How to keep your goals, your business and yourself - going and thriving - during Covid-19

Let’s be honest: even if you started 2020 with the best intentions, the most aligned vision board, the SMART-est goals (which you know I hate), a stellar plan, and the best metrics, things have changed and chances are your goals and plans have evolved.

I’m going to try to limit the number of times I say “uncertain”, “unexpected”, “unpredictable” and “unprecedented” in this email - so bear with me.

Here’s the thing: right now might be all those words, but the truth is, in life, nothing is EVER certain. Nothing is ever guaranteed.

Whether it’s worldwide pandemics, job losses, sicknesses, lottery wins, promotions, business growth, family growth, viral media coverage, or even just traffic on your way to the grocery storethere are always surprises, both good and bad, coming your way.

That has not changed. (Even if it feels like someone turned the volume up to about 1000 decibels).

On a macro scale, all that’s changed is our awareness of this fact, and the reality that now everyone is coming to terms with this life truth.

If you follow along with me and our community on social media, you know that I’ve had my ups and downschallenges, successes and cry-fests.

(And if we're not already, what are you waiting for? Let’s connect on InstagramFacebook, and Pinterest).

Through the challenges, while I’m not perfect, I am still making progress - in my own mind, in my goals, and in my business.

Which brings me to this message for you today:

Here are some things I want to share with you that can help keep #1) YOU , #2) Your Goals, and #3) Your Business going, no matter what the curveballs are.

#1 What keeps ME going:

My mindset. 100%.

YOUR mindset is YOUR power.

It’s the difference between experiencing challenges and thinking there’s something wrong with you for struggling… and instead, looking at it as a chance for you to grow into the stronger version of you that you're meant to be.

Your mindset is the difference between feeling scared, anxious, sad and upset, every day. And feeling those feelings, crying it out, working with a therapist/coach/friend, getting the support you need, and recognizing some struggle is normal. And continuing to move through to the other side.

(I do this often, because I am not immune to struggle, sadness and anxiety).

Overall, your mindset is the BIGGEST thing that will help get you through.

For me, it reminds me to take it one day at a time.

It reminds me to check in with myself, often, and ask “how am I doing?”  No, how am I really doing. No one is listening. Only YOU need to know the truth.

It’s your mindset that will remind you to check in and ask “what do I need?” And trust whatever answer comes up.

A workout. A walk. A nap. A giant glass of water. A hug. A journal. A shower. Dry shampoo.

If you haven’t already, listen in to episode 17 of Goalden Girls PodcastWhen life throws you curveballs: how to overcome obstacles, dance in the rain and thrive through adversity. It dives into all this, and so much more.

#1 - Here’s what you can do today:

Check in, daily and answer to yourself honestly: “How am I doing?”. Then, ask yourself, “what do I need today?” and give yourself what that is.

My friend, you can do this daily, hourly, weekly - whatever feels right for you in the season and space you’re in.

Trust yourself. Trust your answers. Learn to listen to yourself - because that voice is always there and will not leave you.

That voice is your steadiness, the predictability, the truth, the certainty and the light in all that is not-so in the world around you.

#2 Now, let’s talk about goals. How do you keep your goals going right now?

This is a little awkward. For me personally, the reality is that the “how” and the timelines of my goal have been completely thrown off.

Chances are, your goals and dreams have been challenged too.

For me personally, my goal of growing my business is completely shifting. Not only do we not have childcare right now so I’m back to full-time parenting, but my dream of speaking on more event stages has been obliterated - for now.

I know many of you feel the same way about your goal.

Maybe it’s your goal of competing in a triathlon this year, your goal of scaling your restaurant business (when in fact, you are now in survival mode), or your long dreamed-of summer trip around Europe now cancelled.

I know MANY of your goals, like mine, are no longer going to happen the way we dreamed it, planned it, wrote it and envisioned it (whether it made it to the vision board or not).

How am I making it through?

Well, stay tuned for an episode of GGP all about this in a few weeks, but for now, let me give you the most simple answer:

It’s surrounding myself with amazing friends, mastermind sisters, coach, clients, and support.

In the moments I’ve wanted to quit, it’s my friends who are reminding me that this is hard for everyone.

It’s NOT doing it alone - THAT makes all the difference.

In the moments I’ve doubted if I can do it, my coach has made me dig deeper into where that comes from, and explore what’s actually the truth. And the truth for me is this: it’s ok to slow down. I can do this, even if it takes longer than I thought.

When I get questions about how - HOW - do I do this? And I need ideas, and feedback?

start with myself. And if I can’t figure it out, I lean on the brilliance, the support, the encouragement and the truthbombs from the amazing women and support in my life.

In the moments I need to get back to normalcy and get back to some sense of connection and real life, I’ve been depending on friends, and events, even if they’re digital, like Vancity Business Babes.

For those of us that have been connected for a while, you know I’ve proudly spoken at a Vancity Business Babes event in the past.

Even as a speaker, I still go to events and soak up all I can. If you’ve ever wanted to join in but the date/time/location didn’t work out, this is your chance to join virtually!

This Tuesday, April 28th at 6 pm PST/ 9 pm EST, join myself, and Host Vancity Business Babes for a virtual party, panel discussion, and online networking event.

The theme is Pivoting Your Business and while it’s definitely geared towards female entrepreneurs, the speakers are always so inspiring, that it really is for anyone.

This event’s speakers are Tara Bosch, the founder of Smart Sweets (if you haven’t tried them yet, OMG, do it!), Karin Bohn, designer and star in “Restaurants on the Edge” on Netflix, and Clio de la Llave of Booje Media.

Grab your tickets to join in here and as a proud partner, you can use the code “LISA10” FOR $10 off.

#2 - Here’s what you can do today:

Find a way to connect to others, this week. Whether it’s a casual happy hour with a few trusted friends, a Zoom session with a coach or therapist, a morning coffee call with your best friend, or joining me for the Vancity Business Babes networking eventsurround yourself with the right people.

Surround yourself with people who are uplifting, positive, real, inspiring, and are making the most of challenges. And will encourage you to do the same.

And if you do not have these peoplegrab your ticket for tomorrow’s event and hop on the waitlist for Goalden Girls Community because let me tell you, it is FULL of incredible women.

Alright, now let’s dive into business. If you’re an entrepreneur, solopreneur or wantrepreneur… this is for you:

How are you feeling about your business?

#3 - Maybe you’re wondering… how am I surviving and feeling good about my business?

I’ll be real with you: I’m always a little nervous to talk about money and business because I still worry about what others will think. Then, I get imposter syndrome that makes me wonder things like who do I think I am? I don’t know enough. Who cares what I have to think?

Maybe you can relate?

But just as I would tell you, I tell myself: You and I are not serving anyone by playing small and keeping secrets, and wisdom that can help others.

So let’s talk.

The truth: my business is not yet highly profitable, and I haven’t yet matched my corporate salary. Those are goals and dreams I dance a little closer to, every day.

But during this time, I DO have predictability, stability and recurring revenue that allows me to sleep WAY easier than I would have just one year ago.

How did I manage to find such stability and security in a world where the curveballs of life are always being thrown?

Creating a membership-based business.

