Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #55 - How to heal your relationship with food (Part Two)

We’re back! 

Today, we’re joined by Danielle Daem, a Sugar Freedom Coach & Speaker that helps women bust through sugar addiction so they can fully step into their power and regain control of their lives.

In case you missed it, go listen to Episode 54 of GGP for part one of this topic. 

If you’re a driven, ambitious, woman - and have ever struggled with food cravings, addictions, binge eating, weight, digestive issues, low energy, body pain, hormonal imbalances, headaches, this is for you.

I am a self-described “foodie”, but in the last few months, I’ve realized I absolutely have an unhealthy relationship with food.

I’m not alone - and if you’re listening and can relate, neither are you.  Honestly?  

Maybe you’re also not even AWARE that you may have a broken relationship with food - heck, I’ve been focusing on personal growth for decades and I just figured this out.

I’ll give you a few concrete examples of where my relationship with food is not a simple one focused on health and nourishment. 

Some of the things I’ve struggled with include:

  • Saying “yes” to food that someone offers me just to be nice, or make others happy, aka people pleasing.

  • Drinking alcohol to relax and be less socially awkward - Covid made me aware of that and helped me to heal this ironically. 

  • Eating when I’m bored instead of hungry. 

  • Eating as a reward or treat.

  • Eating for comfort - after my sleep test, I was tired and was going to go to a drive through automatically - and stopped myself after I noticed that my desire was not for food, but for comfort and rest. So I went home and napped later that day. 

  • Being afraid there will be no food, so I overeat, or overpack food - an example of fear and scarcity overruling what my body actually needs

Maybe some of those examples resonate with you. 

Or maybe you’ve got different stories and experiences to heal. 

While I’m new on this journey of healing my relationship with food, today’s guest is not. 

Danielle shares a TON more wisdom and suggestions to help you heal your relationship with food, and beyond. 

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • How other cultures around the world view food and what we can take away from them to improve our health .

  • The impact stress has on our relationship with food and how that impacts our health… and not in the ways you normally hear it. 

  • Scientifically what happens when you eat when you’re stressed. 

  • How to be at peace with our food, and with ourselves  - TRUTHBOMB!

  • You’ll learn tips for advocating for your own health in a system that typically doesn’t look at the “whole person” - and honestly isn’t set up for the type of support and nourishment most of us need and deserve. 

  • Phrases you can use if you’re experiencing food shame or societal pressure to eat - or not eat - something to stay true to you and your body.

Danielle’s advice for staying balanced - how do you live life, AND drink the wine? What does this actually look like, and how can you integrate it into your life. 

Listen up - things are about to get juicy - and oh-so applicable to your life and relationship with food.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Why other cultures don’t have the same relationship North Americans do with food. (9:00)

  • How we can navigate a health system that doesn’t always value our innate wisdom. (22:45)

  • How to advocate for yourself in a system where it’s normal to feel unwell. (36:00)

  • How to show love to ourselves and our loved ones without sugar. (51:30)

  • What you can say when you’re feeling pressured. (1:00:30)


Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



  • Want to discover the ROOT CAUSE of your sugar dependency? Take the QUIZ HERE NOW.

  • Starting Sunday April 3rd 2022 at 12:00 pm PST/3:00 pm EST,  Danielle Daem is hosting a three-part Emotional Eating Bootcamp (click here for free access)

    • If you struggle with sugar, cravings, fear and stress around food or not trusting your body yourself and feeling like it's working against you, this bootcamp is going to be amazing!

      • You're going to learn how to feel aligned with your true, authentic self and intuition on a daily basis, so you are able to focus and be present with your loved ones. Danielle is a whiz at making us feel free and at ease in our own bodies. 

      • You might be curious about your relationship with food. This conversation starts around eating, but with Danielle, you’ll go much deeper into yourself: cultivating a sense of deep inner peace, and love for yourself along with a confidence and the ability to manage all of life's challenges with ease. This is about so much more than just sugar and late night snacking, and the ripple effects of Danielle's work will positively affect every part of your life.

      • In full transparency, I'm an affiliate for her upcoming program.  Whether you decide to join the program or not, if the freedom and alignment sounds like something you might be interested in, I highly suggest checking out this Free Emotional Eating Bootcamp starting April 3rd. Click here for free access and join me as I learn even more from Danielle. 

      • PS. If you missed these dates, sign up for the waitlist for the next time Danielle hosts the Emotional Eating Bootcamp!

  • Connect with Danielle:

Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“When we’re eating in a stressed state, we are inhibiting our digestion.” - Danielle Daem 

“Our relationship with food has everything to do with our relationship with ourselves.” - Danielle Daem

“It’s the little things that add up over time.” - Danielle Daem

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #54 - How to heal your relationship with food (Part One)

We literally ALL need food to survive. 

Hey, I’d be lying if I told you I didn’t think good food was one of THE greatest joys and pleasures in life. Sharing a meal with friends and family, trying new flavours and restaurants and experiencing new cuisine when I travel - those are some of my favourite things in the world. 

I am a self-described “foodie”, so you can imagine how backwards and surprised I was when I realized a few months ago that I was harbouring some unhealthy habits, and - dun dun dun - an unhealthy relationship with food.

I’m not alone - and if you’re listening and can relate, neither are you.  Honestly?  Maybe you’re also not even AWARE that you may have a broken relationship with food - heck, I’ve been focusing on personal growth for decades and I just figured this out.

If you’re a driven, ambitious, woman and have ever struggled with food cravings, addictions, binge eating, weight, digestive issues, low energy, body pain, hormonal imbalances, headaches, this is for you.

While I’m new on this journey of healing my relationship with food, today’s guest is not. 

Today, we’re joined by Danielle Daem, a Sugar Freedom Coach & Speaker that helps women bust through sugar addiction so they can fully step into their power and regain control of their lives.

What I love about Danielle and her approach? It’s not the typical “this food = good” and “this food = bad,” “don’t eat sugar, don’t drink wine and eat salads instead" kinda advice.  

In this two-part series you’re going to hear us talk about food in a way that is radical. 

We’re not talking about macros, superfoods, coconut oil versus olive oil, supplements, or even SUGAR.

Instead, Danielle takes us deeper - MUCH deeper.

As I’ve learned, there's a lot of stigma and misinformation about health and food that needs to be talked about and brought into the world. 

We ALL have a complicated relationship with food and it's important to know we're not alone, not broken, and not at fault for where we may be now in terms of our health and food addictions. 

In this episode and the next Dani is here to bust the myths and misconceptions around our complicated relationship with food and help you start and be supported on your own journey.

Listen in and you’ll learn:

  • How our “modern health” system is disempowering many of us and how you can start to change this in your life

  • Why so many of us are “outsourcing” our well-being and the impact it’s having (most of it negative)

  • The flipside of that?  You’re going to learn how you can learn to re-listen to your body

  • We also talk about how to stop viewing food as “good” or “bad” and how to evaluate healthy food and eating choices for YOURSELF (that’s right - not Oprah, not labels, meal plans, or diet types)

You’ll be blown away by how simple it is and wish you’d known this sooner.

In fact, I think EVERYONE needs to hear this, understand it, and integrate it into their life.

You’ll hear us talk about when it’s ok to eat the lasagna, the pizza, or whatever it is your heart desires - because this is NOT about deprivation, punishment, or reward: food - it’s about nourishment and support for your beautiful self. I know - simple…but, also radical.

You’ll learn about some of the common types of broken relationships and why we have them with food including shame, love, reward/punishment, and even how money can play into this….

And most of all, how to HEAL those broken relationships to listen to your body, and take back the power in your health. 

This is SUCH a juicy topic. I had a ton of questions for Danielle so we’ve broken this into two episodes. This is part 1 - and not going to lie, I’m proud I’m finally learning to keep our episodes a little shorter :) 

But trust me - this is worth your time. And this is worth two episodes - your relationship with food, whether you realize it or not, is important to every aspect of your life:  from having the energy to play with your kids or do a triathlon, or get up early to write the book you dream of, climb the mountain, or whatever you want.

The insights Dani shares, as well as her knowledge is paradigm-shifting. And I wish ALL food and nutrition talk went to this deep level. 

Without future adieu, listen up for the start of the deep work that it takes to heal our relationship with food… and most of all, ourselves. <3

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • How Danielle became a Sugar Freedom Coach (7:15)

  • Some of the common challenges we face when it comes to food. (19:45)

  • The common problems that so many of us have around food. (25:45)

  • What it means to outsource our well-being and what we should be doing instead. (27:30)

  • How we can start relearning how to listen to our bodies. (33:00)

  • Danielle’s advice for how to overcome the “good” and “bad” food myths.(39:10)

  • What creates our complicated relationship with food? (49:00)


Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



  • Want to discover the ROOT CAUSE of your sugar dependency? Take the QUIZ HERE NOW.

