strong.

I found myself holding back the genuine concerns I had about the state of the world – from covid restrictions to the lack of dialogue that is welcomed to cancel culture itself — holding it all in was making me sick. It’s not an exaggeration to say I believe it was slowly aging and literally killing me holding it in. I was exhausted, and constantly run down with colds, and as I mention in the video, I heard from so many of you that you also had headaches and weren’t feeling well. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we’re holding in our thoughts, feelings, ideas and hearts, and by holding it in, it’s making us sick. 

But I digress…

In December of 2021, I hit a point where it became MORE uncomfortable to go along and to hold it all in that it was to speak up, to potentially be ostracized, labelled, attacked, and perhaps even cancelled.

There came a point where I had to speak up about the current state of the world. 

My friend, I believe we are in a pivotal moment in history: we are at a place where our broken systems and our cultural failings are at the forefront and it's super dang uncomfortable. Our culture has been toxic for a while and I think we’ve hit a point where it’s showing in so many aspects of life from “health care” to education, our financial and political systems, our media - all the way to our communities and the way we interact with each other, online and offline. I know I’m not the only one that sees this and feels this.

Today’s episode is a little different: it’s an extraction from an Instagram live I recorded a few months ago.

I’ve struggled a lot the last year especially, watching on the sidelines as I’ve been healing my health and focusing on myself, struggling with the division, with the name-calling, the double standards, the way we are TREATING each other as humans.

And frankly - struggling with how many of us are struggling and not thriving, myself included for a while. I’ve felt saddened by how many people I know are feeling isolated, facing anxiety, depression and more…. alone.

I think the fact that so many people feel so isolated, anxious, and depressed is a sign of our toxic culture. The fact we suffer alone is yet another example of how our desire for individuality has swung too far and left us without community and support from each other. 

I cannot overstate HOW scared I was to record this, and to even speak up in the slightest, for fear of disappointing people, for fear of losing friendships, or making people mad.  

As a recovering people pleaser, this is hard. 

Most of what I share in this episode is not, in fact, controversial. Or at least, it’s my opinion that it shouldn’t be. 

My invitation is for us to heal the divide and the fact that I’ve been scared to speak up about talking to people with different opinions– and I KNOW I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE – is a sign of how FAR away from humanity, openness, and curiosity we’ve strayed from as a society and as a culture. 

And it’s time to change that.

You will hear my voice quiver, because it is scary. This does not come naturally to me. This is me in real time expanding and stepping out of my comfort zone.

Being divisive is not me. I want to bring us together. 

Please keep in mind as you’re listening that this was recorded live, and I always like to respond to comments as they come in live. I considered editing them out, but I think it’s helpful to hear some of the actual comments from others to know you’re not alone, and to also hear some of the perfectly valid questions/concerns that came up. If you prefer video and want to watch the live instead, there’s a link in the show notes.

If you’ve been struggling with HOW to start to heal the divide and how to reconnect with others, this is for you and these are my thoughts.

If you’ve been wondering how you can start to speak up on ANY topic that feels “divisive” and help to BE THE BRIDGE, I see you and we NEED YOU!

Thank you for listening - and thank you for taking these ideas and incorporating them into your life, your conversations and your community.  

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • What I’ve noticed about speaking out. (13:00)

  • Unlearning what we’ve been taught. (20:15)

  • The two things to consider when having hard conversations. (27:20)

  • My invitation to you. (31:30)


Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Live Video: https://www.instagram.com/p/CYupaRAIoYm/  

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #57 - A Life Update: From Burnout and Breakdowns to Breakthroughs and Massive Growth: www.lisamichaud.com/podcast/57  

Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“I am a people pleasing overachieving perfectionist, and speaking out has been really hard.” - Lisa Michaud

“Showing love, and showing compassion, that is actually some of the most life-giving and life-affirming experiences in the whole world.” - Lisa Michaud

“We need to unlearn our need to be right.” - Lisa Michaud

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #64 - Sober Curious Life & Mindful Drinking with Meredith Garritsen

Alcohol: It’s hard to think of a social event in our culture that DOESN'T include some form of alcohol. 

Brewery crawls. Wine tours and tastings. Birthdays, holidays, you name it - all served with drinks. There’s work Happy Hour meetups, workplaces with beer on tap, and so much more. 

If you know me at all, you know I LOVE my wine. I also enjoy beer and am a huge fan of unique cocktails - I make lots at home and am perfectly happy paying what may seem obscene prices for a great specialty cocktail. 

Alcohol has been a staple in my life for a long time.  Heck, our wedding included a wine tour, one of the coolest souvenirs I have is a bottle of wine from North Korea (that I will probably NEVER drink), and we literally named our daughter, SONOMA, after the wine region in California. 

I’m probably just about the first person my friends think of when they think of someone to have a drink with…

And as a result, I’m probably the LAST person you’d expect to talk about a subject like sobriety and alcohol free living.

I start this episode with a humble acknowledgement that my life experience does not include an alcohol addiction and I do not have anyone in my closet inner circle that does. I don’t want to downplay the severity and complexity of addiction. I am also not a professional in addictions.

The topic of addiction is REAL, valid, and important to discuss and to continue to bring awareness and respectful treatment options that are accessible for everyone. 

If you’re looking for resources on addictions, we’ve put some together for you in the resources below.

In this episode, I’m joined by Meredith Garritsen for a discussion about alcohol free living and we’re going to talk more about our “area of expertise” – social drinking, and the drinking that many of us do on a daily or weekly basis. 

You know - The stuff that “wine mom” memes are made of. 

After going on my own health journey and exploring sobriety too, and coincidentally finding out my amazing friend Meredith is also doing it, I know we’re not the only ones who want to be more health conscious — AND also are curious about sobriety and creating a life of joy, fun, happiness, adventure, connection WITHOUT alcohol. 

