Does this hold you back?

If you’ve ever been to my website or checked out my Instagram, you’ve probably seen some of the professional photos I’ve had done.


I get compliments on my photos ALL the time (credit to the amazing Kim James Photography for her talent).

Here’s the finished product:




But I have to share with you the truth about that photo shoot and how it almost didn’t happen.



It looks beautiful and relaxed, but it certainly didn’t start that way.



If you ever doubt yourself or wonder if you’re not good enough, this is for you.



If you’re ever ashamed of your body or the way you look and hide behind it, this is for you.



This is the truth behind-the-scenes of my very first photo shoot.



I scheduled, and rescheduled this photo shoot several times.



I cancelled it, repeatedly.



I had "reasons”.



I was “busy”. Traveling. The weather sucked.



I used every excuse I thought the photographer would accept.



Do you want the truth?

The truth I've NEVER spoken out loud?

I put it off because of how I looked.

I cancelled it because I wanted to lose weight before my photo shoot.

I wanted to be skinnier. Be more toned. Look better before I immortalized myself in photos.



I was SO nervous and afraid that I put off this major up level in my business, because of how I felt about myself.


And I almost didn’t show up for my dreams because of how I looked.



I cringe saying this but I'm sharing it because it's something I definitely struggle with.

And maybe you struggle with it too.

Looking at these photos today, I wonder:



Every day, how many things do women like me NOT do because we are afraid of how we look?

Even confident, badass women like you and I.

Every morning, I've woken up with my daughter Sonoma and told her she is "beautiful, worthy and wise."  

Together, we look in the mirror and say those words out loud.

I tell my daughter that she is beautiful on the inside and it shows on the outside.

I want her to hear my words. Believe my words. Embody my words.

And I also need that message too.



Maybe you do, too.

When I tell her, I also tell myself.

I am consciously working to not allow myself to get caught in this trap - ever again.



I want you to commit to never allowing the way you look to stop you from showing up for your dreams.

First off, I'm beautiful. And so are you.

I would never look at my daughter and think a single piece of her is flawed.  Now, I'm working to build the same love and compassion for myself, my face, my hair and my body.



You would never look at a child and think there’s anything that could possibly be improved.



They are perfect and whole just the way they are.



So are you. 



So am I.

I’m embracing the fact that I'm beautiful. And as India Arie says, "every freckle on my face is where it's supposed to be."

Second, what I look like is not all of who I am.  It is not my worth. And it's not yours either.

How we FEEL about how we look matters.

How we FEEL about ourselves matters.

How you talk to yourself, see yourself, and what you believe about yourself, is everything.

My beautiful friend - and I know YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL - if you're reading this, know you're not alone in these feelings.

And it's up to you to recognize where you are being held back and call in that confidence.

Give yourself love.

Be beautiful. Inside and out.

You are so loved.  



Have the honest conversation with yourself to find out if there’s somewhere in your life where you’re holding yourself back too.



And commit to showing up as you, exactly how you areAs your beautiful self.



Do that Facebook Live you’ve been saying you’ll do for months.



Start the Instagram account.



Share the photo of you on vacation in a bathing suit.



Wear a bikini to the pool because you want to.



Book the photo shoot for your headshot.



Apply to be a speaker at a local conference.



Put your hand up to do the presentation at work in front the leadership team.




Because you are beautiful, inside and out.



Because there is nothing that shines through more than confidence and authenticity.



You are so much more than how you look.



And it’s time to show the world ALL your value.




Most of all, it’s time to own every piece of you that is oh-so-amazing.




Show up and show yourself. For your goals. For your dreams.




Show up for your beautiful self.




Yours truly,



Lisa Michaud

Success Coach & Speaker




PS. Do people still sign off with “yours truly”?  I don’t know but I just did it. Here’s a behind-the-scenes photo from that photo-shoot. Now you know the story and can see the photos behind the photos.

Screen Shot 2019-03-10 at 12.58.52 PM.png


PPS.  I'm going live tonight to answer your questions and go in depth on this topic on Facebook HERE.


Join me every Tuesday night between 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm PST on Facebook live HERE or Instagram HERE for inspiration, wisdom, tools, insights and all your questions answered.


See you tonight!





This will either excite you... or terrify you

Ok, ok. I know we never see each other on a Friday, but I promise, this is important.

Monday is April 1st.

I don’t have a hilarious April Fool’s Joke because I’m not funny like that.

Instead, April 1st is significant to you – and me – for a different reason.

April 1st marks 90 days into 2019.

That’s right: the first quarter of 2019 is over.

25% of 2019 is behind you.

I can hardly believe it myself.

You started this year with intentions of making 2019 your BEST year ever.

I did too.

That's why I created a special blog today to share one of the EASIEST ways to achieve your goals.

And of course, I’m giving you the exact steps to keep you focused and on track to achieve your goals and make this year your best ever.

[FIRST NAME GOES HERE], this email is extra important because the next 90 days matter.

The next 90 days make a big difference.

Picture this:

You cruise through the next few months, thinking you have lots of time. Nothing big happens. It’s comfortable.