Maybe you’ve noticed that Goalden Girls Community is a membership, but if you haven’t, now you know. And NO doubt - you’ve seen your fair share of other major brands that have tapped into this amazing business strategy like CostcoJillian Harris’s “Jilly Box”, Netflix, Disney Plus, your gym, and even Burger King with their $5 unlimited coffees.

Seriously - creating a part of my business that is a membership has been an absolute GAME changer… and I can’t NOT talk about it.

If you’d like to create predictable and reliable recurring revenue month after month … build a business to accommodate the current shifts taking place in your market (or the one you want to tap into)… …and if you never again want to wonder where your next paycheck will come from...

...then launching a membership business could be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make.

That’s why I’m SO excited to partner this year with my good friend and mentor, Stu McLaren and tell you about his NEW LIVE workshop… “Turn What You Already Know, Love, And Do Into A Profitable Membership.”

The training is 100% FREE and Stu only does it once a year.

You know more than anyone in the world that in this community - among fellow Goalden Girls -- our dreams and our goals are stronger than the forces when "life gets in the way."

  • All you mommas - what are you ready to bring into this world, even if you’re afraid or nervous?

  • All you twenty-and-thirty-something sisters - what’s that dream of independence you’ve had since college? And are you ready to go for it?

  • All you AMAZING women who want a change and pivot for the next season in life - are you ready to realize it’s never too late?!

Join me and so many other women in our community who have taken the leap and signed up for this first look at Stu’s amazing magic behind TRIBE!

What you can do today:

If you’re curious, sign up here and we’ll find out together how we can discover for ourselves financial securityrecurring revenue, and the benefits of having additional ways to provide for our families and dreams.

Thanks for reading. Thanks for being a part of our community.

This week, I invite you to try at least one of the things I suggest - and maybe, all three.

You are amazing.



PS.  Please note that some of the links I share are affiliate and partner links.

It’s important for you to know this: it doesn't cost you anything. It simply means that me, Lisa Michaud, might get an affiliate fee.

Our relationship is incredibly important to me and because of that, special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared. Our highest value as a Community and Business is YOU getting results in your life.

And because of that, we will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it if you want to.

I share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and I hope it inspires you to do the same in your life.

Thank you for considering using my links and supporting my small business.

The hardest thing I've done all year

Things have been quiet from me, I know, but I promise it’s for a good reason.

Here’s the ugly, truth about what’s going on with me.

This year has been an amazing year, and one of a ton of growth (which actually just means, things have been really hard).

I struggled through 19 months of being a work-at-home mom who hustled during nap-times, bedtimes, and gave my child a pen to chew on so I could finish off just “one more email”. (Judge away….).

I hired new team members for the first time in my business and had to let go of the reins… and show up as a leader. At times, I’ve been less-than-steller.

I searched for over 18 months, called over 100 daycares and finally transitioned Sonoma into a wonderful day-home 4 weeks ago.

All year, I’ve been releasing my need to people please and it’s been ugly, and messy, and I STILL just want to make everyone else happy.

This year, I’ve failed - a lot.

I won an award as one of Vancouver’s Top Mom Bloggers… but lost the top honours.

I started creating an awesome course, but put it on pause to take my own advice and focus on 1 thing.

And I’ve been hard on myself - SO hard on myself, that for the first time in my life, I’ve struggled with anxiety and self-doubt on a level that’s made me less of the mom and entrepreneur I know I’m meant to be.

As I write out and reflect on all of these things, it feels heavy. And real.

And yet, the biggest challenge I’ve faced this year has been creating a very special project for you a Podcast.

You might be wondering… why would a PODCAST (of all things) be the hardest thing?!

Because it’s been the culmination of ALL the things.

It’s made me face my shortcomings as a leader - and step up in a whole new way.

It’s made me show up consistently, even when I don’t feel like it.

I’ve recorded, and re-recorded episodes AGAIN and AGAIN, to make them perfect. All while knowing, they will never be perfect.

The perfectionist in me has manifested itself in the creation of the Podcast being slower than I hoped, which of course triggered all the nasty thoughts:

“What’s taking you so long?”

“You said you would have this done months ago. You have no integrity.”

“How can you lead others when you can’t even do it right?”

And not one to miss out, my fear AND inner critic who cares what others think jumped right on in too.

“This isn’t even that good.”

“Who’s going to listen to you?”

“Who cares about what you have to say?”

“What if it fails and no-one listens?”


Why am I sharing all this?

I’m sharing this because I want you to know this:

Next week, my Podcast is launching - for YOU, in spite of ALL of this messiness.

As I write this, I have tears in my eyes.

Because I know how hard trying new things can be. How challenging it is to step outside your comfort zone.

I know how easy it is to people please to the point where your dreams come last.

I know how fear can take over and make you feel like it has to be “perfect” and that you’re not good enough and never will be.

ALL of these things, I know.

And I still FREAKIN’ DID IT!!!

*Cue the ugly-crying*

You are why.

You are why I kept going.

And as you read this - and as you get ready (I hope) to listen to the Podcast when it launches next week (EEEEE!!), I hope you see it as the reminder that YOU can do anything you put your mind to.

Achieving your goals isn’t all perfect. In fact, most moments are NOT Instagramable.

You will doubt yourself.

You will fail.

You will be afraid - and you’ll procrastinate, and over-perfect, and wonder what the f* you’re doing.

You will make mistakes.

You will struggle to put yourself first, and have to work through mom guilt, and the judgement of not being a “nice girl” - real or perceived.

But if you know that’s part of the process (and I guarantee you, it IS!!), you will keep going.

When you see the podcast launch in your Apple Podcasts/iTunes and Google Play next week, you will know whatever dream YOU have in your heart, you can do it too.

When you listen to the first, and third and fifth episode and hear how it’s not perfect, I hope it gives you permission to just get started. Even if it’s not “perfect” or you’re “not ready.”

And when you hear the 100th episode and how awesome it is, you’ll know that wasn’t a “natural talent” - I had to learn, and if I can, you can too.

When you think about your goal and realize you have NO idea how to get there, remember this: we are 4 days from launch day and I’m still trying to figure out exactly “how” and “when” Apple Podcasts + Google Play + Spotify + Stitcher are going to work together. Let this be the reminder that you don’t need to know all the steps you just have to get started.

When a dream in your heart takes longer than you thought it would, you will look inside and ask yourself if it still matters? And if it does, you will persist. Regardless of timelines.

Most of all, you will realize, like I did, that it’s never about the goal.

It’s about who you become in the process.

It’s about becoming stronger. More resilient. More patient and compassionate - with yourself, mostly.

It’s about following your heart in a world that tells you there’s only one way to be successful, or to be a good employee, wife, or good girl, or good mom.

It’s about having the courage to be YOU, exactly who you ARE - and create the life that YOU want.

It’s about you becoming the woman you’re meant to be.

When you see the podcast go live, I want you to remember THIS message:

It’s not about the podcast - it’s about you - remembering that YOU can do anything.

And for you - it’s not about the goal you’re trying to achieve -- or the one you’re struggling to achieve right now.

It’s about you becoming the best, most authentic, courageous and beautiful version of YOU.

Thank you for inspiring me to keep going. Thank you for supporting me in creating for you.