In this episode we talk about:

  • Why it can feel so hard to decline a drink in our culture, and how we’ve gotten over this

  • How intertwined alcohol is with our culture and what it looks like to start to change this in our personal lives and the wider culture

  • What some of the surprising benefits of going sober, or being sober curious, are

  • Suggestions on how to tackle some of the biggest challenges: what to say to people, what else to do instead of drink, and how to focus on presence without alcohol

  • We also talk about alcohol alternatives - and YES there are recipes and links in the resources too 

So, whether you’ve woken up hungover one too many times, said the wrong thing one too many times, are interested in improving your health, or just curious about sobriety and MINDFUL drinking might look like in your life, listen in. 

And if you ever worry that it’s not as much fun, you won’t have as many friends, or be as social without alcohol, we hope this episode changes that, and encourages you to lean in.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Meredith’s relationship with alcohol 2-3 years ago and what the past few years have looked like for her. (6:10)

  • When and why she started assessing her relationship with alcohol. (21:50)

  • The benefits Meredith experienced from not drinking. (28:50)

  • The paradigm of how alcohol is viewed in our culture. (40:20)

  • Meredith’s suggestions for navigating a newly found sober-life. (49:15)

  • Dating, sex, and sober-life. (56:45)

  • The tools she uses to navigate sober-life gracefully. (1:23:20)

  • How to have fun without alcohol. (1:38:20)

  • Lightning round with Meredith. (1:41:20)


Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Meredith Garritsen

Website: http://hervanacollective.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hervanacollective/


Alcohol-free alternatives: 

  • Kombucha. This fermented and naturally lightly sparkling drink is made from black or green tea and a sprinkling of bacteria. 

  • Alcohol-Free Sparkling Wine & Sparkling Juices

  • Booze-free beer: ie. Partake, Molson Prohibition, etc.

  • Mocktails


Blume Teas:  Great for winter. Lisa’s favourite is the Blue Lavendar. Save $10 by going to www.lisamichaud.com/blume


Links to AA: https://www.aa.org/ 

List of General Service Conference Area Website: https://www.aa.org/list-of-general-service-conference-area-web-sites-uscanada 

Addiction center: https://www.addictioncenter.com/ 

Adult children of Alcoholics: https://adultchildren.org/ 

Consumer Affairs (Best Drug and Alcohol Centers): https://www.consumeraffairs.com/health/drug-and-alcohol-rehab-centers/ 

State B: https://statebelevate.com

Crisis Text Line: Visit www.crisistextline.org/ or text “START” to 741-741.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Visit www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ or call 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

SAMHSA's Helpline: Visit www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline or call 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

Youth in BC 24/7 Crisis Line: 1-866-661-3311

Crisis Services Canada: 1-833-456-4566, or Text “START” to 45645

Kelty Mental Health + Peer Support: 1-800-665-1822 or keltymentalhealth.ca

Mental Health & Substance Use Hub: www.gov.bc.ca

Wellness Together Canada: 1-866-585-0445

Alcoholics Anonymous: Find a local chapter at www.aa.org

Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“I am incorporating more sober days into my life.” - Meredith

“We seek out and chase times that are simpler.” - Meredith

“Having a few lines in your back pocket is always helpful.” - Meredith

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #63 - Venture Capitalism, Private Equity and How Women Can Access Funding for Their Business

As you may know, I have a business degree - and in particular, a double major in accounting and finance -  and let me tell you, despite this, every day I learn SO much in business, personal finance, and real estate that I did not know.

Here’s another one of those topics I didn’t know anything about: private equity and venture capitalism. 

Today I’m honored to be joined by Yuri Fulmer - someone who knows a LOT about finance, business, private equity, and venture capitalism.

In the last episode of Goalden Girls Podcast, we learned about Yuri’s incredible entrepreneurial background, and the creation of his $60-million company, as well as the lessons, challenges, and real talk of what that was ACTUALLY like. 

Let me tell you a little about Yuri in case you missed part one: he has been building businesses since his early twenties, starting with an unexpected opportunity to buy a local franchise while working for A&W. Since then, Yuri has grown that single A&W franchise into dozens, building a $60-million business portfolio by the time he was 30. In 2016, he founded Fulmer Capital Partners (now Fulmer & Company) to continue doing what he does best - helping businesses grow and serving local communities, both of which you’ll learn more about in this episode.

Yuri’s community and business experience is impressive and his contributions do not go unnoticed: he’s been recognized in many places including Canada’s Top Forty Under 40 (2008), The BC Community Achievement Award (2010), The Spirit of Vancouver Award (2011), The Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal (2012) and The Order of British Columbia (2010) for Yuri’s “dynamic entrepreneurship and committed volunteerism”. Away from the office, you can often find Yuri  - or maybe not find him – enjoying the great

outdoors near and far, fishing, diving, canoeing, kayaking, climbing and


If you haven’t already, make sure you go back and listen to the last episode - trust me, it’s a great one! In it, Yuri shares how he ended up where he is now as the Founder of Fulmer & Co, a family firm that owns and invests in a collection of companies in the hospitality, B2B, manufacturing, construction, digital technology and consumer service industries. 

And that’s what this episode is all about:  private equity and venture capitalism. You’ll get your questions answered, such as:

  • What is private equity and what does a private equity firm do?

  • What is venture capitalism and how is it different than private equity?

  • What are angel investors and how friends and family can be one of your best places to start with funding your business.

Listen in and you’ll also learn:

  • As a business, what you can get out of working with private equity or venture capitalism. You’ll hear about the tradeoffs and what you give up in exchange for the opportunity to grow your company.