  • Starting Sunday April 3rd 2022 at 12:00 pm PST/3:00 pm EST,  Danielle Daem is hosting a three-part Emotional Eating Bootcamp (click here for free access)

    • If you struggle with sugar, cravings, fear and stress around food or not trusting your body yourself and feeling like it's working against you, this bootcamp is going to be amazing!

      • You're going to learn how to feel aligned with your true, authentic self and intuition on a daily basis, so you are able to focus and be present with your loved ones. Danielle is a whiz at making us feel free and at ease in our own bodies. 

      • You might be curious about your relationship with food. This conversation starts around eating, but with Danielle, you’ll go much deeper into yourself: cultivating a sense of deep inner peace, and love for yourself along with a confidence and the ability to manage all of life's challenges with ease. This is about so much more than just sugar and late night snacking, and the ripple effects of Danielle's work will positively affect every part of your life.

      • In full transparency, I'm an affiliate for her upcoming program.  Whether you decide to join the program or not, if the freedom and alignment sounds like something you might be interested in, I highly suggest checking out this Free Emotional Eating Bootcamp starting April 3rd. Click here for free access and join me as I learn even more from Danielle. 

      • PS. If you missed these dates, sign up for the waitlist for the next time Danielle hosts the Emotional Eating Bootcamp!

  • Connect with Danielle:

Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“It was really eye-opening seeing how other cultures relate to food.” - Danielle Daem

“The whole diet industry wants you to be really confused about your health.” - Danielle Daem

“Don’t ‘should’ on yourself.” - Danielle Daem

“Just because it’s common doesn’t mean we should be settling for it.” - Lisa Michaud

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #53 - How to conquer your fears to manifest the life you want with Athenas Angulo

We all have fears. 

Fears about failure. Fears about what others will think. Fears about making mistakes.

Then there’s the ones we all have but struggle to say out loud. Fears of losing all our money and ending up broke. Fears we’re not loved, fears of “getting fat,” and fears that we’re not good enough.  

Yup, we’re going there.

In this episode, we get real and honest with Athenas Angulo, a Mexican-Canadian Blogger and Content Creator. She's also a Marketing Strategist, a Business Owner, and a proud mother of two. Athenas opens up on everything from motherhood, self-love, manifestation, business, and more.

You’ll hear:

  • Athenas’ experience becoming a full-time entrepreneur, and then how she ended up hating her business and quit to take an extended break (even though she was at the top of her game)

  • How fear stops all of us - and in this case, YOU - from even taking the time to notice what’s going on in your life, and how important it is to reevaluate what you want so that you can create what you really want.

  • You’ll hear ideas and tips to face fears in your life so that you can build confidence and find solutions to whatever comes up in your life.

  • What Athenas regrets. The best part? She talks about how her regrets guide her in how she’s raising HER kids today.

  • All about the harrowing kidnapping experience that resulted in Athenas living in Canada.

By the end of this episode, you’ll feel inspired to do whatever it is you want in your life. You’ll recognize that your time is precious and the most important thing you have.

And you’ll find a new friend in Athenas too. Friend, I hope you enjoy this episode. <3

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • How Athenas came to be where she is now, including the kidnapping story. (4:30)

  • Athenas’ decision to quit entrepreneurship (her wake up call!) (12:00)

  • How to make time to reflect and confront your fears. (19:20)

  • Where Athena is since her wake up call. (28:10)

  • The things that Athenas regrets in her life. (40:25)

  • How words and energy shape Athenas day-to-day life. (45:00)

  • How confronting her fears changed Athenas’ life. (55:40)

  • The first step to facing your fears. (59:20)

  • Athenas’ best advice for those who want to leave their job but are afraid to take the leap. (1:00:25)


Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Connect with Athenas:

  • Special Offer for Goalden Girls Podcast listeners: 50% OFF to Athena’s Conquering Your Fears Coaching until August 31, 2021

Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“Money can be fixable, but time wasted cannot.” - Athenas Angulo

“That’s exactly when you have to invest in yourself: when you’re at your lowest, lowest point.” - Athenas Angulo

“If you are consistent doing something for that dream of yours, the rest will come.” - Athenas Angulo

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #52 - Behind the Scenes: What it’s REALLY like to be a part of a high-level Mastermind

Mastermind - you’ve probably heard the word before (at the very least on my podcast or Instagram).

Maybe you’ve seen our sales page for it, or even listened to episode 41 on what masterminds are.

But if you’re like most people, you’ve never taken part in one.

And while you may be curious, you might also be nervous.

I know it can be intimidating. It IS an investment - both financially and of your time and energy. 

So…what’s it REALLY like to be inside a Mastermind?

You’re about to hear from INSIDE Goalden Girls Mastermind.  

Listen in to hear from our actual members:

  • Why they decided to join a Mastermind

  • What they hoped to get out of it and what they actually did get out of it

  • What surprised them - I bet it will surprise you too

  • The tips and advice they learned in the Mastermind that can help YOU be more successful in your life

  • How they knew a Mastermind was right for them and the self-talk and action they took to make it happen

  • I also asked for their tips on choosing the best Mastermind for you - advice that will be helpful when it’s your turn to choose the right Mastermind

I’ll also share:

  • A few of the tools, tips and insights that I normally only share IN the Mastermind…but I truly want you to learn and get a head start here

You’ll also hear: 

  • How our Mastermind is structured

  • The difference between a peer Mastermind versus a Paid one, and the pros and cons of both

Our intention with this episode - of COURSE - is to share about Goalden Girls Mastermind as we’re kicking off another cohort here in July (and again in December, every year).

So if you’re curious, you can book a call at www.lisamichaud.com/apply and hop on a call with me to see if it’s the right fit for you.

But this isn’t just one giant sales pitch disguised as a podcast episode. 

It’s about sharing inspiring stories. 

It’s about celebrating the success of women - both the external successes and achievements and massive internal shifts and transformations - so that you can celebrate yours too.  

It’s about sharing some of the BIG giant aha’s that we ALL had in the last 6 months.

If you love personal growth, and heart-to-heart stories, you’ll love this episode.  You’ll appreciate the vulnerability of our Mastermind members sharing their journeys and their souls.

You’ll feel less alone, more connected, and know that transformation, confidence, and learning is possible for you too. 

If this episode resonates with you and so do the stories and fellow members, I invite you to apply to join GGM today.

Even if now is not the right time, put it on your vision board and in your goals. 

Trust that if it’s in your heart, it’s there for a reason. 

As you’ll hear, this year’s Mastermind cohort followed their intuitions and hearts, and from the bottom of my heart - and all of us - we want the same success for you. 

Listen in - get ready to feel inspired, connected and ready to take the leap to the next level.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Who is Tracy, and what prompted her to desire change? (5:30)

  • How the Mastermind has positively changed Tracy’s life. (13:15)

  • How Tracy knew a Mastermind was right for her. (21:35)

  • The one thing that Tracy wishes everyone knew. (25:55)

  • A summary of Tracy’s interview. (43:45)

  • Who is Ayelen? (1:02:30)

  • How Ayelen has the courage to follow her heart. (1:04:20)

  • Ayelen’s journey to getting out of the small mindset. (1:10:35)

  • How Ayelen knew she was done playing small. (1:16:45)

  • The biggest thing that surprised Ayelen about being in a Mastermind. (1:20:30)

  • The one thing Ayelen wishes everyone knew and her advice for those considering a Mastermind. (1:25:00)

  • A summary of Ayelen’s interview. (1:34:55)

  • Who is Jessica and what is her purpose? (1:52:15)

  • How Jessica has the courage to keep showing up, even in the hard times. (1:55:15)

  • The difference between working with a coach and being in a Mastermind, and Jessica’s tips for those considering joining a Mastermind. (2:04:45)

  • What Jessica wishes everyone knew. (2:18:45)


Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“Goalden Girls Mastermind gave me the space to get naked.” - Tracy Desjardins

“I am unstoppable, I can do everything. This rebellion is no longer this thing that can hurt me.” - Ayelen Osorio

“Don’t be afraid to follow your heart.” - Jessica Eckstein

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #51 - Conscious Uncoupling, Radical Vulnerability and Compassionate Curiosity with Eman Salem

Didn't think it was possible to anger all Nicholas Sparks AND Carrie Underwood fans in ONE podcast episode?

I’m up for the challenge :) 

Don’t worry - I’m not hating on either of them, or the Notebook (it’s my favourite) or Carrie’s music - I happen to be a fan of that too. 

But - today’s episode is radical: 

We’re talking about conscious uncoupling, radical vulnerability, and curious compassion with Eman Salem. 

What does this have to do with Nicolas Sparks and Carrie Underwood….and YOU?

Well, in society there’s a narrative around relationships - they’re either “can’t eat, can’t sleep, reach-for-the stars, over the fence, World Series kinda of love” - that’s from It Takes Two with the Olsen twins (because hey, let’s anger some MORE fans while we’re at it…)


Relationships CRASH and burn - and someone gets their car keyed. 

