How to keep your goals, your business and yourself - going and thriving - during Covid-19

Let’s be honest: even if you started 2020 with the best intentions, the most aligned vision board, the SMART-est goals (which you know I hate), a stellar plan, and the best metrics, things have changed and chances are your goals and plans have evolved.

I’m going to try to limit the number of times I say “uncertain”, “unexpected”, “unpredictable” and “unprecedented” in this email - so bear with me.

Here’s the thing: right now might be all those words, but the truth is, in life, nothing is EVER certain. Nothing is ever guaranteed.

Whether it’s worldwide pandemics, job losses, sicknesses, lottery wins, promotions, business growth, family growth, viral media coverage, or even just traffic on your way to the grocery storethere are always surprises, both good and bad, coming your way.

That has not changed. (Even if it feels like someone turned the volume up to about 1000 decibels).

On a macro scale, all that’s changed is our awareness of this fact, and the reality that now everyone is coming to terms with this life truth.

If you follow along with me and our community on social media, you know that I’ve had my ups and downschallenges, successes and cry-fests.

(And if we're not already, what are you waiting for? Let’s connect on InstagramFacebook, and Pinterest).

Through the challenges, while I’m not perfect, I am still making progress - in my own mind, in my goals, and in my business.

Which brings me to this message for you today:

Here are some things I want to share with you that can help keep #1) YOU , #2) Your Goals, and #3) Your Business going, no matter what the curveballs are.

#1 What keeps ME going:

My mindset. 100%.

YOUR mindset is YOUR power.

It’s the difference between experiencing challenges and thinking there’s something wrong with you for struggling… and instead, looking at it as a chance for you to grow into the stronger version of you that you're meant to be.

Your mindset is the difference between feeling scared, anxious, sad and upset, every day. And feeling those feelings, crying it out, working with a therapist/coach/friend, getting the support you need, and recognizing some struggle is normal. And continuing to move through to the other side.

(I do this often, because I am not immune to struggle, sadness and anxiety).

Overall, your mindset is the BIGGEST thing that will help get you through.

For me, it reminds me to take it one day at a time.

It reminds me to check in with myself, often, and ask “how am I doing?”  No, how am I really doing. No one is listening. Only YOU need to know the truth.

It’s your mindset that will remind you to check in and ask “what do I need?” And trust whatever answer comes up.

A workout. A walk. A nap. A giant glass of water. A hug. A journal. A shower. Dry shampoo.

If you haven’t already, listen in to episode 17 of Goalden Girls PodcastWhen life throws you curveballs: how to overcome obstacles, dance in the rain and thrive through adversity. It dives into all this, and so much more.

#1 - Here’s what you can do today:

Check in, daily and answer to yourself honestly: “How am I doing?”. Then, ask yourself, “what do I need today?” and give yourself what that is.

My friend, you can do this daily, hourly, weekly - whatever feels right for you in the season and space you’re in.

Trust yourself. Trust your answers. Learn to listen to yourself - because that voice is always there and will not leave you.

That voice is your steadiness, the predictability, the truth, the certainty and the light in all that is not-so in the world around you.

#2 Now, let’s talk about goals. How do you keep your goals going right now?

This is a little awkward. For me personally, the reality is that the “how” and the timelines of my goal have been completely thrown off.

Chances are, your goals and dreams have been challenged too.

For me personally, my goal of growing my business is completely shifting. Not only do we not have childcare right now so I’m back to full-time parenting, but my dream of speaking on more event stages has been obliterated - for now.

I know many of you feel the same way about your goal.

Maybe it’s your goal of competing in a triathlon this year, your goal of scaling your restaurant business (when in fact, you are now in survival mode), or your long dreamed-of summer trip around Europe now cancelled.

I know MANY of your goals, like mine, are no longer going to happen the way we dreamed it, planned it, wrote it and envisioned it (whether it made it to the vision board or not).

How am I making it through?

Well, stay tuned for an episode of GGP all about this in a few weeks, but for now, let me give you the most simple answer:

It’s surrounding myself with amazing friends, mastermind sisters, coach, clients, and support.

In the moments I’ve wanted to quit, it’s my friends who are reminding me that this is hard for everyone.

It’s NOT doing it alone - THAT makes all the difference.

In the moments I’ve doubted if I can do it, my coach has made me dig deeper into where that comes from, and explore what’s actually the truth. And the truth for me is this: it’s ok to slow down. I can do this, even if it takes longer than I thought.

When I get questions about how - HOW - do I do this? And I need ideas, and feedback?

start with myself. And if I can’t figure it out, I lean on the brilliance, the support, the encouragement and the truthbombs from the amazing women and support in my life.

In the moments I need to get back to normalcy and get back to some sense of connection and real life, I’ve been depending on friends, and events, even if they’re digital, like Vancity Business Babes.