  • You’ll hear about how to find legitimate private equity firms, and how you can do due diligence on them. You’ll also learn what the due diligence process looks like AS a founder and entrepreneur – and this part definitely shocked me a little.

  • Yuri’s best tips and advice for fundraising.

  • How there is still a HUGE imbalance in the private equity world: the vast majority of funding goes to male versus female-founded companies, and there is serious underrepresentation for POC as well. Yuri got honest about the role he has to play and how he’s making a difference.

When I put the question out there on social media to YOU and asked “what do YOU want to know about private equity and venture capitalism” the resounding answer was “EVERYTHING”.  So, my friend, here’s my best attempt at covering as much as possible and as close to “everything” as is possible in a 45 minute episode.  Buckle up friend… here we go!

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • How Yuri decided what to invest in (8:15)

  • What private equity is and what private equity firms do. (9:20)

  • The difference between private equity, venture capitalism, and angel investing. (12:00)

  • The pros and cons to working with private equity and venture capitalism. (19:50)

  • What most are doing with capital to grow. (22:40)

  • All about due diligence. (41:25)

  • What entrepreneurs should be prepared for if they are looking for investors. (44:45)

  • Yuri's best tips for pitching to investors. (51:15)

  • What needs to change to level the playing fields for entrepreneurs. (55:40)

  • What Yuri is building with Fulmer & Co. (1:01:45)

  • Rapid fire round with Yuri. (1:05:50)


Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Yuri Fulmer:

Website: fulmerandco.com

Email: yuri@fulmerandco.com

Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“[Private equity] is an established business with a proven bottom line.” - Yuri Fulmer

“The more money you take, the more you owe someone else, and I don’t mean owe in the financial sense.” - Yuri Fulmer

“Take as little as you need to continue to grow the business.” - Yuri Fulmer

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #62 - Entrepreneurship, Health and Wellbeing with Yuri Fulmer - Part 1

You know those people whose names keep coming up in your life? You know, those people who you just keep meeting, and your paths keep crossing, randomly, and perhaps seemingly unconnected?

Well, today’s guest is one of those people for me. I first met Yuri back in 2007, when I was a University student studying Accounting and Finance. I had the pleasure of representing my University in a business simulation competition at Capilano University, and myself, along with 3 other classmates, competed against other Universities across the province.

For the weekend, I was the CEO, and we had a business to grow and run.  The experience was exciting, expansive, scary - and way outside of my comfort zone. It was also an incredible learning opportunity. 

While my team did not win, I came away with a lot of lessons for life, business and leadership. See, my role had been the CEO within our team, and we were all given mentors for the weekend. The CEO mentor I got? An award-winning, big city entrepreneur named… you guessed it… Yuri Fulmer. 

The advice Yuri gave me that weekend stuck with me and I’ve never forgotten. He inspired me and taught me a lot. 

And then, I went back to my small town, and back to busy life as usual, ready to integrate the lessons at work and home.

A few years later, in Fort McMurray at a town council meeting our paths crossed again. I was supporting the Fort McMurray downtown vision for the community and Yuri was representing one of his businesses. We briefly reconnected, albeit we were on what you may call “opposing sides” of this argument and proposed plan.

Fast forward to today, where I have the pleasure and opportunity to interview - and most of all, share - Yuri’s wisdom, humility and graciousness with YOU on Goalden Girls Podcast. 

Let me tell you a little about Yuri: he has been building businesses since his early twenties, starting with the purchase of a local A&W franchise. Since then, Yuri has grown that single A&W franchise into dozens, building a $60-million business portfolio by the time he was 30. 

Over the years, he’s been actively involved in local non-profit, educational, and arts organizations, and serves as an accredited Director on a number of corporate and civic boards. He’s also been recognized as Canada’s Top Forty Under 40 (2008), and was awarded The Order of British Columbia (2010) and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal (2012). 

This episode is part one of two, where we focus on Yuri’s vast entrepreneurial journey, from his initial goal of having a corporate career, to owning his first franchise, to creating a business that generates over $60-million in revenue annually.

We also talk about the moment that made him slow his growth, how he invests through private equity and venture capitalism, and the one simple exercise he did to figure out what he should be doing with his life, work, and business. 

This episode is ALL about success - success in business, life, and beyond. Even if you’re not an entrepreneur, you’ll find this episode incredibly inspiring. If you’re anything like me, after listening you’ll be excited to continue to be the best, and to do good in the community around you too. 

Friend, enjoy this episode of Goalden Girls Podcast, with Yuri Fulmer.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Yuri’s incredible entrepreneurial journey. (9:20)

  • Being willing to take risks as an entrepreneur. (20:50)

  • The biggest lessons Yuri learned in business. (25:00)

  • How Yuri does business now having faced the challenges he faced. (30:45)

  • The risks of saying no. (37:50)

  • Why it’s important for Yuri to do good with his business. (40:00)

  • The changes Yuri wants to see to make the world a better place for entrepreneurs. (44:45)

  • How Yuri got to where he is today in private equity. (51:00)


Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Yuri Fulmer:

Website: fulmerandco.com

Email: yuri@fulmerandco.com

Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“We set people up in life with this limited number of things you can be and we forget to tell them about all of the things that even exist today, let alone the things that don't exist today. So we do a really poor job of setting people up. And I think I was the casualty of that.” - Yuri Fulmer

“The moment of entrepreneurship is ‘this could be bigger than just me.’” - Yuri Fulmer

“I think you have to have a willingness to take risks that others aren’t prepared to take.” - Yuri Fulmer

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #61 - What all humans need: how to be supported in growth, healing, challenges and tough times. And a blueprint for better, deeper, richer conversations and humanity

Sometimes, we just have to step out of our comfort zone.

Today, is one of those days. I’m doing a totally off-the-cuff Goalden Girls episode - that means no script, no SEO keywords, no rehearsal, and no fancy intro.