Look, both of those narratives make for GREAT Music, wonderful movies, juicy novels, and so much more. BUT what about the relationships that don’t go forever…. and also, don’t end with something terrible? They just… are or “feel complete.”

That’s what we’re talking about today.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • What unconscious coupling is, and also conscious coupling (a whole new concept for me too)

  • HOW to do this in a relationship

  • What if you’re partner isn’t into it?

  • What about the kids?

  • Is it possible to consciously uncouple if there’s been toxicity before (infidelity, trust issues, etc)

  • How to avoid finances ruining the rest of your good intentions. 

  • Uncoupling from friendships…because this conscious life is not only about intimate relationships. 

Eman truly is one of my favourite humans with her radical honesty and authenticity. This is a topic I know is very relevant right now during the pandemic when we’re seeing divorce and separations increase. 

Whether you’re in a relationship that doesn’t feel right for you, or you know is coming to the end…

Or if you’re very fulfilled and satisfied in your relationship and looking to take it to the next level…

…This episode is full of wisdom, tools, and real life examples of how to live consciously in your relationships - with or without your current (or future) partner. 

We hope you enjoy this episode as we talk about conscious uncoupling <3

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • How Eman got into this work. (5:30)

  • What is conscious uncoupling? And Eman’s experience uncoupling. (7:40)

  • How to tell the difference between growing pains and a relationship that is no longer benefiting you. (23:50)

  • What conscious living is. (28:40)

  • Can one person lead a conscious uncoupling? (34:45)

  • What it means to be conscious. (42:00)

  • How to live consciously and authentically.  (47:30)

  • Not everything is binary - you can be multiple things, feel multiple things, and it’s all ok. (1:12:00)

  • Eman’s advice for somebody in a relationship that is “good enough.” (1:13:10)

  • How to consciously uncouple without hurting the kids. (1:15:00)

  • What conscious uncoupling in a friendship looks like. (1:20:45)

  • Lightning round with Eman. (1:32:35)


Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:

August 26 (2).png
August 26 (3).png
August 26.png

“If you live consciously, you will make decisions that are best for you.” - Eman Salem

“The reason we wait is because we believe the person will change.” - Eman Salem

“Your most vulnerable self is your strongest sense of self.” - Eman Salem

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #49 - Breaking the silence on grief and life with Teresa from La Lupa Via


Grief, loss, trauma - we all experience it in life. In fact, it’s often joked that nothing is certain - except death and taxes. 

And yet as a culture and society, there is VERY little support and awareness about grief and loss. 

For the big stuff, we tend to come together pretty well - for the death of someone or in major tragedies. 

But even then - there’s a lot of guilt I know people feel if they grieve for “too long”. Or don’t grieve “the right way.” 

And let’s be real… there’s a lot of grief that gets invalidated and dishonoured.

The impact this has is very profound and damaging. In fact, SO much of the work I do as a coach is just hearing people - and allowing people to feel HEARD, like they matter and validating their experience - because the truth is that most of the time, the world tells us we should be doing something different, we should or shouldn’t feel a certain way. 

Today, I have a very special guest to talk with us all even DEEPER on this topic of grief and loss.

Teresa Campbell of La Lupa Via is a full spectrum doula which means she witnesses Bereavement, Loss, and Birth.

She is here to create a revolution and allow people to honour their grief. 

I am not an expert in grief - just a human, and a coach who works with incredible women…but Teresa has expertise and over 20 years experience. 

And also - we’re not counsellors, therapists, psychologists or doctors - we’re not trained in mental health in terms of depression, suicide, anxiety, or addiction. Please know what we are sharing is meant to provide information and ideas…and is a conversation between two women. If you’re looking for more help and support, please get it. This is not meant to replace counselling, therapy or medical professionals. And if you listen until the end, Teresa also has a special gift for all our listeners to help you with your journey as well.

This episode is so important for many reasons:

  • Grief is a very real, very human experience we all go through - and yet it’s still quite taboo.

  • There’s a grief hierarchy - we often find ourselves comparing our grief to others… and then shaming ourselves for feeling grief when our situation “Isn’t as bad as someone else’s.”

  • We don’t know how to honour our grief.

  • We judge ourselves and others for grieving - grieving the wrong way, too fast, too slow…or whatever other judgements we make.

Now, more than ever, there is so much collective grief - about what we’ve lost, about injustices, even anticipatory grief about what is coming, and that’s why this episode - and Teresa’s work - is so incredibly important. 

I want to give you a heads up on this - the audio in this recording is a bit muffled and there’s a background sound that we were unable to get rid of in the editing process. 

We’re working hard to make sure this doesn’t happen again….but I didn’t even consider not releasing this episode or re-recording BECAUSE the message in it is so important. The words of wisdom from Teresa are beautiful and pure and in need of being shared. 

So I ask for your grace and compassion as you listen in. I recognize the quality isn’t what we normally strive for but the message and what you will learn from it is WELL worth your time, and your ability to hear through the background noise. 

In today’s episode, you’re going to hear:

  • Why what our society has taught us about grief is incomplete and in a lot of cases, wrong.

  • What the effects are of how we’re currently “processing” grief.

  • How we can move through our grief journey in a healthy and loving way.

  • Some ideas on what we should - and perhaps shouldn’t - do for ourselves and others.

  • You’ll hear some practices and tools of support for yourself - and others.

  • And how you can transition into more compassion and expansion with your grief.

Whether your grief is fresh, or decades old, whether you’re grieving the loss of your favourite restaurant, your job, a child, a marriage, a partner, parent, career, identity, expectation, or anything in-between, this is for you. 

In the words of Teresa: your grief is valid. Your grief matters. With this episode, we honour you and your grief with love. We hope it supports you on your grief journey.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • How Teresa came into this line of work. (7:55)

  • What is grief? (13:10)

  • Why what we’ve been taught about grief is all wrong. (15:00)

  • What the ripple effect is when we hold onto grief. (32:00)

  • How rage fits into the grief process. (37:45)

  • How we can move through our grief journey in a healthy way. (43:55)

  • How to balance choosing joy and still honouring our grief. (53:20)

  • How to support others who are grieving. (1:08:00)

  • The thing we all need when it comes to grief. (1:21:45)

  • What the difference is between anticipatory grief and anxiety over something in the future? (1:14:00)

  • What it looks like working with Teresa. (1:31:30)

  • The revolution that Teresa is working towards. (1:38:30)

Watch the Video for Compassion in Action Tips


Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“In this society we are intensely grief phobic.” - Teresa Campbell

“Our experience matters and our grief matters.” - Teresa Campbell

“I care so much about the ways in which people are suffering.” - Teresa Campbell

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #47 - What worked and what didn’t in my business in 2020: The year of COVID, change, and learning

It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for…

The behind the scenes… peeling back the curtain of my business in 2020. 

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that EVERYTHING can change…and change it did.

There are few businesses that didn’t have curveballs thrown their way last year. From those that have been utterly devastated like restaurants, gyms, the tourism industry, and so many more.

And even those whose demand skyrocketed - like hand sanitizer and plexiglass - no doubt had their own challenges too. 

On the whole, I’ll start by saying I’m grateful to still be here one year later - while some of it I may be able to take personal credit for persevering and some pivots, I also want to acknowledge the many businesses who have had a VERY challenging year and may not still be here - and NOT because of anything they did - or didn’t - do.

If that’s you, your business, your industry, your revenue streams - were destroyed or severely impacted, I want to honour you and let you know I see you.
In this episode, I’m going to talk about what things looked like in my business, and I 100% acknowledge it’s a privilege to still be here and get to record this.

2020 was the year entire revenue streams dried up in my business, with no notice. It was the year we lost our childcare…AGAIN and AGAIN…and struggled to find the balance as working entrepreneurial parents. 

If you want to hear more of the personal stuff, go listen to episode 43 for all my personal ups and downs. You’ll hear about us losing half a million dollars, me getting voted off my strata council, and how I can still smile and be ok with ALL those failures in between. 

Like you, 2020 held a lot of hard stuff…and also a lot of good.

In this episode, you’re going to hear the good and the bad in my business.

Listen in and you’ll hear:

  • What I did when an entire revenue stream in my business dried up - it might inspire you and prove you can make it work, even when THE worst case scenario happens

  • Why I considered quitting…pretty much everything at one point or another…and HOW I came to the decision to keep going - and what I decided to keep.

  • You’ll remember we ALL have those moments

  • I’m also sharing the things I did to help me make 2020 the best year in my business, including outsourcing, growing my membership, and launching a new product

  • You’ll hear the mistakes I made - that I hope I can help you avoid to make… and the things I’m still navigating and figuring out - because I do NOT have it allllll figured out. 

This is a great episode to grab your notebook, a cup of tea or glass of champs - and hopefully we can laugh, cry, reminisce together from a year that is TRULY unforgettable. 

And promise to not make the same mistakes, ok? As my 3-year-old daughter Sonoma says: let’s pinky swear.