July hits. It’s summer, and let’s be honest, you’re heading to patios over prioritizing your side hustle (and so you should).

It’s beach time. Pool time. Vacation time.

Then, September hits, and you panic, because the year is almost over: and you haven’t achieved your goals.

Suddenly, you find yourself hoping 2020 will be different... and so the cycle of never achieving your goals - or your potential - continues.

[FIRST NAME GOES HERE], I KNOW you don’t want this to be you.

That’s why the NEXT 90 DAYS are SO important!

Your dedication, your persistence and your focus on your goals will set you up for MASSIVE success for the rest of the year (and beyond).

Now, imagine sipping that G+T on the patio, having that promotion already under your belt.

How incredible will it feel to have created that side hustle income already so you don’t stress about money when you take vacation this summer.

Picture yourself running your first (or tenth) half marathon and taking pictures with your race medalsweaty and proud of what you accomplished.

[FIRST NAME GOES HERE], no matter what your goal, if it’s important to you, these next 90 days matter.

That’s why I’ve decided to open up a very special and unique coaching program, solely for the woman (or man) who is ready to make 2019 their best year ever – and knows that the only time to do that is NOW.

The Next 90 Days is a private, VIP one-on-one coaching program to get you super-clearon what you want to achieve in the next 90 days and how you'll do it. You'll get all the support, breakthroughs, and accountability to get there.

We’ll connect once a month for a private session, and have weekly email check-ins. You will get unlimited support from me. And there’s a surprise bonus worth over $500 but I can’t tell you just yet.

Spots are extremely limited and by application only because a program like this is for the woman who is ready to level up and invest in herself at the highest level.

If this is you, apply here and I’ll be in touch. We’ll connect over the phone, make sure we’re a great fit to work together, and then, get started.

My 6-month One-on-One Intensives are $15,000 USD.

I know The Next 90 Days coaching program is worth at least $5,000.

But [FIRST NAME GOES HERE], I’ve decided to offer it at $1,999 USD + taxjust this one time.

[FIRST NAME GOES HERE], if this is speaking to you at all, apply here.

Get in touch if you're ready to commit to yourself and your goals.

The Next 90 Days have the potential for you to be life-changing. You'll focus on what's most important to you, and make real progress.

The Next 90 Days are for you to prove to yourself how amazing you truly are. And to achieve more than you thought possible.

If you’re interested, apply today. I have a feeling these spots will go quickly – and I have an extra surprise bonus we’ll chat about to make sure you get everything you need to knock the Next 90 Days out of the park!

Friend, whether you decide to grab one of these limited Next 90 Days spots or not, make the next 90 days count.

Make the next 90 days matter.

Stay focused on what you want, because it’s yours for the taking.

Read today’s blog, and set aside an hour this weekend to check-in on your goals so far.

And set intentions for the next 90 days.

Then [FIRST NAME GOES HERE], go crush them.

Excitedly yours,

Lisa Michaud

Success Coach and 90 Day Magic Maker

PS. What's all the fuss about on a Friday?

[FIRST NAME GOES HERE], here's a special blog where I share one of the EASIEST waysto achieve your goals.

And of course, I’m giving you the exact steps to keep you focused and on track to achieve your goals and make this year your best ever.

Read today’s blog, and set aside an hour this weekend to check-in on your goals so far.

Then, go crush them.

What I hate about the coaching & personal development industry

There are a lot of things I love about personal development.



In fact, I consider myself personal-development obsessed.



So much so, I decided to stake my career and life purpose in it.



The success I’ve achieved in my life has not come by accident. It has come from intentional and deliberate actions.


My success has come from consciously working to become a better person, a better version of myself.



It has come from a desire to learn, and constantly improve.



But like anything, there are dangers in this too.



There is a trap in modern day personal development, and I want to make sure you don’t get caught in it.



Here’s the trap:  the idea that you need to listen to all the experts out there, myself included.



What I really struggle with in the personal development world is this whole idea of “experts”.



It’s dangerous to always think you don’t know the answer yourself.



Here’s the problem I see:



More and more people are turning outwards and not looking to themselves. Ever.



And in turn, we are losing our ability to tap into our intuition and overriding the truths we know for ourselves.



The other problem?



I see experts coming out with the “one way”, or the “five secrets you’re missing”.



There’s a lot of talk that “success leaves clues”, which is true.



But it can also make you think there’s only one way.



And when that one way doesn’t work for everyone (which it NEVER will), it leaves amazing people like you and me thinking there’s something wrong with us.




There are two truths that the personal development industry and all the “experts” are ignoring and I want you to know them.






1)   YOU are your own best expert.




2)  There is no one way. Each of us is unique in our definition of success, and our path to achieving all we desire.




You, my friend, are your own best expert.



Are you always looking for someone to tell you what to do next in your career?



Are you always Googling top tips for teaching your baby to sleep or “is this normal”?



Do you listen to all the latest podcasts and read the newest book, and buy the course looking for the silver bullet that will change everything?



Here’s my question:  how often do you ask someone else for advice or Google an answer that you ALREADY know in your heart?



And then, override what your intuition or past experience is telling you.



It’s not just you.



Have you been taught to believe there’s only one way, only one right answer?