That means that you might hear me shuffling my notes a little bit because I have all these different papers in front of me - BUT like I said, no perfect script, just something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time.

So get comfortable and listen in to hear about how to get the support that you need - yes, YOU - when you’re going through a hard time. Nobody does it alone, that is a fact, and sometimes…people don’t know how to show up for you. Or they don’t know what to do to help you. 

You’ll hear about how you can get the people around you - whether it be a leader, a boss, a mentor, a partner, a neighbour, or heck, even yourself - how you can get the people around you to support you, and how do you make sure you’re getting the right support you need when things get hard? We’ll talk about some of the tools and resources that you can turn to to help support yourself.

If you’re going through a hard time, or you’ve been through a hard time (we all have!), and you want to know how to get through it, or how to support someone else through a hard time - this is an episode you won’t want to miss!

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Where the inspiration came for this episode topic. (4:45)

  • The four things we all need as human beings. (7:20)

  • How to use the four needs to get the support you need. (9:20)

  • What support can look like (it might not be what you expect!) (12:30)

  • Why boundaries are necessary. (20:45)

  • Figure out what you need - than ask for it. (28:00)


Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 


Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“I’m looking for progress - for you, for me, and for humanity.” - Lisa Michaud

“The first step is always awareness.” - Lisa Michaud

“We have to feel good in order to really take aligned action and create sustained change in our life.” - Lisa Michaud

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #58 - How to Embrace Radical Authenticity as a Path for Greater Joy, Freedom and Success with Amber Swenor - Part 1

Do you ever feel like you have to look, act, speak, or even think a certain way in order to be successful? In order to be liked, to fit in, to be influential or (you know) “followed”?

Do you ever feel like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole?

Maybe it’s just me, but it often seems like there’s a few very narrow definitions of “success’, namely “leadership”, “business,” even what it means to be “professional” in our world - and honestly, not a lot of them appeal to me.

Here’s what I see around me in the community I have, in my friendships, and frankly, EVEN in myself: SOO many of us women are selling ourselves short. We limit our authentic selves to try to fit in, to sound smart, to be professional, to have success — but the result is that we end up playing small.

We doubt ourselves and let others dictate how we feel and how we act. Our friends, internet trolls, colleagues, and neighbours — all their opinions matter and weigh heavily as we make decisions on what we eat, what we think, the job or business we take or don’t take, who we listen to, how we behave in the pandemic, what we say, how we raise our kids, how we behave in relationships and truly, all aspects of HOW we live our life.

The truth is so many of us aren’t even awakened to what success means to us, and even if we do know, we don’t know HOW to get there. 

So many women - and maybe you can relate - feel stuck. Maybe you keep talking about a dream, but you keep getting caught in the resistance and the challenge.

Even more of us are still disconnected from our AUTHENTIC selves, so busy trying not to rock the boat, stuck in people pleasing mode, and in the process, ultimately, losing ourselves. 

If any of this resonates with you, this episode and the next one are for you.

Today I’m joined by Amber Swenor, a transformational brand strategist who is passionate about helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses on their own terms.

This is not just about business though.

Amber is not your average anything. She’s a 7-figure entrepreneur running three companies, the lead singer in a metal band, AND she doesn’t work more than 40 hours a week.

But to get to this point has been a journey, and she is spilling the lessons that she has learned along the way.

Amber and I had a LOT to talk about, so we’ve split this into TWO episodes.

In this episode, we talk about authenticity, and how the HECK she weaves her rocker personality into her million dollar businesses. 

We talk about the fears that stop us from being authentic, and why radical authenticity needs to be talked about - and LIVED – right now, especially in the world we live in and are consciously creating.

Listen up to learn about how your biggest challenge can be a path to growth and lead to your biggest breakthroughs. 

At the end of this episode, you’ll have permission to OWN who you are. If you’re a heart-centered human, we hope this episode helps you stop worrying so much about others, because the truth is: you’re probably doing JUST fine.

You’ll feel confident, and have a greater self trust of YOUR inner knowing. 

And you’ll be ready to choose what YOUR success model looks like. 

Most of all, you’ll be able to notice where in your life you may be holding yourself back and decide what you’re no longer available for so you can go for what you want MOST - for yourself. 

Listen up, Golden Girls, we’re talking about embracing radical authenticity as a path for greater joy, freedom and success - and it’s a message we can all use a little more of. I hope you enjoy this episode.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Amber’s journey to now and what led her to become an entrepreneur. (9:00)

  • How she integrated her authentic rocker self into her business life. (12:25)

  • All about Amber’s core business, Soul Seed. (19:00)

  • How she navigates knowing who you’re speaking to with also not judging others. (21:20)

  • How Amber has stepped into her authenticity. (24:30)

  • What a ‘badass list’ is and how to use it to your advantage. (31:40)

  • How Amber approaches money mindset. (32:40)

  • What authenticity means to Amber. (35:40)

  • Why now is the time to be talking about radical authenticity. (44:20)

  • What it means to be a heart-centred person. (50:10)


Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“When we stop judging ourselves, it’s as if the external judgements also fall away.” - Amber Swenor

“Serve one person at a time.” - Amber Swenor

“I only got here by starting with one foot in front of the next.” - Amber Swenor

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #57 - A Life Update: From Burnout and Breakdowns to Breakthroughs and Massive Growth

Hi Friend, 

It’s been a while. Almost exactly a year, in fact. 

A lot has happened. Good. Bad. Challenging. Excruciatingly painful. Soul-crushing, and soul-filling. 

So many of you have reached out over social media, in person, and through email to see how I am and where I’ve been.

I feel like simultaneously I haven’t been anywhere, and I’ve been everywhere all at once. I’m in the same chair I was one year ago, and yet in a vastly different place.