Alright, Goalden Girl, let’s chat.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Listener shoutout (4:40)

  • Things that didn’t work well in my business in 2020:

    • Growing my speaking business (6:15)

    • Scaling too fast without help (9:25)

    • Trying to do too much without childcare (11:20)

    • The early 2020 “Double Launch” (14:30)

    • The sideways real estate deal (17:20)

  • Things that worked well in 2020:

    • Hiring a VA and getting processes nailed down (18:20)

    • Getting podcast support (20:20)

    • Getting on top of bookkeeping (22:20)

    • Setting 100-day goals and getting my 100-Day Planner out to the world  (23:10)

    • Raising my prices (27:35)

    • The revival of my Mastermind (29:55)

    • The live workshop we did on a whim (31:00)

    • NOT killing the Goalden Girls Community (31:30)

  • What Troy and I did well in our real estate business (34:15)

  • One of the biggest things that changed for me in 2020 (37:05)

Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



  • Want to Turn What You Know, Love and Do Into A Successful Membership? Join the TRIBE FREE Workshop Series here.

    *Please note, this link will update after the workshop to more freebies and good stuff to help you get your membership rockin’ and rollin’. 

  • Searchie - https://searchie.io/?fpr=lisa-michaud73  

    • The tool that makes all your video (and audio, hello Goalden Girls Podcast!) searchable. We use this for our clients and all our offerings, and also internally to create and keep processes and our team on track.

  • FREE 100 Day Goal Setting Guide:  www.lisamichaud.com/100 

  • Grab (or gift) the 100 Day Goal Getter Planner + Journal here on Amazon:  www.lisamichaud.com/planner

  • Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #43 - What went well and what didn’t go well for me personally in 2020: the failures, lessons and success from the hardest year of my life: https://www.lisamichaud.com/podcast/43

  • Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #46 - Memberships, Money & Making an Impact with Stu McLaren: https://www.lisamichaud.com/podcast/46

  • The Bird’s Papaya: https://thebirdspapaya.com

  • Get podcast support: www.ashleyharrison.net

Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:

August 26.png

“I looked at the lessons, allowed myself to feel the tough times, and intentionally made changes.” - Lisa Michaud

“I’m really onto something with this 100-day goal thing, and if you haven’t tried it yet this is your chance.” - Lisa Michaud

“Big things really do take time - there is no such thing as an overnight success.” - Lisa Michaud

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #46 - Memberships, Money & Making an Impact with Stu McLaren

Memberships: you probably have even more of them than you realize.

Netflix, Costco, Disney Plus, your gym. 

Maybe your meal delivery service, your socks, Amazon Prime, the $1 Shave Club. Heck, even your software is probably all a subscription: gone are the days of buying Microsoft Word once, all that has converted to a monthly fee.

As a consumer, you’re no stranger to memberships…and there’s a reason most financial “gurus” tell you to check your subscriptions first…because they’re STICKY! Once you’re in, if they’re working for you and making your life easier - whether it’s with free same-day shipping or “The Little Mermaid” on demand- you’re extremely likely to stay a member and continue paying.

Let’s think about this now for a minute - the OTHER way- how AWESOME would it be to have people paying YOU - customers coming back to you, month after month?

YUP - that’s the power of a membership that YOU own.

If you love the idea of less hustle, less of the launch/pause model…MORE impact and more stability in your business, you’re going to love this episode.

Today’s guest is Stu McLaren. Stu McLaren coaches and consults New York Times best-selling authors, top rated speakers, experts, and niche celebrities on how to launch, grow, and scale high profit recurring revenue streams.

As the former founder of the world's #1 membership platform for WordPress, WishList Member, he had the chance to serve and support over 60,000+ online communities and membership sites. Through that experience, he gained a unique insight into the subtle membership nuances that produce massive results.

Today he uses that knowledge to help his clients to launch and grow multiple high 6- and 7-figure membership sites and shares the same blueprints through his course, TRIBE.

He is an absolute genius when it comes to marketing and specifically, helping business owners create recurring revenue in their businesses.

I mean…he’s helped everyone from NYT best-selling author Michael Hyatt create a successful membership…all the way to Yours Truly: YUPPPP - the whole idea and concept - and creation of the Goalden Girls Community came from what I learned from Stu.

In full transparency, I am a proud partner and affiliate for Stu’s course called The Membership Experience (formerly TRIBE), which we’ll touch on in this episode.

But whether you join The Membership Experience or not, I know you’re going to take a lot from this episode - and Stu’s free upcoming workshop.

You might be listening thinking:

  • Yeah but I have no idea how to start a membership.

  • I don’t have a very big “list” or “following.”

  • What if NOOONE joins?!

  • Or maybe you’re worried about being on a constant content hampster wheel… wondering: but what do I deliver month after month?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered in this episode.

Chances are, you WANT to create more income. You don’t always have to be chasing the next contract, or client. You want more freedom and ease in your life - and business.

I can tell you personally that adding a membership to my business was one of the best things I ever did. And at the end of this episode, I’m sharing some of my personal lessons and tips for growing a membership site.

But don’t just hear it from me. Today I’m talking to Stu - and trust him - he’s helped THOUSANDS of membership site owners.

So, if you like the sound of recurring revenue - if you like the sound of creating stability, more impact, and more wealth in your life and business, listen up.

By the end of this episode, you’ll hear how and why memberships are taking the business world by storm - and most of all WHY you should pay attention.

Even if you don’t have a big list, you’ll hear that it’s possible for you TOO to have a thriving membership and subscription business.

And you’ll feel inspired knowing that the more money you make, the bigger impact you can have: in your life, the life of your clients, your family - and beyond.

Listen in - this episode is a treat. I hope you enjoy!

  • Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Who is Stu and what drives him? (5:30)

  • How to overcome the shame around having, and wanting, money. (9:00)

  • How Stu defines success. (14:35)

  • Why Stu is so passionate about membership sites. (18:20)

  • Where to start with a membership. (23:40)

  • What to do if nobody shows up for your launch. (27:30)

  • All about Stu’s free upcoming workshop. (35:00)

  • Stu’s current big goal. (39:45)

  • The biggest thing Stu learned from the past year. (41:25)

  • Cheese curds or shredded cheese on your poutine? (45:10)

  • The first thing Stu would do if he had a magic wand. (45:45)

  • Two funny stories about kids. (50:50)

  • A recap of Stu’s interview. (53:15)

  • The things I have personally learned from being part of TRIBE. (56:45)

Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



  • Want to Turn What You Know, Love and Do Into A Successful Membership? Join The Membership Experience FREE Workshop Series here.

    • *Please note, this link will update after the workshop to more freebies and good stuff to help you get your membership rockin’ and rollin’.

Stu McLaren:

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  • Bio: Stu McLaren coaches and consults New York Times best-selling authors, top rated speakers, experts and niche celebrities on how to launch, grow and scale high profit recurring revenue streams.

    As the former founder of the world's #1 membership platform for WordPress, WishList Member, he had the chance to serve and support over 60,000+ online communities and membership sites. Through that experience, he gained a unique insight into the subtle membership nuances that produce massive results.

    Today he uses that knowledge to help his clients to launch and grow multiple high 6 and 7-figure membership sites and shares the same blueprints with his course The Membership Experience.

Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“Making money is amazing, because when you have it you can do so much with it.” - Stu McLaren

“We don’t just want to survive the storm, we want to thrive in the storm.” - Stu McLaren

“That’s a real passion of mine: to use business and make money for good.” - Stu McLaren

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

Goalden Girls Podcast Episode #45 - Magic Mushrooms & The Modern World: A Healing Revolution with Jennifer Pereira

Depending on your age, you probably grew up hearing that drugs are bad.

Personally, I grew up during the 80’s and 90’s campaign “The War on Drugs” and saw images like an egg being scrambled - and being told that was my brain on drugs.

Now whether me sharing that conjured up your own memories - or you’re listening to this thinking “How OLD are YOU Lisa” (the answer is 34), chances are you probably still never associated drugs with anything positive.

Truthfully, growing up, and definitely to some extent today, I’m pretty straight-laced. I never smoked. Even though I’m from BC, I’m probably one of the only people who doesn’t smoke marijuana. I’ve never tried any recreational drugs - and have never been interested in it.

But a few years ago, I started hearing murmurs about healing through drugs. I heard stories from friends on trips to South America who tried ayahuasca and raved about the experience, the healing and powerful insights.

While I was definitely skeptical, I was instantly intrigued. The older I get, the more I realize how little I know and that everything is worth exploring.

And that’s what has got me curious about psychedelics - watching documentaries about people healing from addiction…hearing personal stories from friends who have healed from trauma…and even some of my 6-7-8 figure entrepreneur friends who have done year-round business retreats, using psychedelics to access new creative business ideas and help them grow their businesses. In fact, dosing has become mainstream in certain communities, including Silicon Valley.