Well, that’s just bullsh*t.



There is no one way.



Not when it comes to building a meaningful career.



Not when it comes to raising a child.



Not when it comes to starting a business, or training for a marathon, or eating healthy.




And when you start to believe any expert that tells you there’s only one way, it’s dangerous.



It makes you think that there’s something wrong with you if what worked for Suzie’s health or Bobby’s baby or Sally’s career doesn’t work for you.



This hits your confidence, and when your confidence is hit, it’s a downhill spiral.




When the next challenge comes up, you feel like you’re not good enough for that either.




What I see happening is confidence being killed in the very industry that’s designed to uplift you – to the same people who truly want is to grow and develop to become more fulfilled and successful.




It’s time to change.





We need to shift as a culture, to evolve, and change as an entire coaching and self-improvement industry.



If you love personal development, that’s amazing.



Keep loving it.



Keep learning.




Before you reach out to one more mentor, listen to another podcast, read another book, or sign up for another course, here’s what you need to do:




1)   Stop asking other people, all the time, what you should do. Start asking yourself for the next step, first.




Trust yourself. Trust what you know. Trust what you need.



It’s time to shift away from always Googling the answer, or asking a friend for advice.



Question for you:



Have you ever asked someone for advice, and wanted to ignore it because you didn’t hear what you wanted to hear?



Have you ever typed in a search, and before you hit the “enter” button, already know exactly what article or advice you’re hoping to find?



Of course you have.



We all do this.



So often, you know exactly what answer you’re looking.



Don’t tell me I’m the first one to Google “is wine healthy?” and skim all the articles until I find the one that tells me the secret to a long life is three glasses of wine a day.



I see you, right there with me, going to page 6 of the search (the only time you EVER go past the first page) to find the article that says “Yes, eat the French fries and drink all the wine”.  



Meanwhile, we’ve both skipped over five pages that say “wine shortens your life” or “wine associated with reduced brain capacity.”



(Side note: I’m not actually sure that’s what the headlines say because I literally ignore them. Take that, “experts”).




It’s time to start asking yourselfwhat is right for me?”



“What feels good for me?”



“What do I want?”




It’s time to get over the need of asking other people what to do, all the time.



It’s time to start asking “what am I going to do next?”  And then following your own answers.





2)   Stop believing that there’s only one way. Don’t believe that if the success that happened for someone else doesn’t happen for you the same way, there’s something wrong with you.



Stop expecting the same outcomes as someone else and believing there’s something wrong with you if you don’t get the same results.



Or thinking that you’re not as good as them. That you’re not good enough.



Or it’s impossible because you tried doing it the same way. And then giving the f*ck up.




This is what we need to change.




What worked for me, may – or may notwork for you.



And even what worked for you last week or last year may not work for you this year or today.



You are an ever-changing, evolving human being.



The world is changing so fast.



The way you start a business 15 years ago to today is completely different. Even in two years, so much has changed.



Things are evolving and just one way to do it isn’t the answer.



Just because you didn’t succeed the same way as someone else or because you didn’t succeed period, doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you.



Let me tell you, it’s just about figuring out what is going to work for you. 


It’s about having the confidence, that very confidence this industry sometimes kills.



It’s about harnessing that confidence, and taking it, and knowing no matter what happens to you, how hard it gets, how you fail and no matter what anyone else is doing, that you CAN do it.


We all need to listen to advice at times in our life.

The right podcasts and books can truly be life-changing.

Working with an incredible coach can build our confidence immensely and attending an amazing conference can catapult our success.

There are amazing online courses out there that help us achieve things we never would have been able to on our own.

I’m not saying to never get anyone else’s opinion or advice, or learn from others.

Instead, look to coaches, “experts”, programs, and podcast hosts that encourage you to know yourself first.

Learn from people who understand that your way is ok, even if it’s different.

Invest in courses and programs that will build your ability to become your own best expert and build your confidence.

You are the foundation, and all the information is simply there to guide you.


You will find a way.



You’ll get back up.



You will try everything.



You will make it work for you and your life.




So my friend, before you devour one more podcast, or order the latest book, hire a coach or ask a friend to help you make a decision, have a really good chat with yourself first.




Listen to yourself. Become your own best expert.



And get over the idea that there’s just one way.



There are many ways.



Be so hungry for your dreams that you are willing to try all the ways to get what you want.




Because being your own expert, and creating success on your terms, your own way, will fundamentally shift who you are as a human.



You will become the best version of yourself.



No outside experts can ever match the expert you become when you are your best self.







Lisa Michaud

Success Coach & Expert of only myself



PS.  I'm going live tonight to answer your questions and go in depth on this topic on Facebook HERE.


Join me every Tuesday night between 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm PST on Facebook live HERE or Instagram HERE for inspiration, wisdom, tools, insights and all your questions answered.


See you tonight!


Think jealousy is a bad thing? Think again

There are some parts about myself I don't enjoy admitting. 


THIS is one of those things.


I struggle sometimes with jealousy. 


Jealousy creates a lot of emotions inside me. 


In my young days, I sometimes turned this into gossip and negativity. 