Thank you, from YOU, for chasing those dreams, even when it’s freakin’ hard.

You’re amazing.



PS. To all my Canadian friends, Happy Thanksgiving. I am truly grateful for you.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

33 lessons it took me 33 years to learn (and the 3 things I'm still learning...)

As I sit here, grateful for 33 years on this earth, I started reflecting.

What have I learned?

What would I love to share with my daughter? What would I love for her to know and learn in her life?

Here are the 33 lessons that took me 33 years to learn… through tears, laughter, hangovers, breakups, makeups and everything in-between.

1) Anything is possible. At 33, I’m living many of my teenage dreams, and it’s pretty incredible to now look ahead at the next 33 years and know that whatever I want, and work for, will become my life.

2) Around the world, people are so much more the same than we are different. Hopes, fears, dreams, things that make us laugh. We are all connected.

3) Science is cool but it doesn’t know all the answers.

4) I am smarter than I give myself credit for (and you are too!).

5) If I’m the smartest woman in the room, consistently, I’m not in the right rooms.

6) I don’t have to dim my light to make others feel good about themselves. When I shine, others have permission to be themselves too.

7) I’m responsible for my emotions and my reactions. Nobody can make me feel any way: I have to own my reactions. And when I do, I’m empowered to learn more about myself, and react in the way I want to.

8) My growth is never done. Each year… heck, every day, I’m peeling back layers and layers of crap I need to get over. This journey will never end.

9) My intuition knows things that I can’t explain with facts. And that doesn’t make this information any less relevant or accurate.

10) I love money, and I’m about 90% ok with saying that out loud. Saying “I love money” doesn’t mean I don’t love my family or friends, or think other things are important. Just like if I said “I love pizza”, when I say “I love money”, I can also say “I love making a difference” and “I love all the free gifts the world gives me every day”.

11) Sex gets better as I get older. And there’s a lot to love about it. Make it a priority. Screw that: make it SO fun and amazing and enlightening that it becomes an absolute “must”, as often as possible!

12) Everything that could be my excuse NOT to do something, is now my excuse why I HAVE to do it. Being a mom. Being “busy”. Being a new entrepreneur. It’s my WHY!

13) I don’t have to be a good cook, or homemaker in any sense to be a good wife, or a good woman.

14) Poutine must have cheese curds. Shredded cheese is delicious.. but it’s not a poutine.

15) Everything that has challenged me in my life has been for a reason. I know this… and still, some days, I wish it was easy :)

16) Having a child is the most incredible experience. It’s all the feels, every day. It might not be for everyone, but WOW is it ever for me.

17) Parenting is f*cking hard. It showed me all the cracks in my life, and keeps showing me all the places I have yet to grow.

18) Taking time for me is not selfish. If I’m a burned-out, miserable, stressed-out version of me, that sucks for everyone. When I feel great, it makes everything in my life better.

19) Drinking less can actually be more fun. And when I drink less, I enjoy the moments more. Plus, I don’t feel guilty splurging on a bottle of Veuve once in a while!

20) When I make others uncomfortable or upset (and I haven’t like, physically hurt them or bullied them), it’s about them, not me.

21) At every level, and whenever I grow, it will be hard. I will be scared. I will doubt myself. That’s my sign to keep going.

22) I take for granted that the people I love will always be here. I must constantly remember to be grateful, be present and love hard, even in the tough moments. Because one day, I’ll miss them.

23) There will always be more work to do, a reason not to work-out, another snooze button to hit. There is only one today. My daughter will grow up. My body will age. The work will still be there.

24) Nothing feels better than being in water. Swimming is my happy place and it makes me feel alive. Do more things that make you feel alive.

25) I decide to be happy. When I lived on Vancouver Island, people complained. When I moved to Fort McMurray, people complained. Guess what? I was freakin’ HAPPY in both places. Happiness is a choice.

26) I will never be ready. I have to start before I’m ready.

27) Mindset is everything.

28) I’m a work-in-progress. I will never have it all figured out and that’s ok. It gives me a mission, and makes for better conversations over that great glass of wine.

29) When I start before I’m ready, I usually find out that in fact, I never would have been ready. And yet, I always was ready.

30) I have a gift and an ability to make a real difference in the world. To do that, I have to get around the fears, insecurities and self doubt and remember to SERVE first.

31) Life is precious. Every single day.

32) I still have so many dreams, ambitions and goals in my life: I’m excited for how far I’ve come, and humbled that if I’m lucky, I may only get another 70 or 80 years on this planet.

33) My life is measured in the lives I impact, the countries I explore, and the orgasms and dance parties I have. The more baby giggles I get, souls I love, lessons I learn, and lives I change, the more I know I’m on the right path.

And I’m still working on learning:

1) It’s ok for not everyone to like me. #recoveringpeoplepleaser

2) To truly enjoy the future, I have to enjoy today. Otherwise, I will never be present and never enjoy life.

3) How to step into the impact I know I’m meant to make. I’ve got superpowers to show women how to have it all; exactly what it will all look like next year? In 5 years? In 25 years? Stay tuned….

I’d love to hear your wisdom:

What would you tell your 33 year-old self: past or future? What lessons do YOU have to share?

It's August 1st. Get FIRED up!

August 1st is here!!  

You’re officially 7 months down, with 5 months to go in 2019. 

If you’re looking at the date wondering how (no, really, HOW) is it August 1st, you’re not the only one. 

Before you panic and either a) give up on your goals and hope for better luck in 2020 or b) cancel your vacation and use caffeine as a substitute for sleep, read this email, and watch this video to pump you up. 

Looking for some inspiration that doesn’t make you feel a) hopeless or b) exhausted? 

This is for you. 

Over the last few days, I’ve been listening to you, and hearing what you’re wondering. 

You still have goals and dreams. 

You still want to grow your business. 

You still want to get consistent about exercise. 

You still want to land your dream job. 

You still want to start your book/blog/art class/learning Italian.


If you’re being honest, you’re not sure if you have time to add ONE more thing to your already jammed to-do list.  

You are curious about whether you should pay for goal-setting and personal development. I mean, isn’t it on the internet, right now, for free?!  

You’re not sure if now is the right time. 

You’re still in summer mode… and maybe you haven’t even taken vacation yet.  Is this REALLY the right time to be signing up for something that will take you away from pools, patios parks and happy hours? 

Maybe you should just wait for the next time the doors open. 

You’ve seen the results from our Goalden Girls Community, and what’s possible for you. 

But you’ve got a few last questions.

And you want to know if this will work for you, and what’s involved. 

I want you to make the right decision for you. 

And to help you do that, if you’re thinking about joining Goalden Girls Community, here are a few stories from our Community members that will inspire you, whether you decide to join or not. 

Inspiring Story #1: “But Lisa, my dreams aren’t big. Will I even fit in with a group like this?”

Big or small, your dreams are your own. And whether you have big dreams or not, Goalden Girls Community is about honouring what’s in your heart and helping you achieve it. 

Like Laura. Who had quietly started her business but was afraid to really talk about it with anyone. She wasn’t sure what her family would think - what if she failed?  Who did she think she was to start a business? 