Let’s be real here too - people are clearly USING psychedelics, but there’s still a lot of stigma - and LEGAL issues - and as with anything, there are positive and negative ways to use them.

One other thing I noticed is that there’s not a lot of information out there - and where it is, is often on podcasts for men.

Obviously, today’s episode is going to change ALL that.

This is probably as good a time as any to mention this is probably not the episode to listen to with kids around… so if you’ve got little ones around, make sure you download and save this episode for later because trust me you don’t want to miss it!!

Now, this topic is new to me but one I’m curious about - and I know a lot of you are too, so I brought in my lovely friend Jennifer Pereira from The Bloom Institute to chat ALL things psychedelics and answer your questions.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • What kinds of modern day challenges psychedelics can actually help with - from mental and body health, to trauma.

  • What pscillocibin is.

  • How therapeutic psychedelics - and specifically plant medicine - can be used for healing purposes and allow you to turn from surviving into thriving AND vitality.

  • How being present with trauma is possible in a way that isn’t traumatizing

  • What the difference is between ceremony and microdosing, and even a guide versus a tripsitter (concepts I knew NOTHING about!).

  • Most importantly - we’ll talk about if this is something you should consider, what the reasons people work with these medicines are, and what’s possible on the other side.

  • We also talk about integration and the importance of integration for true healing… and,

  • WHY having a safe container for this healing is so essential for you.

This is an incredibly open and deeply spiritual episode where we as women with our lived experiences…and those we work with…often see certain patterns. You’ll hear us talk about women and our often broken relationships with food, the prevalence of anxiety and depression in today’s society, and burnout (and how it goes far beyond just being tired).

We talk about self care and honouring yourself beyond the Instagram narrative of bubble baths. We touch on self worth and the tie to how we measure our self worth based on productivity and the DOING - and that’s where we get our validation from…and how that leads to a whole lot of other issues… and is a relationship we can work to heal as we reconnect with our self worth.

Our goal here is to provide information that is accessible and shared in a way that is uniquely feminine.

Of course, my lawyer wants me to tell you drugs are still illegal: that we are not encouraging you to do it NOR are we selling any drugs. MOM - DAD - everyone - we’re NOT selling or encouraging you to do drugs.

This is an open conversation, and talking and witnessing is legal and ok.

As with anything, do your own research: consult a medical professional. And remember, you’re always your own best expert.

Thank you for coming to this episode with an open heart and open mind. I hope you enjoy it!

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Who is Jennifer Pereira? (6:00)

  • What are psychedelics and specifically, magic mushrooms? (7:00)

  • Where the stigma around psychedelics comes from and how Jennifer moves through that. (10:30)

  • Some of the data behind the medicinal use of psychedelics, and why Jennifer doesn’t just focus on the data. (16:00)

  • The types of problems that psychedelics can help with. (25:40)

  • What it’s like working with Jennifer. (32:00)

  • How Jennifer can help specifically with burnout and her personal experience with it. (40:00)

  • How to know whether psychedelics are right for you. (48:25)

  • All about microdosing. (54:50)

  • Whether a certain time of day is better for microdosing, the risks associated with it, and what you can expect. (1:02:10)

  • What the process of microdosing looks like. (1:09:30)

  • Where you can find, and work with, Jennifer. (1:16:20)

Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:

August 26.png
August 26 (2).png
August 26.png

“There is so much that colours our perspective and individual stigmas we hold against certain topics.” - Jennifer Pereira

“I am working with intuition and intention and being an advocate for women’s whole health and the holistic view of the entire person.” - Jennifer Pereira 

“Psychedelics are for everyone, but they are not for anyone.” - Jennifer Pereira

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

44. Real life stories from inspiring women: The powerhouses inside Goalden Girls Community

Sometimes I wonder: how is everyone ACTUALLY doing right now?

As I record this at the beginning of April 2021 it feels like no-one is talking about the fact that life is still freakin’ WEIRD. 

For most of the world, we still can’t travel or cross borders easily. 

Many of us are unable to see family and friends, especially those that are older or immune compromised. 

Masks are the new normal…and so is being more alone, isolated, and lonely.

Here in Canada, a lot of businesses have been shut down, the rules are constantly changing, even more distancing is a reality, and navigating childcare and school situations is still tough.

And overall, the rules, the science, the timelines and guidelines keep evolving and it’s hard to know what’s even real anymore.

So let’s be real:

We took a 2 week sprint to “flatten the curve” and it’s now a 13 month ultra-marathon and we still don’t even know how far or for how long we’re supposed to be running/biking/swimming: seemingly all at the same time while working from home, probably with kids asking for snacks.

And yet - it can feel like we’re the only ones who are feeling like…WHAT is going on?!

If you’re wondering how other women are making it work in these wild and crazy times, this episode is for you. 

If you’re wondering how others are REALLY doing…what’s helping, and what they’ve learned to navigate through life right now, you’re in for a treat.

Today, I’m honoured to be joined by 3 members of our Goalden Girls Community- Dunia, Meredith and Meagan - sharing their open and honest journeys from the last year. 

You’re going to hear from real life women - women that are entrepreneurs, mothers, dreamers, rebels and everything in between - because that’s what women are: a magical blend of SO much. 

It’s time to normalize the conversations - the conversations about struggle, the human experience, thriving, striving, success, expectations, and LOVING ourself.  

And this is what this episode is all about. 

In our community, we stand up for each other. We show up openly, honestly, and we make incredible things happen, despite the challenges. 

In this episode you’ll hear powerful stories from Dunia, Meredith and Meagan as they share: 

  • What was the biggest challenge they faced in the last year and how they overcame it? 

  • What mindset shift they’ve made recently that’s made their life easier, and more joyful

  • How has focusing on one goal helped them? And of course, what goal they focused on and what they achieved. Some of the answers will definitely surprise you. 

  • These brave women also share how having a community surrounding them has helped and how life is better because of community.

Buckle up my friend: be ready to get inspired, to feel connected and to know you’re not alone.  Get ready to hear about the MAGIC these women are creating, EVEN through the mess… and know that you TOO are magic <3

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • What to expect from this inspiring episode (4:00)

  • Meredith’s Story (7:25)

  • Meagan’s Story (14:50)

  • Dunia’s Story (25:00)

  • Why I love sharing stories from the Goalden Girls Community (30:20)

  • How you can get involved in our community (31:45)

Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Get in touch, support and love on these incredible and inspiring Goalden Girls Community Members:

Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“I think that was the day that my “good girl” complex died.” - Meredith Garritsen

“I no longer allow myself to be uncomfortable to make somebody else comfortable.” - Meagan O’Dowd

“I always had trouble focusing on one thing at a time, which sometimes led me to not achieve anything at all.” - Dunia Tozy

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

43. What went well and what didn’t go well for me personally in 2020: the failures, lessons and success from the hardest year of my life

I don’t know what it is… but you all seem to LOVE hearing about what works AND what doesn’t in my life. 

We’re now officially 43 episodes into Goalden Girls Podcast and two of our most popular episodes ever are about my goal setting successes + messes from 2020: both business and personal. 

You’ve spoken. I hear you:  you want to hear about what life is REALLY like behind the scenes and most of all, behind the ‘gram. And I’ll tell you - it’s not all perfect, that’s for sure.

So in this episode, I’m sharing with you the personal things - the good things, the successes, the failures, and everything in-between from what is honestly one of the hardest years of my life - especially personally. 

I’ll also be recording an episode to talk about business - and along with Troy, we’re also going to record one to talk about our real estate business and the growth from 9 to 33 doors in just 12 months.  If you’re doing the mental math, yes…that means I have 3 episodes worth of failures and successes because the bigger you play, the more you try, the more you fail. And we did a lot of that last year.

This episode is for you if you:

  • Feel like you’re the only one who struggles: trust me, you’re not.

  • Worry that you fell behind last year: as much as I felt like that, until I did my own year in review, I didn’t realize how far I’d come.

  • If you feel like the last year has been a bit of a waste…listen in. 

If you want to listen to my flops and the real story - I’m spilling all the tea. 

AND if you want to feel inspired and hear that EVEN when things are hard, even when you mess up and fail and things are not going as planned…you can still learn, grow and expand. 

One of my favourite quotes I read was “2020 was the year I thought I’d get everything I wanted. Turns out, it’s the year I appreciate what I have.” 

While I can’t say I’m sad to have left it behind, I can honestly say I’m a stronger, more confident (albeit TIRED) person here in 2021. 

Get cozy: this episode is going to be straight from my heart. While I wish - OHHHH do I ever wish - I could sit next to you on a patio, pour a tea or glass of champs and share this with you in person, at the time of recording (the end of March 2021 - yes…I’m late on recording this) that’s still not possible.