For those of us that have been connected for a while, you know I’ve proudly spoken at a Vancity Business Babes event in the past.

Even as a speaker, I still go to events and soak up all I can. If you’ve ever wanted to join in but the date/time/location didn’t work out, this is your chance to join virtually!

This Tuesday, April 28th at 6 pm PST/ 9 pm EST, join myself, and Host Vancity Business Babes for a virtual party, panel discussion, and online networking event.

The theme is Pivoting Your Business and while it’s definitely geared towards female entrepreneurs, the speakers are always so inspiring, that it really is for anyone.

This event’s speakers are Tara Bosch, the founder of Smart Sweets (if you haven’t tried them yet, OMG, do it!), Karin Bohn, designer and star in “Restaurants on the Edge” on Netflix, and Clio de la Llave of Booje Media.

Grab your tickets to join in here and as a proud partner, you can use the code “LISA10” FOR $10 off.

#2 - Here’s what you can do today:

Find a way to connect to others, this week. Whether it’s a casual happy hour with a few trusted friends, a Zoom session with a coach or therapist, a morning coffee call with your best friend, or joining me for the Vancity Business Babes networking eventsurround yourself with the right people.

Surround yourself with people who are uplifting, positive, real, inspiring, and are making the most of challenges. And will encourage you to do the same.

And if you do not have these peoplegrab your ticket for tomorrow’s event and hop on the waitlist for Goalden Girls Community because let me tell you, it is FULL of incredible women.

Alright, now let’s dive into business. If you’re an entrepreneur, solopreneur or wantrepreneur… this is for you:

How are you feeling about your business?

#3 - Maybe you’re wondering… how am I surviving and feeling good about my business?

I’ll be real with you: I’m always a little nervous to talk about money and business because I still worry about what others will think. Then, I get imposter syndrome that makes me wonder things like who do I think I am? I don’t know enough. Who cares what I have to think?

Maybe you can relate?

But just as I would tell you, I tell myself: You and I are not serving anyone by playing small and keeping secrets, and wisdom that can help others.

So let’s talk.

The truth: my business is not yet highly profitable, and I haven’t yet matched my corporate salary. Those are goals and dreams I dance a little closer to, every day.

But during this time, I DO have predictability, stability and recurring revenue that allows me to sleep WAY easier than I would have just one year ago.

How did I manage to find such stability and security in a world where the curveballs of life are always being thrown?

Creating a membership-based business.

Maybe you’ve noticed that Goalden Girls Community is a membership, but if you haven’t, now you know. And NO doubt - you’ve seen your fair share of other major brands that have tapped into this amazing business strategy like CostcoJillian Harris’s “Jilly Box”, Netflix, Disney Plus, your gym, and even Burger King with their $5 unlimited coffees.

Seriously - creating a part of my business that is a membership has been an absolute GAME changer… and I can’t NOT talk about it.

If you’d like to create predictable and reliable recurring revenue month after month … build a business to accommodate the current shifts taking place in your market (or the one you want to tap into)… …and if you never again want to wonder where your next paycheck will come from...

...then launching a membership business could be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make.

That’s why I’m SO excited to partner this year with my good friend and mentor, Stu McLaren and tell you about his NEW LIVE workshop… “Turn What You Already Know, Love, And Do Into A Profitable Membership.”

The training is 100% FREE and Stu only does it once a year.

You know more than anyone in the world that in this community - among fellow Goalden Girls -- our dreams and our goals are stronger than the forces when "life gets in the way."

  • All you mommas - what are you ready to bring into this world, even if you’re afraid or nervous?

  • All you twenty-and-thirty-something sisters - what’s that dream of independence you’ve had since college? And are you ready to go for it?

  • All you AMAZING women who want a change and pivot for the next season in life - are you ready to realize it’s never too late?!

Join me and so many other women in our community who have taken the leap and signed up for this first look at Stu’s amazing magic behind TRIBE!

What you can do today:

If you’re curious, sign up here and we’ll find out together how we can discover for ourselves financial securityrecurring revenue, and the benefits of having additional ways to provide for our families and dreams.

Thanks for reading. Thanks for being a part of our community.

This week, I invite you to try at least one of the things I suggest - and maybe, all three.

You are amazing.



PS.  Please note that some of the links I share are affiliate and partner links.

It’s important for you to know this: it doesn't cost you anything. It simply means that me, Lisa Michaud, might get an affiliate fee.

Our relationship is incredibly important to me and because of that, special care is always taken to make sure only the highest quality recommendations are shared. Our highest value as a Community and Business is YOU getting results in your life.

And because of that, we will always encourage you to show up with integrity and encourage you to create a business, income, and life you love - and make money doing it if you want to.

I share this as an example of how we do this in our business by following these principles to serve you, and I hope it inspires you to do the same in your life.

Thank you for considering using my links and supporting my small business.