She was having fun, and even getting successful, but was terrified to share with her family and friends what she was up to. 

For two months she put it off. Procrastinated. Was afraid. Made excuses. 

Until she got inspired in Goalden Girls Community, set the intention, and got the accountability she needed. 

And finally, she went live on Facebook to talk about her business.  She was nervous, but soon, she got in a groove, and her video was a HIT! 

She was blown away by the support of her family and friends, and felt awesome being able to be open about what she was up to and share her exciting new business. 

Is doing a Facebook Live a “big dream”?  Maybe.  Or Maybe not.  It doesn’t matter. 

What matters is that you set the intention and get the accountability it takes to really, truly take action towards what you want. 

That’s the power of Goalden Girls Community. 

Inspiring Story #2:  “Goal-setting is supposed to be easy. I’m sure I can figure it out on my own.” 

Have you ever thought this before?

Yes, we all learned about SMART goals in high school. 

But let’s be honest. How well is that working for you?

If it worked, we’d all be millionaires with six-packs living on a beach in Mexico, am I right?!

Let me tell you about Danielle, who knew she didn’t love her job but wasn’t sure what was next. 

She started dabbling in personal development two years ago. 

For two years, she tried to figure it out. 

She read books. Watched videos. Journaled. And got frustrated. 

She thought there was something wrong with her.  Why couldn’t she figure it out?

Her inner critic was roaring and ready to go.  “You’re not smart enough.”  

“You can’t figure it out.” 

“What’s wrong with you?!”

After two years of being stuck, and frustrated, she decided to join Goalden Girls. 

Within one week, she had major breakthroughs.  In one month, she had a plan.  

In two months, she landed a new job that she LOVED and got her excited about going to work, just like she wanted.

Since then, she has gained confidence, clarity and is even closer to her dream career than ever before.

But if Danielle hadn’t decided that she needed some support, she would still be stuck. 

She would still be dreading her Mondays. She would still be frustrated, and blaming herself, thinking there was something wrong with her because she couldn’t set goals herself. 

Don’t get stuck in this trap:  no-one does it alone.  

There’s a reason most of the world’s most incredible CEOs, leaders, athletes, salespeople, non-profit executives, actors, and musicians have coaches. 

It’s because we all need support, outside perspective, and to learn from an expert. And as a coach, I teach YOU to become your own best expert.

In Goalden Girls Community, you get expertise, training, and support, each and every month, to move you closer to your goals and get you excited about what you’re working on.  

Don’t wait two years, or six months or two days.  

Don’t stay in a job you hate longer than you have to. 

Don’t dread Mondays.

Don’t let your inner critic take over and let you think there’s something wrong with you.

Join Goalden Girls and get inspired to take action on goal-setting strategies that REALLY work! 

Inspiring Story #3:  “I’m already overwhelmed with all the things.”

Ok, I tackled a lot of this yesterday and you can read about it here

But just to sum it up for you:

Goalden Girls Community is NOT about “more”.  It’s about the RIGHT things. It’s about FOCUS.

Inspiring Story #4:  “I’ll join next time.”

Look, I’d LOVE to have you, anytime, but this is why you should join now. 

First of all, the price will increase the next time registration opens (and why not start the savings now?!). 

More importantly: Why wait to get results until later? 

Meet Lucy. 

Lucy was still in the hospital after a traumatic surgery when the registration to Goalden Girls opened in May. 

Lucy knew she wouldn’t be able to participate actively for a short period of time in the beginning because she would be in recovery. 

She considered putting it off and waiting to join “at a better time”. 

But she decided to take advantage of the opportunity and join today. 

Lucy used the fact that she had just gone through a tough time, and was about to start a challenging recovery as the REASON to invest in Goalden Girls

She used the fact that there was no time she needed support, encouragement and tools more than right now and decided to jump in. 

What could have been an excuse became her reason for joining. 

Lucy decided to start the next chapter in her life feeling elevated, excited and empowered. 

In the last two months, she has gone from feeling alone, to feeling strong and confident. 

She was in a low place, and turned that into a high point in her life where she can succeed now. 

Her message to me this week was simple:  “I appreciate you and the group so so so much, and it’s already made SUCH a dramatic change in my attitude and energy.” 

*Cue the tears, right over here*

Your EXCUSE for why now isn’t the right time, is also your reason for why NOW is the PERFECT time. 

Why wait to feel more empowered?

Why wait to gain confidence?

What’s the price you put on feeling less overwhelmed… today? 

How amazing will it feel to look back in two months when registration opens again, and have already launched your side-hustle?

When registration opens again, you’ll be SO glad you didn’t wait because you’ll already be on the path to your success, no matter what your definition is. 

“But does it really work?”

Don’t just believe me.  Read the words of our Goalden Girls Community members here. 

Inspiring Story #5:   My budget is tight right now. I don’t think I can afford this.   And can’t I find this on the internet for free right now?

Yes, you 100% can.  And if you cannot pay your mortgage, and are truly struggling to get by, you should NOT invest in this program. 

If you are truly struggling to pay for food or rent, this program is not for you, right now.  

But in this video I recorded yesterday, at the 13-minute mark, I share the inspiring story of Vania, an incredible and inspiring powerhouse who was in that position and got herself out of it.

You start where you are, with what you have. 

But if you’ve ever thought “I can’t afford it” or “it’s too expensive”... but deep down you know you COULD find a way, watch the video from the beginning. 

I can relate, 100%.  

Yes, me, Success Coach and self-made millionaire:  I still get caught in telling myself “I can’t afford it” when the truth is, I absolutely can. 

Millionaire or not, 99% of you reading this CAN afford it. 

It’s $37/month - less than what you’re paying for your iPhone, less than your cell phone plan, your daily coffees, diapers, kids’ activities and just one happy hour a month. 

And it’s time to shift your mindset, your priorities, and find a way so you CAN afford it. 

Trying to do it alone is overwhelming.  

And yes, it’s all on the internet but if you’ve ever gotten lost and simply paralyzed because there is TOO much stuff on the internet, you’re not the only one. In fact, I wrote this for you yesterday and you can read about it here

Start by doing something different.

Join Goalden Girls Community for only $37/month before the price increases. 

I want you to make the best decision for you and I truly hope these stories inspire you to take action in your life today. 

If you’re ready, join Goalden Girls Community today before the doors close at midnight tonight PST. 

And if you still have questions, shoot me an email or message on Social Media and I’m happy to reply to you.  I will answer any and all questions so you make the right decision for YOU!

Thanks for reading. Thanks for letting me and our Goalden Girls inspire you.

Go turn those dreams into reality!



How to stop feeling overwhelmed and get motivated again

You’re confused. 

Life is pretty good. There’s nothing obviously wrong. 

And yet you’re exhausted. You feel a little lost. 

You’re working so hard… but you’re not sure what you’re working towards and why it’s not paying off. 

Girl, I get it. Something is off. Something is missing. 

You have big dreams and you know you’re destined for more.  

You know the answers are out there, somewhere.  

I mean, everything you want to know is on Google or Youtube these days, right?

It can’t be that hard. 

Or can it? 

Let’s paint a picture here and you tell me if I’m the only one that’s been there.

It’s the end of the day. 