I turned this into talking people I cared about out of their dreams and joy. 


And I hate to admit it, and feel HORRIBLE about it, but it’s true. 


Jealousy is a powerful emotion and without consciously harnessing it, it can create a lot of negative actions and reactions. 


In my past, I allowed it to sometimes make me a person who wasn’t the best version of myself. 


Fast-forward 15 years and what feels like a lifetime away from high school, I can say I still get jealous. 


But I no longer allow it to turn me into a negative person. 


Instead, jealousy has become a super-fuel for me. And it can become a super-fuel for you too. 


Honestly, since High School, I’ve achieved things in my life I only dreamed I might. 


I married an incredible man and we’ve built a life together, as true partners. 


I’ve had a fulfilling career, and now get to grow a business that I LOVE and challenges me, all the time. 


I speak on stages in front of hundreds and even a thousand people – and get paid to do it. (They don’t tell you this in school, but when you talk too much in class, you should turn that strength into a business). 


I have the most amazing daughter Sonoma who is, by all accounts, an incredible human already and brings so much joy to my life. 


I live in a gorgeous penthouse downtown Vancouver (my dream city!), and get to travel around the world.


Did anything I just say make you jealous?




Not because it makes me feel good; but because I know it has the potential to inspire and fuel you.


In case you’re wondering yes, I still get jealous of others. 


All the time.


But the difference between me THEN and me NOW, is that now, I use jealousy as my secret sauce. 


I use jealousy as fuel. And you can too. 


A lot of “common” wisdom these days tells you to just “un-follow” people who make you jealous. Or spend less time with them in your life if you can’t be around them. 


And hey, I’m not one for creating spaces or being around people that don’t make you happy, social media included. Sometimes it’s essential to create positivity in your life and important to block out noise. 


But BEFORE you just un-follow, or un-friend (in person or real life) who makes you feel jealous, I want you to first harness the power and potential of jealousy. 


Jealousy does three incredible things for you: 


1) It shows you that what you want is possible. 


2) It shows you what you truly want, even before you dare to say it out loud 


3) It sheds light on your own self-doubts so you can level up 


Here’s how to use jealousy as your secret sauce too: 


1) Let jealousy prove to you that what you want is possible. 


The simple fact is that if someone else has it, it’s possible for you to have it too. 


There is no limit to success in this world and just because someone else has a husband that adores them, doesn’t mean you can’t have that too. 


When you see someone else traveling the world as you desire to, or landing podcast guests you want to host, or climbing the NYT best-seller list for their new book, you know that all that can happen for you too.


Seeing others achieve and have what we want proves that our dreams are possible, and out there waiting for us to go get them. 


And while your dreams are possible even if NO-ONE is doing it, this proof and example other set for us sure is a sweet perk of jealousy. 


Since success leaves clues, you can get inspired from what that person has achieved and learn from what they did to get there. 


Suddenly, you’re even closer to what YOU want.


Thank you, jealousy. 


2) Let jealousy show you what you truly want, even before you dare to say it out loud


Society has a pretty clear path charted for most of us. 


School → Post-secondary → Steady job (bonus points for benefits and fancy titles) → Marriage → House in the ‘burbs → Kids → Retirement → Death.


A lot of people don’t even consider wanting things outside of this path, or even flipping the order or status quo of this path. 


But I know for a fact that this path does not make most people truly fulfilled in life. 


Let’s get real: fulfillment, purpose, happiness or joy don’t even make the cut on that path, so can we all just agree this path just sucks?! 


Instead, to live a life true to ourselves, we have to envision, chart, and go for the path we want; and sometimes that’s hard to even start. 


That’s where jealousy comes in. 


Getting jealous when you see a friend get a motorcycle might make you realize that you’d love to feel the breeze in your hair too one day, even if you never realized it before. 


When you feel that tinge of “why her and not me” when you see your colleague accepting an award for her work, tune into what it is that’s making you uncomfortable


Even if you think you know what you want, when you get jealous that someone else has it, envision yourself taking a highlighter and highlighting the experience in your mind as a goal and dream for yourself. Now you know, for sure, that’s what you want. 


Sometimes external expectations or pressures can make us think things are more important than they actually are; titles, money, approval.


But what you really feel deep down, through jealousy, is your true emotion. 


Maybe it’s recognition. Maybe it’s appreciation. 


Maybe it’s to make an impact. Or to feel true love. 


Whatever it is that’s triggering the jealousy is what you really want. Now, it’s time to listen to what you really want, and go get it. 


Thank you, jealousy. 


3) Allow jealousy to shed light on your own self-doubts so you can level up! 


Jealousy often comes up stronger when we have our own doubts about whether or not we can achieve what we want. 


If I see a friend crossing a finish line a few minutes faster than me, and it inspires me, I know that next time, with some training, I can also hit that time. 


If I feel jealous when I see a friend land that personal best time, it might mean I’m not sure how or if I can do the same. 


Seeing a friend’s business explode and expand quickly and feeling jealous shows me that I have some insecurities around my ability to grow a business quickly too. 


Not only does jealousy help me see and understand what’s important, it shows me exactly where I need to up-level my mindset to meet my goals. 