So close your eyes (unless you’re driving)... and imagine we’re beside each other. You’re a great friend to me - that part is not pretend - and listen in as I peel back the curtains on the truth behind the hardest year of my life.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Shoutout to some awesome listeners (12:20)

  • Things that didn’t work well in 2020 in my personal life:

    • Losing childcare (13:10)

    • Overwhelmed business systems (14:30)

    • Learning to outsource (15:15)

    • Balanced mental health (17:25)

    • The toll of loneliness (22:10)

    • Being voted off our Strata Council (30:45)

  • Things that worked well in 2020 (yes, there were some!):

    • Money (35:20)

    • Redefining the year (39:35)

    • Focusing on what I could control (40:45)

    • Constant check-ins (42:20)

    • Hiring a personal chef (43:00)

    • Making sleep a priority (46:05)

    • Prioritizing physical activity (47:40)

    • Getting consistent with self-care (48:20)

  • What you can expect in upcoming episode (49:45)

Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“I’ve learned to honour my struggle and validate my grief and hardship.” - Lisa Michaud

“You can be grateful for what you have and celebrate the resilience in you and your courage to keep going through a very challenging time.” - Lisa Michaud

“2020 was the year I thought I’d get everything I wanted. Turns out, it’s the year I appreciate what I have.” - Anonymous

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

42. From dream to reality: How to turn your vision board into your actual life

Hands up if you’ve ever done a vision board.

I’ve done a few - and honestly, some of them have AMAZED me at how far I’ve come.

But maybe you’re a little skeptical about vision boards and don’t know where to start.

Or maybe you’ve created some and you’re still waiting for your life to be your vision.  

So often, I find we get stuck in either left-brain thinking - with no room for creativity, feelings and magic… 

OR so stuck in the brain where we’re spending so much time creating that we don’t take action on what will allow our dreams to actually come true.

Today’s episode features Caz Gaddis, a Personal Power coach - we’re talking all about vision boards, and how to create the right dance between your left and right brain to create the life you desire.

This conversation is a blend of the two things I like to call myself - Woo and Do.  The left and right brain, the science and the spiritual. 

Caz and I had WAY too much fun recording this - and I know you’ll love what a soulful, funny, honest, real and powerhouse of a woman she is.

In this episode, you’ll hear how to shift what you’re doing now to live more aligned with who you want to be - and in turn, live successfully - based on YOUR definition, every day. 

So listen up - we hope you enjoy this episode!

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Who is Caz and how did she become a Personal Power coach? 2:00

  • What changed for Caz that helped her realize that moms need to rediscover themselves 6:00

  • How duality has impacted Caz’s life and work 16:00

  • How letting go of the duality she grew up with has allowed her to show up differently as a parent 21:00

  • Why it’s important to understand who you’re being 28:00

  • What the difference is between doing and being - and how to get there 31:20

  • Remember, you are so much more than your job 38:20

  • What a vision board is and how vision boards have helped Caz in her life 46:30

  • The most common mistakes people make when it comes to vision boards 49:50

  • What it means to be “ambitiously grateful” 55:25

  • Caz’s advice for women and moms everywhere 1:00:15 

  • How manifestation ties into vision boards 1:08:15

  • Lightning round questions for Caz! 1:16:55

  • Where you can find Caz 1:22:00

Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



  • How to get in touch with Caz:

  • Books:

Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:

“Embrace imperfect action.” - Caz Gaddis

“What do I need next?” - Caz Gaddis

“If you don’t know where you are, how can you know where you’re going?” - Caz Gaddis

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

41. What a Mastermind is and what to ask yourself to be sure you choose the right mastermind for you

“Join a Mastermind”

Chances are you’ve heard this phrase once or twice lately.  And if you haven’t yet - get ready, it’s coming. 

Masterminds have really picked up steam and grown over the last few years and my personal predication is that the advice to “join a mastermind” is going to be as popular as the ol’ “get a mentor” advice. 

And let’s be real - even though that advice has been around forever, most of us still don’t know how to find the right mentor either.  

But that’s a topic for another episode. 

Today, I want to help you get AHEAD of the curve and talk about Masterminds. 

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What a is mastermind and why people join them

  • The different types of Masterminds - and why not all Masterminds are created equal

I can honestly say Masterminds have CHANGED my life and I know that when it’s the right group and program, it can change YOUR life too. 

Throughout the episode I’ll be sharing my personal experiences…because I’ve been fortunate enough to be a part of several masterminds and I’ve even led an incredible Mastermind (Goalden Girls Mastermind!) for the last 4 years. 

You are also going to hear three things I’ve learned from being in both paid and unpaid masterminds that will help you understand what you need to know before you join a mastermind. 

And, most importantly, remember - you’re always your own best expert.  You’ll find out the eight questions to ask yourself before you invest your time, energy OR money in a Mastermind.

Listen up Goalden Girl -  Masterminds have the power to accelerate your goals, your career, your business, you family life, finances, health - literally any and all aspects of your life. 

By the end of this episode you’ll understand more about what kinds of Masterminds are out there, how a Mastermind might help YOU reach your next level in your life….and how to decide what Mastermind might be right for you - so if you decide, you can invest in the BEST mastermind for where you’re at. 

Let’s do it!

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Listener shoutout 4:00

  • What is a Mastermind? 5:25

  • The different types of Masterminds: paid vs. unpaid 7:05

  • The pros and cons of the different types 12:00

  • A big limitation I saw with a lot of Masterminds 20:55

  • Eight questions to ask yourself before you join a Mastermind

    • What’s your goal? 23:10

    • What do you think it will take for you to get to the next level? 23:45

    • Who do you need to be surrounded by? 24:20

    • What kind of content is important to you? 24:45

    • What kind of environment do you absolutely thrive in? 26:00

    • What parts of your life do you want to improve? 26:45

    • Why do you want to join a Mastermind? 27:25

    • Do you know what you need to do already? Or do you literally know what step to take next? 27:50

  • A final note on joining a Mastermind 29:50

  • The three truths I’ve learned from investing in paid AND free Masterminds

      • I’ve always gotten something out of it, even if I didn’t realize it at the time 30:10

      • Any Mastermind will need to be adapted for you 31:05

      • The shift you’re looking for? It happens as soon as you invest 32:15

  • What you can expect from the Goalden Girls Mastermind 32:55

  • How the Goalden Girls Mastermind is different from other Masterminds 36:05

Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“You’ll never be able to perfectly duplicate the success of another’s ‘what, when and how’, so pay attention to their why and why not.” - Lisa Michaud

“Once you start investing in yourself, you start to see the dividends.” - Lisa Michaud

“When we play it safe we keep ourselves stuck.” - Lisa Michaud

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

40. Women, Wealth & Crypto: What you need to know to invest, use and make money with crypto currencies (Bitcoin and beyond)

Ayelen Osorio Headshot - Ayelen Osorio.jpeg

We all want to build wealth, make money, and make our money work for us, right?

But sometimes, learning about money can feel so overwhelming and is wrapped up in all kinds of mindset messes and societal norms.

I consider myself a pretty financially savvy person - I have a double major in Accounting and Finance and have been a real estate investor for the last 10 years. 

But there’s definitely a lot I don’t know about finances and money - and today’s topic is one of those. 

Today, we’re talking with Ayelen Osorio, Content and Community Manager from Netcoins, about cryptocurrency.   

Netcoins, if you haven’t heard of them, is on a mission to make buying and selling crypto an easy and successful experience for all Canadians. Founded in 2014, the company has over 10 years of diverse industry experience amongst its leadership team, and is now one of Canada’s most experienced and trusted crypto currency companies.


If you’re like me, you don’t fully understand what Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, the blockchain - means…  and if you don't ‘understand it, chances are, you aren’t investing in it.

(Which is kinda smart).

BUT I know you’re curious about it - and not knowing or understanding something is NOT an excuse, am I right?

I’m super excited to have Ayelen here to learn for myself - and to share with you. 

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • What is Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and what it all means

  • What you need to know before you invest in any cryptocurrency

  • How to assess risk and our suggestions for smart investing

  • How Cryptocurrency is changing the world of inequality and humanitarianism

  • How - and why - you as a woman - can make the world a better place by becoming wealthy

Remember this -- neither Ayelen or I are investment professionals - and I tell you that because my lawyer wants me to - but ALSO because we’re normal women who believe in building wealth, and getting educated - and we want to help you do the same.