You just sent off that last piece of work to your client. The dishes are done.  

The kids finally fall asleep and you commit to find the answers and get the clarity and motivation you’re looking for.

So, you decide to follow a few people on social media for inspiration.  

Suddenly, your inbox is packed with options. 

Memberships, podcasts, journals, conferences, webinars, courses, and workshops. 

All this, and your bookshelf filled with bestsellers is still collecting dust. 

Where do you even begin? 

Overwhelmed with options and unsure of what direction you should take, you decide to hop back on Instagram and proceed to dive into the scroll hole, only to come out an hour later and no further ahead. 

Can you relate? 

In the days to follow, your to-do and to-research list gets even longer. 

You subscribe to more podcasts. 

You sign up for another freebie and receive ten more emails. 

You’re watching inspiring videos and TedTalks, and yet you’re still not making progress. 

Now, you’re even more confused, and wondering how everyone else seems to be doing it and start comparing yourself (even though you know you shouldn’t). 

Soon, you start to ignore the emails, the videos, the podcast notifications just like the books on your shelf since they remind you that you don’t have enough time or money and you aren’t even sure what it is that you want. 

And yet, every time you open Instagram and see others’ success, you wonder why that’s not you.  And deep down, you know that you TOO are smart, capable and oh-so-worthy of success.

I mean, what do they have that you don’t?  

(Besides an obviously better camera, Instagram husband and thousands of followers). 

Well, I don’t know the answer to that, but I do know this:  


It’s time to do things differently and wake up to get the success you want, on your terms. 


If you can relate to feeling overwhelmed, confused, and like everyone is ahead of you, you’re not the only one. 


I can help.


Women like you are why I created Goalden Girls Community.


Goalden Girls Community has been designed for you so you can stop feeling confused and overwhelmed, and START getting clarity, inspiration and strategies that work for you. 


It’s a safe-haven to block out the noise from social media, your nosy coworkers, and your judgy cousin Tracey. (Amen to that!)


You’re ready. 


You’ve had enough of trying to do it on your own. 


It’s time to get the support, inspiration, and training to turn your dreams into reality.  And get a community that connects you with other goal-driven, like-minded women. 


Instead of comparing yourself to others and being stuck in overwhelm and inaction, join a space that lifts you up and simplifies the goal-getting process by giving you only what you need most. 


Goalden Girls Community is a group of women ready to level up, connect and support you as you go for your big dreams.


Led by me, Success Coach Lisa Michaud, this goal-getting community provides the space to stay focused, reduce distractions, and shift your mindset so you create success and go after your dreams.


Are you ready to feel confident?  Get clarity? And find connection?

Are you ready to step into the best version of yourself?  

If the answer is a “heck yes”, it’s your time. 

In Goalden Girls Community, we focus on ONE thing a month. 

That’s it.  One thing.  

Not time management, and positive thinking, and health, and values, and goals, and focus, and and and…… 

One. Thing. At. A. Time. 

And that’s how we eliminate the noise, the overwhelm and the confusion. 

This is how you get clarity and start getting results, immediately. 

Because taking action and being focused gets results

And nothing is more motivating (or exciting!) than actually making progress. 

Imagine finally prioritizing your health and getting consistent with your workouts like you keep saying you will.

Imagine finally signing yourself up for a 5km run or triathlon after all these years, and the pride you feel as you cross the finish line. 

Imagine feeling confident in your decision to go back to work, or back to school, and leaving behind all the excuses or lies you’re telling yourself about being too old or not a good mom.

Girl, this is all possible for you. And it’s available for only $37/month (no, that’s not a mistake, and yes, it’s less than you’re spending on coffee or diapers, or even avocado and toast in a month). 

Success starts with you but doing it alone just plain sucks. 

Join Goalden Girls Community today to say goodbye to wondering IF you can achieve your dreams and say HELLO to the confident woman who faces her fears!

Now, jump on in - take action now because Goalden Girls Community enrollment opens only three times a year.

Join us before the doors close Thursday, August 1st at 11:59pm PST.

I can’t wait to welcome you into our Community!

See you soon  <3

Xo Lisa 

PS. Here’s a video I recorded last night with 4 steps to get you motivated again and get you unstuck no matter how long you’ve been stuck for.

If you like this type of training, you’ll LOVE Goalden Girls Community.

You missed out on this

Two months ago, you got an invitation to join me for a crazy little idea I had to create a community of women like you and me - smart, driven, authentic, and looking for more. 

Two months ago, Goalden Girls Community was created: a place where inspiring women come together to turn your dreams into goals, and your goals into reality. 

Two months ago, I invited you to join, and while you may have considered it, for whatever reason, you decided not to. 

I’m going to be honest. You missed out.  On a lot. 

Here’s just a small sample of the wins some of our Goalden Girls Community members celebrated: 

  • There’s Stephanie, who declared doing a TedTalk as one of her big goals, and kicked off her dream by speaking to an audience of over 100 people. 

  • There’s Laura who had been planning on doing a Facebook Live for TWO MONTHS and even though she felt nervous, and procrastinated for so long, finally DID it and felt INCREDIBLE! 

  • We all cheered for Tam, a mom of 5 (!!), who discovered she was overwhelmed and resentful because she wasn’t sticking to her boundaries. She had a conversation with her family and they have all stepped up so she’s not the only one doing all the cooking/cleaning/organizing. Now, she’s sharing the mental AND physical load - and she feels lighter and EMPOWERED!

Just writing and re-reading these stories literally brings tears to my eyes and makes my heart sing.  And no, that’s not just some lame, cheezy copy-writing.  That’s how passionate I am about women changing their lives (and how cheezy I am in real life). 

You need to hear these stories, being shared with through tears and a singing heart, so you can see what’s possible for you too. 

I see you over there, trying to do it alone. 

First of all, you’re not sure where to start. There’s so many things you could do. But you can’t decide what you actually should do. 

There never feels like there’s enough time in the day, your boss keeps layering more projects on your plate, you just volunteered to help with your kid’s school (whyyyy do you keep doing that?!), and all you want is a nice relaxing trip to the spa the grocery store.

Then, even if you’ve got clarity on what you’re doing, you’re busy sifting through ALL the noise out there, trying to find what you need to move you forward. 

Following all the people, trying to find your “why”, work on habits, and time management, and procrastination, and happiness, and mindfulness and gratitude, and stay motivated, and literally ALL the things, while you get frustrated because you aren’t making any actual progress.

I’ve been there too: letting the books collect dust on your shelf, and your email inbox overflow while your to-do list just grows and you wonder why you aren’t able to achieve your goals.  

AND, you’re trying to figure out all the steps on your goals, and you’re getting stuck on HOW you’ll ever achieve them. 

As you do this, your inner critic joins the party, and your fears and insecurities come along too.  (At this point, it would be better to do it alone). 

Maybe you’re thinking “who will ever buy from me? Who would listen to me? 

“I don’t know anything about triathlons/macrame/hosting events. Who am I to try it now?”

The self-doubt sounds loud, right now, because you don’t have the cheers of a whole community of women (and ME!) reminding you that you’re incredible, and celebrating you every step of the way. 