So I thought I’d record an episode and give you a life update as we get ready to kick off and fire up Goalden Girls Podcast again. 

In this episode, I’m sharing the last year and the ups and downs I’ve experienced:

  • The massive health challenges I faced and the journey to come out of it.

  • My health ‘aha’s’ – sleep, my gut healing, gluten adventure, SO much.

  • The most exciting opportunity of my career – a TV Show I was signed up to do (and then had to cancel).

  • The next layer of people pleasing and comfort I had to expand out of as Covid mandates and the great divide of our society took hold.

  • You’ll hear what I really think about covid mandates and our response to the pandemic (which you’ve probably seen if you’ve been following on social media)

  • My newfound interest and dare I say passion for politics and involvement in the process.

  • What I’ve had to detach from and the great deep friendships and community I’ve now formed because of that detachment.

  • Why we didn’t run Goalden Girls Mastermind in 2022 for the first time in 5 years - which was a scary thing because it’s where a vast majority of our revenue comes from.

  • Sharing new, deeper, self care that I’ve fully embraced, including nervous system hygiene work, breath-work, and a whole lot of ocean swims and cold plunges.

As I share this, I’m literally overwhelmed with ALL the emotions - gratitude, joy, sadness - I truly LOVE this podcast and creating it, and I’ve missed it so much. And I’m so grateful to each of you who listen, who have reached out. and for listening here. 

Thanks for being here. for listening, and for caring. I hope you enjoy this episode as I pull back the curtain on my life, mind, body, and soul.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • My epic breakdown and my health a-ha’s. (3:50)

  • The lessons I learned over the past year. (10:15)

  • How the 1% better strategy worked for me. (15:55)

  • The TV show that got cancelled. (17:10)

  • COVID restrictions, personal health decisions, and bodily autonomy. (19:10)

  • How I have found a passion for politics. (37:15)

  • Why we didn’t run Goalden Girls Mastermind this year. (44:00)

  • The new self-care tips that I have adapted. (46:30)


Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“What matters is that you set some time frame for your goals, at the very least.” - Lisa Michaud

“You might be wrong, but you also might be right.” - Lisa Michaud

“Don’t accept things just the way that they are, especially in our culture today.” - Lisa Michaud

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #59 - Human Design, Authentic Leadership, and Leaning Into Resistance with Amber Swenor - Part 2

There are a lot of wild things happening in the world today. 

What I’m about to say might sound bold, but here goes anyway: I really believe that a lot of the issues we see today - from our global and local leadership, to the challenges we face in our humanity, all the way down to the personal struggles you and I have in our lives - comes down to the fact that it is hard, it is uncomfortable, and also completely necessary to be radically authentic in our life.

It’s important in the way we show up in our world, and if you’re just tuning in, go back and listen to Episode 58 to get part of my conversation with heart-centred, metalhead, and business strategist, Amber Swenor.

In the last episode, we talk about authenticity and how the heck Amber weaves her rocker personality into her 7-figure business. You're going to hear about the fears that stop us (and probably you, too) from being authentic, and why radical authenticity needs to be talked about and lived right now, especially in the world that we live in and are creating together 

My friend, you're going to learn about how your biggest challenge can be a path to growth and can lead to the biggest breakthroughs of your life, and how those challenges can actually allow you to get closer to your authentic self. Most of all, I know that you're going to be reminded that you have permission to own who you are. And we want you to be able to notice where you may be holding yourself back so you can decide what you are no longer available for, because there was so much good stuff in my chat with Amber.

In this episode, you’ll hear about Amber's breakdown, what Human Design is, and how you can use it to help you create the right strategy for you and your success. You're also going to hear about how Amber showed up radically authentic in this pandemic, and she shares the journey of when I first met her, working 80-plus hours a week for the startup season of our business, to the sacrifices you make to get to the point where she is now, running three successful businesses with over a million dollars in revenue and working less than 40 hours a week. 

You're also going to hear about stories beyond business. You’ll hear how Amber has been shut down for being human. And I know Amber is not the only one. I know you're going to have examples of this too in your life. So we want you to know you're not alone and share how this struggle led to a bigger win than Amber ever imagined in her life.

So without further ado, enjoy this episode, my friend, and thank you so much for listening.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • What Human Design is and how it has helped Amber. (6:00)

  • Why resistance is a path to growth. (13:55)

  • The importance of tracking and reflecting. (17:30)

  • How to embrace, and then overcome, the resistance. (21:20)

  • How Amber showed up radically authentic throughout the pandemic. (27:20)

  • All about Spiritual Bypassing. (37:40)

  • How to find your truest self. (45:10)

  • A goal Amber is working towards right now. (47:00)


Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“I started to give myself permission to work differently.” - Amber Swenor

“Every gift and strength can have a shadow side.” - Amber Swenor

“Pay attention to where the area of resistance is.” - Amber Swenor

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #60 - Making Money as a Creative: How to Overcome the “Broke Artist Stereotype” and Freelance to Make Art AND Money with Chantel Tavares

Doctor. Dentist. Backup dancer. Teacher. Singer. Oprah. Accountant. Professional Speaker. Author. 

Those are just a FEW of the jobs I knew I wanted growing up.

It’s so funny how when we’re really little, we’re told we can do anything. Adults ask you what you want to be when you grow up, and smile and encourage you.

But then, there’s a certain age that hits - and suddenly, it changes – and only particular answers seem to become acceptable.

Now, I can’t speak for everyone.

But I can speak for myself, and the experience I know a LOT of you have gone through which is this:

At a certain point, when you tell someone you want to be something that isn’t a professional (ie. a teacher, police, lawyer, doctor, accountant, you know the jobs I’m talking about here…) people start to talk you out of it. Maybe it’s totally rude and they laugh or tell you you’re dreaming, or maybe they try to protect you and tell you that there’s no jobs - you’ll be broke- or your chance of success is teeny tiny.