This is true for you too. 


When you see someone achieve something and you get jealous, listen to that voice in your head. 


Is it telling you you’re not good enough?


Or that you’ll never be able to achieve what she (or he) did because you’re not as pretty, rich, smart, or driven?


Often when jealousy is felt, our inner critic shows up to stoke the fire and shout out to our mind that “we can’t do it” and that’s why we’re jealous. 


But {{ subscriber.first_name }}, no matter what that inner critic is telling you, once you recognize it for what it is, you take away its' power. 


Once you know and hear what your self-doubt is saying, and where it lives, you can conquer it. Because mindset is critical as you achieve your goals and dreams. 


And yes, YOU can achieve them. 


Thank you, jealousy, for showing us where we are meant to up-level. 


So, have I convinced you yet? 


Do you see the secret sauce of jealousy? 


The next time you get jealous, breathe it all in, and let it FUEL you. 


 Heck, even seek it out! 


When you walk to your seat in economy, look at the people in first class and if you feel jealous, imagine how incredible it will feel one day when you also buy a first class ticket. 


When you get invited to your fabulous friend’s house (or even mansion) and you feel that tinge of jealousy and the temptation to find flaws in the (let’s be honest – perfect) house, stop. 


Instead, soak up the energy that comes from being in such a beautiful, gorgeous space until you own your own fabulous home too. 


Thank the people who are successful in what you want for showing you it’s possible. Because hey, if it’s possible for them, then it’s possible for you, too! 


Thank those jealous feelings for showing you what you really want. Because sometimes you don’t even realize it until you see it through the lens of jealousy. 


Thank the jealousy for showing you your insecurities so you can remind yourself of your true worth, and continue growing your confidence in exactly the place you need it most. And shut up that inner critic for they know not what is real.


Soak in ALL the feelings of what it would be like to have that too - the house, the business, the body, whatever that is for you - and use that to set your goals and get motivated.


Observe what that person is doing that may help you on your journey. 


What IS it that makes them special? What can you learn from them?


To be bolder? To set a big intention? Or maybe to make mistakes along the way. 


The next time you feel jealous, do these things and keep going for your success. 


Because your success is coming too. 


Even if it takes longer than it took someone else, or than you thought it would take you.


You’re on your way to the success you desire.


And jealousy is the super-fuel to take you there. 


Graciously yours,


Lisa Michaud

Success Coach  


PS. Will I see you tonight?


I'm going live tonight to answer your questions and go in depth on this topic on Facebook HERE.


Join me every Tuesday night between 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm PST on Facebook live HERE or Instagram HERE for inspiration, wisdom, tools, insights and all your questions answered.


See you tonight!


Without this belief, you're doomed.

Does it ever feel like your goals and dreams are so far away?

Do you ever wonder if you’re good enough to achieve your goals?

Or look at your goals and think you won’t be able to reach them because you don’t have as much money, time, or as many followers as someone else? 

Yup, me too.

I’m totally guilty of comparing myself to others. 

And if I let myself, my inner judge/critic/jerk will let me sit in that story all day.

My inner judge tells me that "I can’t be successful until this happens, or THAT happens… and to give up because I’m not good enough – period."

Obviously, I need to fire my inner jerk (and if you have one, you should fire yours too)

Instead of listening to that inner critic, I’ve been pulling on my BEST self and listening to what SHE has to say.

Recently, I decided to adopt a mindset I’ve heard in the past but didn’t truly understand:

“You have everything you need, right now.”

I have everything I need, right now.

Now, this is a quote that's in pretty much every personal development book.

It’s in all the spiritual guides.

Logically, it reminds us that wherever we are, we can get started, today.

And yet for a long time, I didn't always believe it.

But I’ve been converted… and I can say that this is true. 

Here’s my crazy story:

A few months ago, I had the idea to host a live webinar to share incredible strategies to make 2019 your best year ever. 

I thought about it, hummed and hawed, and then realized it wasn’t going to work out.

I didn’t have childcare available and if you’ve seen Sonoma on camera, you know I’m lucky if she stays still for one minute, let alone a one hour webinar.

So, I tossed aside the idea and decided it wasn’t going to work this time. 

Then, out-of-the-blue, a friend messaged me.

She asked “hey, would you like me to come over and watch Sonoma so you can do your webinar?”

I was so excited, and gratefully said “yes, please!”

We made plans for her to come over and watch Sonoma, and I started spreading the word about my webinar.

That’s when I realized something crazy:

I had NEVER mentioned anything to my friend about this webinar.

I had never spoken it out loud to anyone. I never announced that I was doing it… or not doing it.

The webinar idea was an idea that I killed before it could come to life.

Until my friend somehow knew… and offered to help.

Now, I don’t know what your personal, spiritual or religious beliefs are.

But this is a true story of what really happened. 

This beautiful friend was someone I adore, appreciate and admire but not someone I see on a regular basis. 

In fact, it’d been over a year since we’d even talked.

And yet, she knew. She knew what I needed.

She reached out, and gave me what I needed.

She reminded me that I have everything I need, right now.

You too, have everything you need right now.