Inside Goalden Girls Community, we’ve been celebrating women like Desiree, who, just one month in, celebrated achieving one of her 2019 goals by teaching her first LIVE class. 

Inside Goalden Girls Community, we’re helping each other achieve our goals. 

There are exciting collaborations between influencers and entrepreneurs. 

The minimalists are teaching the maximists how to declutter (thank goodness for you all!).  

Goalden Girls are creating accountability partnerships to help them stay focused and taking action on what matters most. 

And we’re getting ready to meet in person next month in two different cities (and this is just the beginning). 

Hold the phone here: this has all happened in just two months! 

What’s possible for YOU?

Imagine, what can happen for you if you invest in yourself, and focus on making your goals a reality. 

Imagine, if you knew exactly what you were working towards and had clarity. 

How simple and easy would it feel if you know exactly what you’ll do this week, this month and this year to achieve your goals. 

Imagine what’s possible if your self-doubt and fears no longer run the show. 

Imagine how incredible it would be to have like-minded women celebrate with you, help you achieve your goals, and share their best strategies and resources, too. 

Imagine getting access to world-class coaching, training and tools for less than what you spend on coffee, diapers, or avocado toast in a month. 

Yup, that’s REALLY what you get from Goalden Girls Community.

Registration only opens a few times a year - and this is one of those moments.  Right now, your monthly membership is only $37/USD a month and that will be increasing in the Fall when we reopen the doors. 

And, if you’re a value-hunter (I see you!), for just $370/USD a year, you get year-round access to this community, saving yourself over $70. 

To put this in perspective:

You’re spending more than that on your phone bill.  

You’re spending WAY more than that on your kid’s swim/hockey/gymnastics lessons. 

It’s your turn to invest in yourself, too.

Each and every month, you’ll get:

  • Powerful, downloadable training designed to get you to achieve your goals faster and easier than ever

  • Access to a private Facebook community to get inspired, feel safe and connect with other goal-getters

  • Live Q+A call + breakthroughs with Lisa Michaud in the Facebook group (with replays available) 

  • Get Sh*t Done Days where we literally, well, get sh*t done! This virtual co-working day uses proven productivity methods you’ll love using every day to get more done so you can have more fun

  • Curated recommended resources including podcasts and books that have changed the lives, careers and trajectories of the lives of Goalden Girls

  • Surprises including guest experts, live meet-ups, contests, challenges, rewards, exclusive opportunities (with members’ only pricing), bonuses and more! 

Hop on over here to learn more about Goalden Girls Community because registration is only open until Thursday, August 1st at 11:59pm PST. 

If you have ANY questions, send me an email, or DM me on social media and I will answer all your questions. 

I’m here to help you make the right decision for you, and welcome you into our Community.

Know this: I can’t wait to be sharing YOUR success story the next time our doors open. 

With excitement and possibility, 


PS. Did you hear?  You missed out on Goalden Girls Community last time the doors open and since then, our members have had incredible successes. 

Here’s just a handful of the celebrations we’ve had within the last two months:

  • There’s Stephanie, who declared doing a TedTalk as one of her big goals, and kicked off her dream by speaking to an audience of over 100 people. 

  • We all cheered for Tam, a mom of 5 (!!), who discovered she was overwhelmed and resentful because she wasn’t sticking to her boundaries. She had a conversation with her family and they have all stepped up so she’s not the only one doing all the cooking/cleaning/organizing. Now, she’s sharing the mental AND physical load - and she feels lighter and EMPOWERED!

  • Desiree hosted her first LIVE workout class ever and crushed one of her 2019 goals, within 1 month of being a part of Goalden Girls Community. 

If you’re ready to make 2019 the best year ever and want to get clarity, focus and support to crush your goals, join Goalden Girls Community today. 

Registration only opens a few times a year - and this is one of those moments.  Right now, your monthly membership is only $37/USD a month and that will be increasing in the Fall when we reopen the doors. 

And, if you’re a value-hunter (I see you!), for just $370/USD a year, you get year-round access to this community, saving yourself over $70. 

Hop on over here to learn more about Goalden Girls Community because registration is only open until Thursday, August 1st at 11:59pm PST. 

Girl, if you have ANY questions, send me an email, or message on social media and I will answer all your questions. 

See you in Goalden Girls Community! 

Stop asking for advice

You already know the answer to that,” I replied. 

My friend sheepishly looked at me. 

Ya. I do.

You already know you want to go back to work early from your maternity leave.

Ya. I do,” she said.

If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me a question they already knew the answer to, I’d be in Kardashian territory   🤣

This is what I’ve learned about questions asked looking for “advice”:  

Often, the question you’re asking isn’t really a question.  

It’s you looking for VALIDATION.  

Validation that you’re doing the right thing. 

Validation that you’re thinking the right thing. 

Validation that your friend/husband/wife/sister/boss/mentor/whoever would do the same thing in this situation.  

And this is why you need a coach.  

First, so I can help you see this mirror and recognize this “question” for what it really is - and reflect that mirror right back on you.  

You need a coach. 

Because you don’t actually care - or need to know - whether I think you should apply to go back to school or not.  

What you need is to answer your own question. 

What matters is what YOU want to do.

Chances are you already know the answer: and you just need a coach to help you gain the confidence to step into your power, and make the decision yourself.

The second reason you need a coach?

Because when you ask a coach, “what do you do when you argue with your husband about the same thing 50 times?”, I don’t tell you what I do.  

I don’t tell you that I think your husband should just step up and take the kids more often. Or do more cleaning because you’re my friend and I think you do the majority of the cleaning.

Instead, I ask you.

You become the expert. 

Instead of getting my opinions, you find out what YOU do when you argue with your husband for the 50th time. 

And that gives you exactly what you need to realize that you’re doing the same thing and expecting different results.

Here’s the difference between a conversation with a friend or family or boss or colleague...and a conversation with a coach:  

Other people are always bringing their opinions to the table: for better and for worse.

Now, sometimes you need to bounce an idea off someone. Sometimes you need to hear new solutions and ideas. 

But too often, you are also hearing other people’s fears being projected onto you. 

Too often, you are listening to your friend’s “advice.” 


Too often, people are giving you their opinions, and you’re listening, even when you know the answer yourself: and it’s different than what those around you are sharing.

Too often, you are being sucked into the idea that it’s “normal” to fight with your husband repeatedly because that’s what marriage is.  

Too often, you are being brought into the “cult of the average” because you’re listening to the average person’s opinion. 

You’re taking advice from people you wouldn’t trade places with.

You’re taking advice from people who haven’t stepped out of their comfort zone, people who don’t have happy marriages, people who don’t set new goals, people who are living pay-check to pay-check, and people who treat their bodies like crap.

This may be blunt, but it’s the truth.

Worst of all, you will come to me in a few years and wonder why you’re not any more fulfilled

Why you haven’t figured out your next career move. 

Why you’re still fighting with your husband. 

Why you’re still tired, working damn hard and don’t even remember what you’re working for.  

This is why my clients hire me. 

This is why you need a coach.

Because instead of taking you further from what you want, or just validating the crap out of you, I teach you to become your own best expert. 

You can validate yourself. (Yup, that’s enough, I promise). 

You can take charge yourself.  