But often, the message that certain career choices are unacceptable is more subtle. You notice other people nod at everyone else’s reply to the question “what will you do after school” or even “what do you do for work” later in life. and they don’t nod for yours. Maybe you notice your parents proudly proclaim your sibling’s career, or your neighbour’s career choices, but not yours. 

Slowly, over time, so many of us have learned that certain career choices are more acceptable, more realistic, more practical and hence, BETTER, than others.

Now let me say this: no matter what you do in life, there’s going to be naysayers, there will always be people who don’t support you.  

Sometimes, people are just jerks.

A LOT of the time, people project their own fears, insecurities, unfulfilled dreams and frankly, crap onto you.

And other times, people love you and are genuinely trying to protect you.

For most of us, those around us DO love us and want to see us succeed - albeit based on a narrow definition of what “success” means.


It’s incredibly inspiring to see how many of us are redefining success for ourselves.

Our guest today, Chantel Tavares, is the Millennial Money Coach for Creative Freelancers. She helps creative millennials to budget and save so that within six months they have more than enough money to focus more on what they are passionate about - which includes helping others save their first $10,000 in 6 months.

Let’s be honest - social media managers, Canva graphic designers, audio book narrators, TikTok Dance instructors and creators, virtual assistants - NONE of these were careers that existed even 10 years ago. And today? There’s ample opportunity to do any of these things - and more - and be successful financially and fulfilled personally.

Listen up to today’s episode where I chat with Chantel Tavares, all about making a life through creative freelancing. 

You’ll learn:

- That there are a LOT of ways to make money as a creative freelancer, and you don’t have to be a big name like Britney Spears to be successful. Chantel shares a TON of ideas through this episode, that you’ll be sure to leave this episode with an exciting list of ideas - that are ALSO in-demand  - for how you can make money with your creative expression.

- What’s important in a job when you’re also creative freelancing, and how do you find those opportunities? 

- What the financial basics ARE that are so important for people to have before creative freelancing - because it’s not all about just living on a prayer – it’s important to blend the big dreams, with the practical, and the day-to-day realities of life.  

While there may not be a tried-and-true, one-size fits all path to creative success, that’s what is so exciting!

By the end of this episode, you’ll be DONE stuffing down your desires and pushing away your creative talent, and you’ll be ready to start owning it! 

You’ll be more trusting of your skills… and ready to plan your budget, and implement the tasks you need to reach your creative career goals! 

Alright friend, Let’s do this! 

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • How Chantel got started helping others save their first $10k. (9:00)

  • Chantel’s advice for anyone scared to pursue their passion because of finances. (16:40)

  • What is a Creative Millennial and how can you make money being one? (21:00)

  • What prompted Chantel to change in 2020. (27:00)

  • How Chantel makes income today. (32:50)

  • How she plans for inconsistencies in her income. (40:15)

  • Why it’s important to invest in yourself. (44:40)

  • Some ways that you can use your creative skills, without being Britney Spears. (50:20)

  • The financial basics every Millennial needs. (58:30)

  • All about Chantel’s Wealth Mindset Course. (1:10:00)


Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“The fact that I started was that big first step I needed to do.” - Chantel Tavares

“Balance isn’t necessarily every single day.” - Chantel Tavares

“If you’re not investing in yourself, you’re just not growing.” - Chantel Tavares

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #56: We’re back!

We’re coming back. 

Golden Girls Podcast is ready to bring you even more inspiring stories, tangible tips and goal-getting strategies… each and every Tuesday, wherever you get your podcasts including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and Stitcher.

And we’re doing it in our signature style: approachable, don’t-take-life-too-serious… AND also bringing you real, deep, honest conversations… with a blend of the tactical and the spiritual.

Mark your calendar for Tuesday, July 26th - and every Tuesday after that… for inspiring and exciting guests: an incredible blend of 7 and 8-figure entrepreneurs, certified breathworkers and hard metal rockers joining us to share their wisdom with you and I.  

Get ready for topics to help you live an aligned and incredible life… from radical authenticity, ayurveda and cold plunges,  money mindset, sober curious life, venture capitalism and private equity, and navigating human interactions with those you disagree with.  Call me biased but I REALLY REALLY believe these are things we ALL need in today’s world.

if you have a question you want answered on the show, head to 

https://www.lisamichaud.com/askaquestion  - and record a voicenote – and I’ll be sure to answer it on a future episode. 

Are you ready to challenge the status quo? 

Are you ready to challenge your own thoughts and perceptions, and habits…. in pursuit of who you’re meant to be and the life you want to live.. And the world you want to live in?

If so, you’re in the right place.

Because we’re all about big dreams… and having it all… on YOUR TERMS. 

It’s been …. A year. 

You’ve changed. I’ve changed. The world has changed. 

But that fire - that dream - that courage - inside you… it’s still there, and it’s no longer willing to settle.

Golden Girl, get ready for Season 2:  July 26th, 2022. 

Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #50 - How we tripled our real estate portfolio in 12 months: the lessons we learned, failures we had and tips for you and your empire

2020 was a lot of things. It was obviously the year of Covid.

It was a year of challenges.

Of “social distancing”.

Of change, disruption, Tiger King -  which: side note - I think I’m the only person in the world who HASN’T seen it… and TikTok becoming a thing. 

For our family - 2020 was a big and busy year. It was challenging but there were also a lot of gifts in it as well. 

In the last few episodes, you’ve heard about my personal ups and downs and the ones in my speaking/coaching business.

In Episode #44, members of our Goalden Girls Community also shared their personal lessons and what helped them be successful -  go have a listen to that if you haven’t: it’s POWERFUL!!! 