I’m sharing this story to inspire you and to let you know that whatever your beliefs are – in God, in the Universe, or Life – you have got to believe in yourself.

Believe you have everything you need, right now. 

Somewhere in your life, there's a friend that wants to help. 

There's an opportunity about to open up for you.

And it starts with you believing, and taking action.

Beautiful friend, stop comparing yourself to her. Or him. 

Stop waiting for more money to go for it.

Stop telling yourself it’s not possible for you. 

Just stop.

Start believing that you have everything you need, right now.

Not a spiritual or religious person?

Remember: there are people who have started with less advantages than you and they made it happen. 

YOU can too!

Start taking some steps. 

Take action.

Have faith.

Believe. Deeply.


Know that you have everything you need.

I truly believe that you are meant to live an incredible life.

And that life starts with believing in yourself.

Believe and know that you have everything you need.

With love and trust,


PS. Join me LIVE tonight on Facebook and Instagram Live around 8:30 pm (ish) PST – or catch the replay. 

Do you ever find yourself comparing yourself to others?

(Who doesn’t?)

Does it ever feel like if you were just smarter/prettier/richer/skinnier/quicker/a ninja that THEN you’d be able to reach your goals?

Uh huh.

I get it.

But here’s a truth from every personal development and spiritual lesson that is REAL:

You have everything you need. Right now.

No matter what your goal or how big your dream, you have everything you need. 

It might not all happen today or even this year.

But you have what it takes to get started.

Join me live tonight and I’ll share the crazy thing that happened in my life that proved this to be true.

Join me live and let’s throw away the excuses.

The comparison.

And let's throw away the belief that you or I are not good enough.

See you tonight, Tuesday, March 12th at 8:30 pm PST (ish).

Does this get in the way of your goals?

Do you ever feel like you have no time for the big dreams you have?

If I asked you what is holding you back from achieving your goals, would your answer be “time”?

If your answers are “yes” and “heck yes”, keep reading.

I can relate.

In fact, when I ask myself why I’m not where I want to be in life, often the first answer that comes up is “I don’t have time”.

But through my work, my clients, and my experience, I’ve learned that “not having time” is not the final answer. It's not the truth.

Last October, I was ready to get back into working with clients, and couldn’t wait to share all the lessons I’d learned in motherhood with my community.

I set myself manageable goals.

Send out a blog.

Hop on and do a Facebook Live.

Create an invitation sales page for my program.

But then, week after week, nothing was getting done.


“I have no time.”

On the surface, this answer sounded good.

But I’m not a surface-kind-of-person. I love going deep - it's why I'm a great coach, for goodness' sake!

So I asked myself, “is it true that I don’t have time?”

“Of course it is”, said my slightly deeper brain.

I have a 9 month old baby.

We just bought and are renovating an apartment building.

I was training for and ran another half marathon.

I have a sick family member.

I am a solo-parent for 15 days at a time.

DUH… I. Don’t. Have. Time.

But I wasn’t done. It was clear my mind wasn’t helping me figure this out.

So I went to my calendar, and I looked at what I was “soooo busy” doing.

Yes, there was a lot of childcare in there.

Swim lessons. Baby sign language class. Gymnastics.

But there were also a lot of business activities in there.

For other people's businesses.

I spent two full days helping a friend with her business strategy and live events.

I spent another half day helping another friend promoting her business, and then 10 more hours in one of her programs, learning and supporting.

I spent time promoting and campaigning for a local politician (who I had researched and gotten to know and truly wanted to support).

I had spent over 50 hours working in other people’s businesses and campaigning other people's messages..

And I had spent ZERO hours on my business. ZERO hours on my goals and dreams.

I spent ZERO hours sharing the messages that I believed in.

I spent ZERO time connecting with and uplifting my community – YOU.

Now, let me start by saying this: I am always so happy to help and support a friend, and propel other women forward.

believe in community over competition.

I believe in collaboration over competition.

There is more than enough for you and for me, and for her.

I am so grateful because many others have helped me, and continue to support me, including 10 amazing women in this community who took time in the last two weeks to help me validate my next business idea.

This is NOT about deciding to stop helping others. Helping, uplifting and supporting others is an important part of success.

But I had swung the pendulum SO far, that I was doing NOTHING for myself and my dreams.

Can you relate?!

Do you always put everyone else first?

Does it feel like life always gets in the way of what you want to achieve?

You’re not alone.

When I had this realization, I had a choice.

And so do you.

I could continue down this path. It would mean that I would fully (and I mean FULLY!) support everyone around me.

And it would result in me doing nothing for my dreams.

It would mean that I’d look back in 6 months, 5 years, and 50 years... and not achieve what I truly feel I'm meant to.

And I'd know exactly why I hadn’t achieved my dreams:

Because I had put everyone else before me.

With THAT as the bottom-line, I knew I would regret that.

And I was not willing to live with that regret. I could not continue to constantly put everyone else ahead of me.

So I chose.

I decided to do my future self a favour and go big for my dreams.

I chose to create the right boundaries for myself.

I chose to get over my fears.

The fear of not being liked, or viewed as "helpful" or a "good girl."