You can begin to listen to opinions and ideas and judge them for what’s right for you.  

But only if you first learn how to listen to yourself and become your own best expert.  

My friend, it’s time for you to stop doing it alone.

And time for you to stop listening to the wrong people.

It’s time to start listening to yourself and get out of your own way. 


Book your complimentary discovery call here and let’s get you started on your journey to being more fulfilled. 

It’s time to step into your power and become your own best expert..

F*ck your excuses

The other day, someone asked me what made me start my business. Here’s the short version.

Almost 5 years ago,  I had health scare.

Before that moment, my life was going good. 

But while I’d achieved a lot of success, and ticked all the usual “boxes” you “should”, I wasn’t living my potential - and I had a lot of dreams and goals I was taking to the grave with me. 

Maybe you can relate. 

Life is pretty good. It’s comfortable. You’ve been successful. 

But there’s more within you, a desire, a dream, a goal you want. You’ve got potential that you haven’t fully explored yet and you know you’re made for more.

And it’s a little scary. 

So it’s easier to put it on hold just for “right now” for when things settle down in life. 

You know, wait for a “better time” when life is less busy.  

Here’s the thing: I’ve been there too.

I’ve waited for “one day” and told myself that “someday” I would start a business. 

It took me 8 years to let go of the excuse that I needed the “perfect business idea” to start. 

I dreamed about living in Vancouver, and flat-out believed it would NEVER happen.

It took two round-trips between BC and Alberta, and more boxes, bottles of wine and friends than I can count to find a way to make it happen. 

I imagined visiting Thailand, bought the guidebook and let it get dusty on my shelf for 8 years. 

It took a cancer scare, the reality that I might only have a year or two left to live, for me to just book the damn trip and finally eat authentic khao soi and meet a real Thai monk, like I’d dreamed of for so long. 

This is what I’ve learned - through my own journey in life and through the honour (yes, HONOUR) of coaching incredible women:

The excuses will ALWAYS be there. 

Your excuse “I’m too young” will turn into the excuse “I’m too old”.

Your excuse of “it’s not the right timewill turn into the excuse “I don’t have enough time left”.

Your excuse of “I don’t know enoughwill turn into the excuseit's too late to go back”.

Your excuse of “I can’t afford it” will turn into “I have too many other expenses to ever invest.”

Your excuse of “they won’t like it/me” will turn into “I don’t even know what I want anymore.”  

Or worse, “I don’t even know who I am anymore.” 

Your excuse “I’ll invest when I have more money” will turn into the excuse “I have too many other expenses to ever invest.”  

Your excuse of “I don’t know how” will turn into “I can’t do it.”

Let go of your excuses. 

Because if you don’t, it will only turn into yet another excuse.

For me, it took a health scare.  For others, it takes the death of a close family member. 

But why does it have to?!

The truth is, it doesn’t. 

Setting the intention, investing in yourself to do the hard work, and a really damn good coach (ahem, hello friend) can work wonders on those excuses. 

Girl, I’ve got two spots available for one-on-one coaching this month, and then that’s it: there will be no more opportunities to work together privately for several months.

These spots are rare, and I know they will go fast. In fact, the first one went last week within hours of announcing it. 

If you’re ready to drop the excuses, let’s do this. 

Your life is precious. 

And you’re WAY more freakin’ capable than you give yourself credit for.

Book a coaching discovery call and let’s connect to see what “someday” dream you are going to make reality. 

It’s time to get excited about your life. 

It’s time to get clear about what you want - without the excuses. 

It’s time to step into the woman you’re meant to become. 

And create the life you’re meant to live. 

Book your complimentary call today and let’s get you fired up to drop the excuses and make ANYTHING possible

6 months to go. What are you doing with them?

Is it just me or does it feel like the first 6 months of the year FLEW by?!

I can hardly believe it’s already July. 

You might hate me for saying this but before you know it, December will be here and you’ll be looking at your year wondering where the year went… and why you didn’t achieve your goals.

Unless you do this: 

Take 30 minutes today, or tomorrow, and check in. 

For those of us in North America, summer hits, and motivation melts away as quickly as the ice in your drink. 

The next 6 months are what separate you from feeling disappointed at yet another year that’s gone by without you feeling the way you wanted to this year and NOT achieving what you set out to….. 


 Ending 2019 on an incredible high, feeling proud, strong, and capable of anything. 

Which one do you want to be?

Oh come on. We all know the answer. 

You want to finish the year feeling strong, energized, alive and proud!

So how do you do that?

Take 30 minutes today, or tomorrow, and check in. 

Yes, you:  MAKE the time.

Don’t tell me you don’t have 30 minutes in the next two days. 

Shut off social media if you have to. Don’t check Instagram every 8 minutes.  (Ya, I see you!). 

Take 30 minutes and go through this process. 

Here's where you're going to start:

  1.  Reflect on the last 6 months:

  • Look at your goals and where you're at are. 

Are you ahead of your goal? Great. Keep the gas pedal on. Don't give up now.

Are you behind where you expected to be? That's okay. Have an honest conversation with yourself about what you can actually achieve in the next 6 months.

Now, it's up to you to balance this.  Balance what you can realistically achieve with what you know you could do if you pushed yourself.

  • How are you feeling about your progress?  How did you show up? 

How you feel and how you showed up says a lot about the progress you’re making and if you’re in alignment with what you’re truly meant to do in life. 

Don’t skip this step. Don’t ignore if something doesn’t feel right. 

Tap into your self-awareness and do what you need for you to feel incredible in your life. 

  • Ready to go all in? This will take you more than 30 minutes but do a Calendar Audit, as John Maxwell recommends.  

Look at how you spent your time - literally open up your calendar (digital or physical) and ask yourself:

  • Was that a good use of my time?

  • What’s missing that should have been there?

  • What’s there that should have been deleted?

  • What will I do differently in the next 6 months?

Learn all about John’s process here. 

2)   Get clear about what the one thing you're going to focus on for this rest of 2019 is.

I know, we all hate focusing. Especially as overachievers. 

But if what you’re doing hasn't worked for you so far in 2019 then you need to try something different for the rest of 2019.

Choose one thing to focus on, one thing is going to move the needle in your life from where you are today to who you want to be.

3)   Plan the next 6 months. 

  • Identify the action steps and milestones it will take for you to get there.

What will it take for you to achieve your goal?

If you have a less tangible or structured goal, what will it take for you to become that woman and feel the way you want to feel?

Make a plan. Decide what you’ll say “no” to, and commit to the real “yes’s”. 

  • Make time for fun

Sadly, I know it’s not just me that struggles to make time for fun.  When life is zooming along, and you’re hustling, you can forget to make time for a vacation. A day at the beach. Date nights with your partner. 

The truth is that this life isn’t just about achieving: it’s about living, each day.

Plan for fun. 

Right now, put your vacations in your calendar if you haven’t already done it.

Do you want to see your friends or family more? Send a message today and make a date. 

Book your ticket for a concert, make the dinner reservation for the restaurant you’ve been dying to make and reserve the babysitter.  Make. It. Happen.

  • Create time and space for learning

Ask yourself:   what skill or knowledge would help me get to the next level?

Then, learn it.