In today’s episode, I’m joined by my delightful and brilliant husband Troy and we’re talking about our real estate business, and how 2020 was the year we more than TRIPLED our portfolio. 

Yes - in the last 12 months, we’ve gone from 9 rental doors to 33. Even at a time when the world economy completely shifted, when evictions were banned at the same time as tenants weren’t required to pay rent, and we struggled without daycare. 

If you are curious about real estate, or you have a portfolio you’re looking to expand, this episode is for you. In it, you’ll hear about:

  • The failures we faced in the growth

  • To the FOMO - and missed opportunities

  • To fully burning out from doing too much.

We share all that to help prevent YOU from making the same mistakes.

You’ll also hear what worked well: 

  • How we shifted from playing small to playing big

  • How we broke the “income ceiling” to buy more properties

  • How investing in mentorship helped us

  • And how we are not helping investors make money and why it’s one of our FAVOURITE things in our business

  • Share where going the extra mile paid off big time

We hope this episode leaves you feeling relieved - because hopefully you won’t make the same mistakes as us.  And hopefully we give you some ideas in how you can create success with real estate no matter what your definition is.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Our go-to podcasts and books on real estate investing. (4:20)

  • How 2020 shaped out for us when it came to real estate. (6:45)

  • Not taking action. (11:30)

  • There is always room for failure. (23:50)

  • Leverage what you can - not just money! (16:50)

  • The successes that helped us scale. (20:35)

  • How we go about financing. (25:00)

  • A final note on success. (39:30)

  • The one thing we wish everyone knew about real estate investing. (43:35)


Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“You should hone in one what you are good at, and do that, and leverage support from other people to do the things that you can’t do.” - Troy Michaud

“There’s always a bit of risk in whatever you do.” - Troy Michaud

“It’s all about knowing what level you’re at.” - Lisa Michaud

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #48 - What we did when 4 revenue streams were impacted, precarious, or completely disappeared in 2020

Did you know that the average millionaire has 7 revenue streams? 

I don’t know about you, but growing up, I learned about 2 - the money from your job (preferably a stable one with pension and benefits), and savings. 

That was it. 

Now, my parents did their best and came from the generation of stability and safety. I love my parents, I am very grateful for every opportunity they gave me…  

…but the truth is, the world has evolved… and that wisdom is no longer enough. 

My husband Troy and I became self-made millionaires before we turned 30.

And a big part of the reason is because of this strategy: multiple revenue streams. I share this to show you what is possible, and to be transparent that we have learned a LOT in building wealth. 

At the time of recording, we have MANY different revenue streams: in fact, we’ve officially just hit 7. 

But let me take you back in time to March 2020, about 1 year ago, when we had 6 revenue streams…and in a matter of just a few weeks, 4 of them completely changed.

You better believe that: 

  • We were grateful for what we had 

  • We learned a LOT 

  • We’ve been driven to keep creating more 

Today’s short and sweet episode is inspired by a Facebook live I did this week that a lot of you loved…so I thought I’d share on Goalden Girls Podcast and expand on this topic more. 

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • The 7 different types of revenue streams that exist

  • The real life, personal story of what happened to us when 4 of our 6 revenue streams were threatened last year

  • 3 important lessons from this experience that you can learn WITHOUT the hardships we went through. 

You’ll learn:

  • How you can set yourself up for more income stability, time, freedom and financial abundance - heck YESSS to all that, right?

  • The difference in passive income versus recurring revenue - because they can be - but are not always - the same thing 

  • What you can do this year to to create an additional revenue stream

  • Where to start with creating more revenue and income streams in your life 

In case you didn’t know this, to be clear, I’m NOT a financial advisor and this is not meant to substitute working with a real financial advisor or planner.  

I’m a real life person and together with my husband, we’ve created a multi-million dollar net worth and a life that has allowed us to do a LOT of cool things.

We also work very hard, have learned a lot, and have made mistakes along the way. And I also share this recognizing we do have privilege and I believe in and continue to work to break down barriers so that everyone can create wealth - because we all deserve it. 

My intention is to share some of our ups and downs along the way that might help inspire you, answer some of the questions you have but it feels like NO ONE else in your circle is talking about, and help you avoid some of the mistakes. 

Listen up -  by the end of this episode, you’ll be inspired to create more revenue streams in your life and business so that you can have the stability you crave and more financial freedom to do what you want. 

So, let’s do this - let’s talk about revenue streams, navigating uncertainty, weathering the storms - and even thriving in them!

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • What the 7 different types of income streams are. (7:00)

  • How the pandemic significantly affected our income streams. (12:00)

  • Three lessons to learn from our experience:

    • Diversify! (16:45)

    • It takes time + some ideas to get you started. (18:30)

    • Don’t forget about recurring revenue. (22:50)

  • The difference between passive income and recurring revenue. (26:15)

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Quotes to Share:

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August 26 (2).png
August 26 (3).png
August 26.png

“I looked at the lessons, allowed myself to feel the tough times, and intentionally made changes.” - Lisa Michaud

“I’m really onto something with this 100-day goal thing, and if you haven’t tried it yet this is your chance.” - Lisa Michaud

“Big things really do take time - there is no such thing as an overnight success.” - Lisa Michaud

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

35. Want to start or expand your real estate empire? Here’s our best advice

Real estate - who knew so many of you guys wanted to know more about it!?

On episode #33 of Goalden Girls Podcast, I was joined by my husband, Troy, to talk about our real estate journey, and since then you’ve overwhelmed us with your support, comments, messages and questions about real estate. 

So many of you reached out to tell us that you too are interested in starting - or growing - your real estate investments, and we LOVE to hear that!

Today, we’re sharing with you our top tips - things we certainly have learned the hard way over the years. 