The fear of going for my dreams and possibly failing miserably and publicly.

chose to put aside at least as much time for my business a week, as I did for other people’s.

decided to ask for and accept more help, in every aspect of my life from childcare, to cooking, cleaning and more.

And as soon as I made the decision to do my future self a favour, it became easy.

started saying “no” instead of allowing an automatic “I’ll do that!” come out of my mouth.

I shared my goals out loud and got support from those around me – because I knew they would do the same for me.

The last few months in my life and business have been some of the most challenging, but also, the MOST fulfilling.

I have worked with such inspiring women and am leading an unbelievable group through GOALden Girls Mastermind.

I’ve created new revenue streams in my business and set the biggest goals ever – the kind that both excites me and makes me want to puke.

I’ve learned so much about myself and how to continue to give back to the world through my business.

None of this would not happened if I hadn’t done my future self a favour and gotten started.

None of this would be possible if I hadn't taken action over my fears.

And started putting my dreams first. (Ok, maybe not first, but certainly not last, anymore).

I know this is just the beginning of what’s possible.

If you feel like you have “no time”, I challenge you to make time.

If you put everyone else first, it’s time to stop.

If fear is stopping you (whether you know it or not), it's time to get bold and do the scary things.

It’s time to start putting yourself in your calendar.

Ask yourself: What does my future self want from me?

This week, do HER a favour.

Whether this means training for that triathlon, signing up for that sexy dance class, or writing a piece of your book every day, it’s time.

Book a weekend retreat with your partner – or yourself.

Teach your children to do their own laundry so you can research your business idea. (Mama bonus points if they will do your laundry too!).

Before you say “yes” to the next person who asks you “can you do me a favour?”...

Say “yes” to doing a favour for your future self.

Because she has big dreams.

She has goals.

She knows she’s made for more.

She’s worth it.

And SHE is YOU.

With love,


PS. Join me LIVE tonight - and every Tuesday night - on Facebook and Instagram around 8:30 pm (ish) PST - or catch the replay.

Tonight, I'll be diving deeper into two important things that hold so many people back from their dreams: FEAR and TIME - and how they're often related.

So often, we give so much to all of those around us, and not to ourselves. 

I want you to ask yourself this question: What does my future self want from me?

This week, do HER a favour.

Put yourself in the calendar.

Do your future self a favour.

Because she has big dreams.

She's made for more.

Start creating the future she's meant for.

Start creating the life YOU'RE meant for.

Why achieving your goals doesn't make you happy

You might be a little surprised to see me, the goal-nerd herself, saying that achieving your goals doesn't make you happy.

After all, I encourage you to want it all and go for your big dreams and goals!

But the sad truth is that sometimes, if you achieve your goal, you still won't be satisfied.

People often come to me with goals to lose weight. Or earn a certain amount of money.

Maybe those are your goals too.

Now, I’m a driven person. I get the temptation to set targets that are super specific and take great pride in "achievement" (sometimes too much so - and that's a story for another day).

But here's the reality: metrics aren’t actually motivating.

Think about the SMART goals we were taught to set in high school career planning class, and in our corporate goal training.

Specific. Measurable. Achievable. Realistic. Time-based.

Boring. Uninspired. And ineffective, if we're being honest.

When we only set goals based on a number or target, it’s just not motivating. Worse, we risk putting in all the effort to achieve it only to find ourselves still unsatisfied and at that point, utterly confused.

Achieving goals means we need to change behaviour and to change behaviour, there needs to be motivation.

This comes down to the basic difference between the two types of motivators – extrinsic and intrinsic.

Extrinsic motivators are external rewards, or the drive to avoid punishment. Things like promotions, titles, dollars, and numbers on a scale. You might work to avoid getting in trouble with your boss, or a failing grade.

Being motivated extrinsically means we change our behaviour not because we enjoy it or but in order to get something in return or avoid something we don't want.

Intrinsic motivators are things that come from inside – things like joy, happiness, love, security, connection. Being motivated intrinsically means that we engage in the behaviour because the behaviour itself is rewarding. We enjoy the activity or action for its own sake, not just for the outcome.

There are situations where extrinsic motivators are beneficial, and they are tools you can certainly use to increase your goal progress.

But generally speaking, psychology research shows that intrinsic motivation the motivation that comes from within - is much more effective.

Over the long-term, intrinsic motivators are more powerful - wanting to change our behaviour or take action for the sake of the action. In other words, thinking only about the straight dollars, grades, numbers and metric rewards isn't enough.

Here's an example.

Let me ask you this:

What inspires you to get out of bed at 5 am?

Does imagining numbers on a scale work to get you to the gym? Maybe. But probably not. And definitely not consistently.

What about imagining how good you feel after a workout? Or how fun it will be to meet your friend for a run? These are intrinsic motivators.

The potential for long-term motivation and success is SO much higher with those two intrinsic motivators.

How about waking up at 5am to catch a flight to your bucket-list destination? Heck YES! That's easy!

Or how about waking up early after only a few hours of sleep to see a much-loved friend for brunchNo problem.

But pushing through that 3 o clock energy dip to make those sales calls you've been avoiding all day? Pretty much impossible.