It can be as easy as dedicating 30 minutes a week to go on YouTube and watch videos about this topic.

Maybe you need to look for an online course or course at your local College to learn more about public speaking or bookkeeping.

One of my personal favourites? Going to conferences. If there's somebody you love to follow online, look and see if they have an event or if they are speaking at an event that you can go to.

 Make time for learning in whatever capacity that means for you.

  • Block that time for your goals, learning AND fun

Yep, get into your calendar (physical or digital) and block the time.

 Set a recurring event for your workouts.

 Block out one night a month or two or four for date night.

 Block out a weekend for a conference.

If you have a big goal, block out the time to achieve: 5 hours a week, 10 hours a week, 20 hours a week - as much as you can.

Does that sound like a lot?


But your goals and your dreams are worth it.

  • Identify and get the support you need.

No one does it alone. That's just the truth.

 Who will you need to get help from and support along the way?

 Your boss? A colleague? Do you need an accountability partner? Coach? Mentor?

Do you need your partner to do more work around the house so you can focus on your goals?

Can you save for a cleaner twice a month and put that time aside for your goal?

Will you join a community like Goalden Girls Community to get you the right tools, support, motivation and learning?  Obviously I’m biased, but I hope you do! 

(PS. Make sure you’re on the waitlist for Goalden Girls Community when registration opens again!  

Get clear about what kind of support you will need and then ask for it. 


That was a lot. I know. 

The worst thing you could do?

Give up. 

Assume that because you haven’t done it yet, you won’t ever be able to. 

Trust me: I know that temptation. I had a day last week where I felt down on myself and wondered “can I really do this?”  

If you’ve wondered “am I good enough?” 

“Is this really meant for me?”

You’re not alone.

What I had to do - and what you have to do - is dig deep.

Dig deep and tap into why you set those goals you did.

How do you want to feel? Who do you want to become? What life do you want to be living?

And if you still want that? 

Then you can NOT give up.

My friend, if you’re ready to step into your power, pump up the gas on your goals, and make ANYTHING possible, listen up.

If you’ve read this far, you get me - and I get you.

For a SUPER limited time, there are currently two one-on-one coaching spots available right now for us to work together. 

If you are ready to invest in yourself, shift your mindset and most importantly, what’s possible for YOU, it’s your time. 

Get in touch and book a Discovery Call with me, Lisa Michaud, and we’ll find out where you’re at, and if I can genuinely help you.  

(Trust me, I’ll always tell the truth - and if I’m not the right coach for you, I’ll refer you to someone in my incredible network). 

Listen to me - you can NOT give up now.

Keep the intention strong. Keep your foot on the gas, and keep moving forward. 

Make 2019 your BEST year ever!

The easiest way to get anything you want

This is the easiest way to get anything you want. Anything. 

Tell me: what's something you want? 

Do you want to start a business? Have financial freedom? Get a promotion? 

In today's blog, I share how to have whatever it is you want - today.

Ok, so you might not become a billionaire overnight.

But I can tell you that you're a lot closer to what you want than you think.

Here’s a story for you…. and picture of me crossing my first half marathon finish line, where this story starts.

running lisa .jpg

I still remember crossing the finish line. ⁣

I laughed. ⁣

I cried.⁣

I partied until 4am after (it was in Vegas, after-all).⁣


Crossing that finish line is something I never believed I could do and I'm sure it would surprise every gym teacher I ever had.

Growing up, I was not a runner.

I dreaded running.  At school, we did 6-lap runs twice a year and my dad had to help psych me up, every time.

I walked most of our milk "runs" and used the excuse of "that time of the month" to get out of more runs than I should admit to.

But then I started to get this idea to run a half marathon.

Something about the challenge excited me.

I wasn't sure I could do it and it seemed so far from what was possible for me that it made me curious - could I do it?

The first time I started training, I was in a serious car accident and it stopped my “running career” for the next few years.

Years later, I decided to give it another go.

I learned about training, carbo-loading, found a friend to run with (thanks Mariko!) and started running.

I thought I had it all figured out.

And as life would have it, I got in my own way.

I was scared to do the runs because I knew I wasn't a runner.

I would say to myself “there’s no way I can run for two minutes straight” before every run that required me to try a new pace, distance or time.

I wanted to travel and knew I wouldn't run while we were on vacation.

I could see my half marathon dreams fade before I'd ever achieve them.

But then, I started telling myself I was a runner.

I BELIEVED I was a runner and everything changed.

When you BELIEVE what you want to become and you believe you already ARE and can achieve anything, YOU CAN.

Tony Robbins says "we live who we believe we are" and I can't imagine truer words.

When I believed I was a runner, I showed up to my runs (and survived them!).

When I believed I was a runner, I knew I could get through the challenges of faster pacing, longer distances and times.

And I won’t lie, sometimes I only got through runs by holding hands with a friend, and eating gummy bears along the way.


When I was a runner, I brought my shoes on vacation and did my training runs.

When I believed I was a runner, I signed up for another race and another race. And I now have 7 half marathons under my belt (and I have dreams of a marathon in a later season of life).

What started as a dream to run a half marathon, became a goal to run a half marathon.

What became a goal to run a half marathon became who I am: a runner.

And the same is true for you.

What starts as a dream, becomes a goal.

What becomes a goal, becomes who you are today.

"We live who we believe we are". ⁣

It's time for you to claim your dreams and goals.

It's time for you to LIVE who YOU believe you are.

Believe you're the most incredible version of yourself… and you will be!

Tell yourself you already are the person you want to become, and then start doing the things that person would do.

If you want to become an author, tell yourself you’re an author.

And then do what an author does, and write.

If you want to be the CEO of your company one day, tell yourself you are and start doing the things.

Start thinking strategically, dress and show up like the CEO and network like you’re a CEO looking to expand your business.

If you want to build wealth, do what wealthy people do.

Pay attention to your money. Invest in yourself and your learning.  Learn about how to invest it right and dedicate the time and energy to your wealth, and you will become wealthy.

Your goals are about more than crossing a finish line or hitting a target.

Your goals are about you BECOMING the woman you're meant to be.

Your goals are about BEING who you believe you are.

So you better damn well believe you're as awesome as I already know you are.

This, my friend, is how you become anything you want.

By believing you can. By believing you are. And then doing what it is the woman who has it and IS it, does.

This week, and each week, I want you to take on the belief that you already are the person who has achieved your goals.

This is hands down the easiest way to get anything you want.

Take action, daily, like you’ve already got it in the bag (because mindset is seriously 90% of the game, so you pretty much do).

Adopt the mindset of the person who has achieved what you want.

And do the work.

Grab this FREE weekly goal planner here (only available for a limited time) and get clear about what it is you will do THIS WEEK to move you closer on your goals.

Print a few out, and do this weekly. Imagine you have already achieved your goal when you write it out, and then write out what someone who has what you want would do. Then, do it.

And join me LIVE tonight on Facebook and Instagram to dive deeper into belief, and how to get and become anything you want. I’ll be hoping on around 8:30 pm PST and there will be a replay of course, too.

Stop waiting UNTIL you’ve achieved your goals to be happy, or feel strong, or feel wealthy.

Get into it, today.

You, my friend, can become anything you want.