So listen up, Goalden Girl. By the end of this episode, you’ll understand Cryptocurrency - where it is, where it’s going - and how it might fit into your own personal wealth and investment strategy.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • A little bit about Ayelen 3:00

  • What cryptocurrency is 5:15

  • How money as a concept has evolved throughout history 6:45

  • The risks with “traditional” currency and investments 10:00

  • One of the biggest myths about cryptocurrency 13:30

  • Why 2020 is the year of the Bitcoin 15:10

  • What the different types of cryptocurrencies are 17:25

  • How Bitcoin avoids inflation 20:00

  • What the heck is a blockchain? 22:30

  • Why cryptocurrency is revolutionary 23:55

  • What some of the advantages of cryptocurrency are 27:45

  • Why the crypto industry has started to invite regulation to make investors feel safe 31:00

  • How we can risk assess and make the best decision on the right type and amount to invest 34:15

  • What a wallet is when it comes to cryptocurrency 37:15

  • Where to start when buying cryptocurrency 38:50

  • How Netcoins makes money 40:45

  • How to buy cryptocurrency even if you don’t have a lot to invest 42:00

  • What to do with cryptocurrency once you have it 46:15

  • How many cryptocurrencies you can buy on Netcoins and how they pick the ones they offer 52:30

  • Ayelen’s advice for someone who wants to get started in cryptocurrency 53:30

  • What often holds women back from investing 57:15

  • How we can continue to empower women when it comes to money 59:55

  • Where Ayelen sees the future of cryptocurrency going and how it can change the world 1:02:00

  • Ayelen’s answers from rapid-fire questions from me! 1:07:00

Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“Money is really just an exchange of value.” – Ayelen Osorio

“Nothing is more expensive than free money.” – Ayelen Osorio

“Don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose.” – Lisa Michaud

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

39. The one habit that changed everything: the benefits of weekly planning and how to prepare for, organize, and plan your week so you can crush your to-do list (without losing sleep or your sanity)

Do you ever look at your to-do list that’s still SUPER long on a Thursday and think “where did the week go?”

Do you ever look back on Friday or Saturday and think “WHAT did I do all week?”

Do you ever look at your “important to-do’s” and realize they’ve been sitting on the the list for weeks - and you have no idea when you’ll actually have time to get them done?

No…but really… what DID you do all week?

If you’ve ever experienced that feeling of wondering “where did the week go,” still have a massive to-do list on Thursday and Friday…and feel like you never have time to do the important things you KNOW will make you happier, move the needle in your career, or actually HAVE to happen (like going to the doctor), you’re not alone.

But you’re also not resigned to living like this the rest of your life.

Listen up friend:

What we’re talking about today will CHANGE this for you.

In fact, this ONE habit has created more success in my life than any other.

No, it’s not waking up at 4 am, drinking green juice, or even exercise or meditation - although I’m sure those are all good things.

I’m talking about a small habit that makes a massive impact - and you can try it, this week.

The habit?

Weekly planning.

Maybe you’ve heard others talk about it. Heck, if you’ve ever talked to me or worked with me, you’ve definitely heard me talk about it and I’ve probably made you incorporate it into your weeks.

But just because you’ve heard of it - or even if you’ve tried it - doesn’t mean it’s going well.

I’ve been planning my weeks for 10 years now and I’ve made ALL the mistakes.

I’ve also figured out some great tips and tricks that can help make this easier for you.

If you’ve ever wondered HOW to actually plan your week for success, listen up.

In this episode, I’m sharing:

Why weekly planning is so important for your success in any area of your life.

How to actually plan your week - I’m sharing my best tips!

The common mistakes and challenges I know you’ve come up against (because you tell me) - like always making plans and having them thrown off, or being too busy to plan…and what to do about it.

By the end of this episode, you’ll be SO excited to plan your weeks because you’ll see how valuable it can be to helping you take action, be productive, and have more time for the good stuff in life - the important things that move your forward, and the things that make life - like snuggles, yoga classes, vacation, whatever that is for you.

If you take action on the tips I share, you’ll never again overload your week and end off your Friday with NOTHING done and even more actions on the to-do list.

Instead, you’ll hit Thursday and Friday with momentum and proud of what you’ve achieved, and ready to rest easy knowing you’ve accomplished what you set out too.

No more wondering where your week has gone, or wondering if you’ll ever have time to do that THING you keep saying you need to do.

From here on in, you’re going to plan your weeks, be productive and stress-free, have time for fun, yourself and others….and get your goals.

If you’re ready for that - this week, next week, HECK, EVERY week (and I know you are!) - stay tuned because that’s about to be your reality.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Listener shoutout 4:20

  • How my love affair with weekly planning began 5:15

  • Why weekly planning is so important for your success 8:00

  • How to actually plan your week

    • Find a system that works for you 10:25

    • Set aside every week to plan your week 11:40

    • How to reflect on your previous week 13:00

    • The step-by-step to actually planning your week 13:50

    • Why you may want to set intentions instead of multiple goals 15:15

  • Let’s get advanced: the actual nuts and bolts of weekly planning

    • Tally up your hours 19:45

    • Block that time out in your calendar 12:15

    • Do the actual bookings during your planning 23:20

    • Include your family, partner, and work team in your planning 24:00

  • Some of the common challenges around weekly planning

    • What to do when surprise meetings come up 26:45

    • What to do if your calendar is too busy for planning 29:55

    • You overestimate when you can accomplish each day or week 33:35

    • You give up too fast 34:50

Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“Weekly planning is the BIGGEST thing that’s encouraged me and enabled me to take action, consistently.” - Lisa Michaud

“Come from this place of recognizing that you made progress and you did great things - that will set you up for success.” - Lisa Michaud

“The weeks I have less planned, I get more done.” - Lisa Michaud

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

38. Unconventional ways to make a decision and help you avoid analysis paralysis, stop overthinking and learn to trust your instincts (from a recovering perfectionist)

Life is FULL of decisions you need to make.

From the ordinary: what to eat for 3 meals a day, what clothes to wear, or what route to take to work…

To the bigger questions: who to marry or partner up with, what kind of school to put your kids in, to whether you should start the business you want, try a job at a new company, or move to another city.

Estimates show that we make about 35,000 decisions in a day.


Some of these are conscious, and some are unconscious.

But here’s what I see happening a LOT - with so many decisions to make, you get overwhelmed, or you get stuck in analysis paralysis.

OR you try and get advice from people - and surprise surprise - it’s conflicting! And leaves you more confused than ever before and with more pressure because now other people are invested in your decision - not helpful, right?

In this episode, i’m sharing what you need to know BEFORE you make any decisions, and sharing 5 unconventional decision-making tools to help you stop overthinking, get out of analysis paralysis, and instead, start to trust your own instincts.

By the end of this episode, you’ll learn how to start listening to yourself, your intuition, and the unconscious information you’re processing.

You’ll be able to trust yourself, which will ultimately make you a quicker, more decisive, and confident decision-maker.

Whether it’s deciding pizza or sushi for dinner, to whether to start the side hustle now or go for the promotion, you’ll be ready to make better, more aligned, and more empowered decisions - starting today.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • What intuition really is 4:20

  • Two simple things you need to know before you make decisions

    • What is your goal? 6:00

    • What are your values? 7:30

  • Examples of situations where the two simple things are not enough to make a decision 9:10

  • Some unconventional ways that I’ve made decisions

    • Flip a coin 12:50

    • Live with your decision for a day or two 14:45

    • Get neutral advice 17:00

    • Get clear on what’s holding you back 23:05

    • Delegate the decision 26:56

    • Remember that you can only make the best decision based on the information you have in front of you 29:30

  • A recap of the decision-making process 30:10

Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“Decision-making takes a blend of right brain AND left brain to do it well. It takes logic and creativity, facts AND feelings.” - Lisa Michaud

“Our brain and our body use unconscious information to guide our behaviours and decisions.” - Lisa Michaud

“Use both your brain power and your intuitive power to make the best decision you can.” - Lisa Michaud

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

37. 11 ways to manage - and even thrive - when you’re feeling overwhelmed, scared, exhausted, and anxious about a second lockdown (and truthfully wish you could flee to anywhere Covid doesn’t exist)

I hate that I have to record an episode on this. I wish we weren’t here. Most of all I wish it wasn’t so heavy right now in the world - I mean - seriously, there is SO much going on!!

But - here we are - and I’m hearing from so many of you that you’re feeling:


You’re struggling. You’re tired. You’re anxious…afraid...and unsure of what’s next.

And in the middle of this uncertainty - you’re still expected to do your job, run your business, be a mom, be a leader… not to mention take care of what YOU want and need.

I want to start by saying this; I know there’s a lot of struggle out there right now. My intention is not to minimize the hurt or grief or stress you’re experiencing.

It’s real - it’s valid, and it matters. YOU MATTER.

This episode is here to share 11 ways that you can start to thrive, even during this difficult and uncertain time.

To be clear: This isn’t about toxic positivity - and I’ll talk about that.

This isn’t about pretending crap isn’t happening all around you - or that it isn’t hard.

My promise to you is this: by the end of this episode, you’ll be able to take a deep breath and give yourself some grace.

You’ll have some ideas on how you can both a) address and express the concerns, emotions, grief you’re feeling, and b) proactively and intentionally find ways to feel more of the GOOD things in life.

I’m an eternal optimist, a rose-coloured glasses kinda girl: So while I know that there’s hardships, and I acknowledge them and want you to do the same…

I also know you come to me, to my podcast, and to my community for authenticity, honest conversations, REALness…and also for positivity, light, optimism and leadership in seeing the good.