We’re talking about what to do before you start to invest, and some of the things we wish we’d known sooner on HOW to grow your real estate portfolio.  

What we’re sharing today, we hope will help you to be successful and create a plan - and take action - to make real estate work for you and your goals.   

By the end of this episode, you’ll know the mistakes to avoid when starting - or growing - your own real estate empire, whatever that means to you.  

You’ll know why knowing your GOAL is the first and most important step to investing - and how NOT doing this held us back and cost us a LOT of money over the years. 

You’ll know the questions you have to answer for yourself before you get going, tips on getting a solid financial foundation started BEFORE you invest, how to reframe your mindset around DEBT and why that matters, how to know if your home is an asset or an expense (this is SUPER important), and what research you need to do and connections to make to invest in real estate yourself.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Our top tips for real estate investing:

    • Know your goal - why do you want to invest? 3:25

    • Know what you’re willing to do to make it happen 9:30

    • Live below your means 14:50

    • Find ways to make more money 24:10

    • Pay off bad debt 29:45

    • Reframe your relationship with debt that makes money 36:30

    • Start researching! 39:20

    • Always be learning 44:20

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And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

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Quotes to Share:

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“Figure out what you want before you go chase it.” - Troy Michaud

“Reframing your relationship with debt is going to make a big difference.” - Lisa Michaud

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

34. The biggest money mistakes to avoid in your 20’s and 30’s (they’re so common, even I made them!)

Money - we all want it, and need it.

Yet there’s this WEIRD taboo about money - for some reason, we’re not supposed to talk about it, say we want it, or even like it…

And then we wonder why so many people are in debt, not ready for a rainy day, or unable to retire securely.

Well - no more. It’s time to talk about all things money - and we’re going to start with the biggest money mistakes you should avoid. 

While the title may say to avoid them in your 20’s and 30’s, the advice rings true at ANY age. 

If you want to have more money, create an emergency fund, pay off your debt, manage your money better, and experience the FREEDOM money can give you, listen up:

In this episode, you’ll hear the biggest, most common mistakes people make when it comes to money. And I speak from personal experience - these are the mistakes that put me $40,000 in debt. 

You’ll also hear what to do instead - and how correcting these mistakes helped make us multi-millionaires before we turned 30. 

You’ll learn simple things you can do right away with your money and get solid takeaways and ideas to change your mindset around money - and how to take action to hit your financial goals. 

Most importantly though? I hope you listen and hear that even if you’ve made mistakes (like I did) - that it’s never too late. 

And by the end of this episode, I hope you get inspired and ready to take action on your money - TODAY!

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • The mistakes that I made with money

    • Credit cards, credit cards, and more credit cards 5:55

    • What’s a budget? 7:25

    • Ignoring your credit card statements 9:35

    • Waiting to save for retirement 12:30

    • Looking rich but really being broke 14:25

    • Buying stuff instead of assets 16:30

    • Not learning how money works 18:30

    • Not investing your money 20:35

  • Summary of common money mistakes 23:55

  • My advice for you today 24:35

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And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 





Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“When you buy ‘stuff’, you build someone else’s wealth. When you invest in assets or yourself, you build YOUR wealth.” - Lisa Michaud

“You’ll never have 'spare money’.  You’ll never think you make enough money to save it.  Save anyway.” - Lisa Michaud 

“If you’re buying designer anything without actual wealth and money in the bank, you’re not rich. You’re just broke wearing nicer shoes.”- Lisa Michaud

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

33. Our real estate journey with Lisa and Troy - real-life real estate investing tips for those who are curious, ready to buy, or ready to scale!

You’ve probably heard that real estate is one of the best investments out there, but if you’re like we were 10 years ago, you probably have no idea how to get started. 

Or, maybe you have 1 or 2 rental properties, or you’re renting out a suite or room in your house… but you don’t know how to create truly passive income with real estate….or to grow your empire so you have more freedom in your life. 

Buckle up - you’re in for a treat today because I’m being joined by my husband, Troy Michaud.

In this episode, you’ll hear about our 10 year real estate investing journey.  You’ll learn how we went from 2 to 22 rental doors in the last 2.5 years (and what it took to get us there).  

You’ll also hear the key mindset shifts and actions we took that allowed us to a) get STARTED and b) EXPAND our business really quickly in the last few years. 

Most importantly, you’ll stop telling yourself that “its’ too late” or “that you’re not ready” or “you don’t know how” or being so afraid of failure that you never get started.

We hope you’ll be inspired by our story, you’ll learn from our mistakes (which we’re sharing here too!!) and you’ll leave this episode excited to decide what’s next for you in your real estate journey: whether it’s just fulfilling your curiosity, deciding to buy your first investment, or your 100th!

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • What our very first step into real estate looked like 3:20

  • Why it’s never too late start investing in real estate 7:10

  • Our next step at 24-years-old into the real estate market 9:00

  • How my health scare and the market decline culminated in selling one of our properties 12:30

  • Our advice to overcome the challenges of living far away from your properties 16:15

  • How we got into the rent-to-own market 18:15

  • What it was like to buy a house in Vancouver in 2015 22:20

  • Our top tip for paying your mortgage down faster 27:30

  • What our first foray into Kelowna real estate looked like in 2017, and what it looks like now 29:50

  • How 2018 brought us into multi-unit dwellings 37:25

  • How we ended up owning real estate on the East Coast of Canada 40:50

  • What our investment strategy looks like today 45:50

  • How we have gotten creative with financing 47:50

  • What Troy loves most about real estate 49:00

Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Quotes to Share:

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“Theres a part of us that had to be comfortable with risk.” - Lisa Michaud

“It’s taken time to get here, we’ve made good decisions, and go with the risk that we’re comfortable with.” - Lisa Michaud

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.