So that’s what this episode is about: helping you navigate the messy and uncertain and painful things - while also moving through to where you can feel somewhat normal, and also excited about things. Grateful. Calm and rested. Connected to those who matter.

So you can feel present to what is - and in charge of what you can control - and that’s your experience and the story you’re writing today.

While I can’t change what’s going on in the world, I hope me sharing the things that have helped me can help you to leave this episode feeling more inspired, more KIND to yourself (and others) - and more positive, even when things feel hard.

That’s a tall order - but I’m ready for it if you are. Let’s get started.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Listener shoutout 5:30

  • Tips to thrive, even during uncertain times

    • Check in with yourself 7:40

    • Focus on what you can control 9:25

    • Feel your feelings 12:55

    • Limit your media exposure 22:15

    • Be intentional with how you feel 25:45

    • Create things to look forward to 27:45

    • Ask for help when you need it 31:45

    • Do something kind for someone else 34:05

    • Create connection 35:45

    • Make self-care a non-negotiable 38:00

    • Give yourself grace 40:35

Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:

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“Toxic positivity will catch up with you eventually.” - Lisa Michaud

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

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Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

36. How to create systems to outsource and scale your business without breaking the bank (and why you probably don’t need an integrator - yet) with Kristen Wescott


The world of entrepreneurship can be complicated, and when you add that on to the online world, it can be downright overwhelming. 

If you’re growing or scaling your business and finding yourself drowning in tasks, this is the episode for you!

Today, we’re talking to Business Growth and Systems Strategist, Kristen Wescott all about this: how do you scale your business without stressing yourself out, working 16 hours a day, or breaking the bank?

In this episode we talk about:

  • What is an integrator or DOO and OBM?

  • What the difference is between an OBM, Integrator and DOO.

  • The business mistake that cost Kristen over 2 years and $100,000 - and of course, how to avoid it yourself because it’s more common than you think.

  • How to know WHEN to start outsourcing and WHAT to outsource in your business.

  • How to create simple processes so you can outsource and onboard your team effectively.

  • How to know when it IS time to hire an OBM…. and eventually, a DOO/Integrator.

  • Simple things you can do today to create SOPs and systems in your small - or big - business, even if you have no idea what that is.

  • The awesome plug-ins/tools that make your life EASIER and save you time.

  • The importance of time - of spending your time not only on the things only you can do - but the things YOU do best and love doing - in your business, in your family, and in your life.

Listen up, Golden Girl: in this episode, you’ll hear how to know what the next step is to grow your business, and how to grow your team at the right pace and right time without breaking the bank or stressing yourself out mentally or financially to scale your business to the level you dream about.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • Who Kristen is and what she does 2:50

  • What an integrator, DOO, and OBM are 4:00

  • What the difference is between an OBM and a VA 10:25

  • What a SOP is and how to create one 14:15

  • The revenue threshold where you would probably be looking to bring on more operational support 19:25

  • Why Kristen does not advise hiring operational support right away - even though it sounds amazing 20:35

  • What you should be doing right now if you feel overwhelmed 24:15

  • Why you should be doing time audits 27:50

  • Kristen’s advice for being more mindful of our time and common areas where people are getting burnt out 29:30

  • Why there is such a thing as too much learning 31:45

  • How to figure out what to outsource 40:20

  • Home organization systems that can help you support your business 52:00

  • How to determine ROI - it’s not just about money! 1:00

  • How to optimize your systems before outsourcing 1:04:30

  • How to know when it’s time to hire a VA, DOO, OBM, or integrator 1:11:00

  • How much you should be budgeting for an OBM 1:13:00

  • Some of Kristen’s favourite tools for efficiency 1:21:50

  • I fire some rapid questions at Kristen! 1:28:20

Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 




Where to find Kristen:


Golden Girls Podcast Episodes:

Tools Mentioned in the Episode: 


The Big Leap by Gay Hendrick:  https://amzn.to/2AWA5WD

Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“We’re doing all the things and we’re not doing any of them well.” - Kristen Wescott

“SOPs are a win-win for everybody.” - Lisa Michaud

“Our values really are the driver of helping us make decisions in our business.” - Kristen Wescott

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

32. Have you hit a plateau and can’t seem to get to the next level of success? This is for you! (Part 2)


It's what we're all after isn't it? Success in business. Success in relationships. Success in our careers, families, communities, health, finances - basically everything. 

 But did you know that there's a dark side to success? 

And in fact, without even realizing it your current level of success may be sabotaging your ability to reach success in any other area.

If you feel like you've plateaued, or like you can't quite reach that next level of success no matter how hard you try, it’s time to try something different. 

Get excited! You’re in the right place - this episode is for you.

This is part two of a two-part series where I'm sharing the 12 ways your success is holding you back and what to do instead.

If you haven’t already, go listen to episode #31 where I share the first six ways your success is getting in the way. 

Today, we talk about the rest. 

But don't worry:  it’s not all bad. 

This series is meant to help you look deeper within yourself.  it's meant to help you evaluate the success you've had and look at what you want next and how to get there - through a different lens.

It’s about figuring out what factors of your success you’ll bring along with you - and which ones your future self will require you to let go of. 

If you have been successful so far (whatever your definition is) but you can’t seem to reach the next level of success - in your career, in your bank account, in your happiness level, listen up: 

Between episode #31 and this one, by the end, you’ll have ideas of where you might be blocking your future success and most importantly, understand how to eliminate those blocks to create more wins, reach the next level, and create more success that you desire in your life.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • A summary of episode #31 3:50

  • The last 6 reasons why you may have plateaued

    • You question whether you're deserving of more 5:40

    • You start to fear success 11:05

    • You hide your success and dim your light 19:25

    • You never go deeper 22:25

    • The success you achieved isn't actually what you wanted 29:05

    • You're afraid of failure 32:20

  • Recap of the 12 reasons why you may have plateaued 35:30

  • The biggest takeaway I want you to have 36:35

  • What is Goalden Girls Mastermind? 39:00

Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“The price of your new life is your old life.” - Mel Robbins 

“Someone will be mad no matter what. Might as well make yourself happy.” - Lisa Michaud

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.

31. Have you hit a plateau and can’t seem to get to the next level of success? This is for you! (Part 1)

You’re working hard. You’ve been successful so far. You’re probably even doing “all the right things”. 

So why isn’t success following easily? What’s going on?! 

If you feel like you've plateaued, or like you can't quite reach that next level of success no matter how hard you try, this episode is for you.

This episode is part one in a two-part series.  In this episode - and the next one - I'm sharing the 12 ways your success is holding you back and what to do instead.

YES I said it - how your SUCCESS Is holding you back.  

Surprised to hear me say that?  Well, it’s true. 

Your success may be why you’ve plateaued - and I’m here to help you change that. 

In this two-part series, we're going to talk about how things like being an expert, being comfortable, and being talented can actually work against you sometimes.

Don't worry:  this isn't all doom and gloom. This is meant to help you look deeper within yourself, help you evaluate the success you've had and look at what you want next - and how to get there - through a different lens.

If you have been successful so far (whatever your definition is) but you can’t seem to reach the next level of success - in your career, in your bank account, in your happiness level, listen up: 

By the end of this episode, you’ll understand a few of the ways your current level of success might be holding you back. 

And with this episode  - #31, and the next, #32 --  you’ll walk away with ideas of where you might be blocking your future success.

Most importantly, you’ll understand how to eliminate those blocks to create more wins, reach the next level, and create more success in your life.

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

  • A couple books that are a great read on this topic 6:30

  • The first 6 ways that your success is working against you

    • You're too comfortable and don't actually need to change 7:15

    • You’ve been successful so far so you think you should be able to figure it out 11:40

    • You’re not used to having to struggle 17:00

    • You’re not used to not having the answers 19:15

    • You're still working with old paradigms and habits that don't cut it for the next level 21:45

    • You're always the smartest person in the room 25:50

  • A personal story about how change is non-negotiable when levelling up your success 34:35

Subscribe & Leave a Review 

If you loved this episode, please take a moment to subscribe here so you don’t miss a thing.

And if you’re feeling extra generous, pop on over to Apple Podcasts/iTunes and leave a review, too. Your reviews are delightful to read and help others find my podcast.  Click here to review, select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” then let me know what you think!

Are you a Google Play fan? Find Goalden Girls Podcast and subscribe here. 



Quotes to Share:

Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:


“To get something different is going to require you to do something different.” - Lisa Michaud

“Let go of your story so the universe can write a new one for you.” - Marianne Willamson 

“The plateau you’re on isn’t the top of the mountain: it’s just one step on the staircase to the top.” - Lisa Michaud

Stay Connected: 

Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/thelisamichaud

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/thelisamichaud/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thelisamichaud 

Thank you so much for listening.



PS.  Please note: some of the links shared may be affiliate links. This doesn't cost you anything: it simply means that Lisa Michaud might get an affiliate fee. Special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared: our highest value as a Community is YOU getting results in your life. We will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it. We share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and inspire you to do the same in your life.