All this is on top of this fact: it's never about the money, the weight, the title. It's about how you want to FEEL and what you want to experience in the process of achieving your goal.

Wanting money for the sake of money won't make you happy. Money is never about money. Instead, it's about being able to be generous with money. It's about being able to buy convenience, flexibility, and stability - or whatever it is you value intrinsically.

Losing weight is not about a number on the scale. It's about finding and feeling your groove on the dance floor, or the pride and tears you feel when that race medal is placed around your neck.

It's about feeling confident in your favourite jeans, or hiking to the top of that mountain this summer without stopping every 5 minutes.

And if all you focus on are the numbers - weight, personal bests, dollars, titles, people managed - you'll miss the point entirely.

The worst part? Even if you DO achieve your goal, you will end up feeling empty - and extra confused as to why you still aren't happy when you achieved your goals.

The more you can connect your goals to something that’s motivated intrinsically instead of extrinsically, the better.

The more likely you are to achieve them. And the more likely you are to feel truly happy and fulfilled when you achieve your goal. 

Here’s a few examples of how to connect your goals to intrinsic motivators:

If you can make your workouts fun – say by meeting a friend, or going to a spin class that you love the soundtrack too, you’ll be WAY more motivated.

If you can add your love for learning to your ability to earn an income, that income is going to come way easier.

If you can visualize and imagine what it feels like to lead a team, and start being the one to solve problems for your colleagues today, your promotion is a lot more likely to happen.

Connect the intrinsic motivator first, and the result – the reward – will naturally come.

Here are some powerful questions you can ask yourself to help you add intrinsic motivation to your goals:

First, think of your goal. Then ask yourself:

  • This goal matters and is important to me because:

  • Working towards and accomplishing this goal will make me feel _____ (insert desired emotions/feelings)

Then, imagine you've achieved your goal. Ask yourself:

  • How long after I've achieved my goal will I be happy?

That last question is a zinger. You may discover that it will still take another step AFTER you achieve your goal in order to be truly satisfied. If that's the case, you need to do two things:

1) Figure out what you need in this moment, today, to bring satisfaction to that. There's always something small you can do in the day or week to bring you happiness and satisfaction, now.

2) Decide in which moment you WILL be truly happy and satisfied - and then change your goals to THAT!

You might find that you'll be satisfied after you see your mom cross the race finish line with you and that will help you recognize that your goal is not in fact a specific time milestone, but instead, what will motivate you and keep you going is imagining and working towards that moment that you see your MOM cross the finish line too.

Want to know what's ironic about this whole process? Don’t be surprised if the reward you thought you wanted isn’t what makes you happier.

Who you become and the experiences you gain through the process of achieving your goals is what gives the most joy and meaning in your life.

And don't let any number, metric, dollar value, grade, or punishment ever let you forget that.

Lisa Michaud

Success Coach

PS. I'm going live tonight to go WAY more in depth on this topic on Facebook live HERE.

Join me every Tuesday night between 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm PST on Facebook live HERE or Instagram HERE for inspiration, wisdom, tools, insights and all your questions answered.

See you tonight!

This is the truth about "having it all"

Do you believe you can have it all?

I do.

The phrase “having it all” is so charged up these days.

I started my business because I believe you CAN have it all.

I looked around, and saw myself and many around me as living proof that it’s possible.

So, I created a business where I supported women going for their big dreams and not waiting for a health scare (like I did) to wake them up to their potential.

When I started my business, I set up a Google Alert to send me headlines about “Having it All”.

Each week, Google sends me emails about “Having it all”. And I have about 2.5 years worth of these emails.

I thought it would be inspiring.

I thought I would get ideas for tools, mindset strategies and stories I could share with you.

I thought it would be a weekly dose of happy in my inbox.

I was way-the-f*ck wrong.

Instead, here’s a sampling of recent headlines I had in my inbox:

I can’t “have it all” and it’s my husband’s fault.

I want a baby and career, but why does it feel unrealistic?

Cosmo editor says women can’t “have it all” after giving up on the idea of having kids.

“Having it all” is a lie for Australian women.

Many women don’t have an option when it comes to “having it all”.

This pastor believes having it all is total BS and you should too.

5 ways that trying to have it all in life can hurt your career.

Why do people who seem to have it all commit suicide?

No, working moms can’t have it all and that’s okay.

Can women have it all? Not in Silicon Valley.

As I write this, I am tearing up.

I can feel my face getting HOT and I physically want to vomit.

I’m sure you can see it.

You can see what all these headlines have in common:

They are disempowering AF.

They tell women like you and me to settle for mediocrity.

They tell us it’s “unrealistic” and we have to “give up” things that we want in our lives.

They tell us that there’s no point in even dreaming big so “just be ok with what you have”.

I call bullshit.

You can have it all.

Yes, there are some caveats. And here they are:

First, it has to be YOUR definition of having it all.

Not your mom’s. Or your husband’s. Or the definition of your boss/friend/tv hero’s mom growing up.

Only YOU get to define what having it all means to you.

Second, having it all does not mean doing it all. Yourself.

It takes a village. It takes asking for help. It takes creating real partnerships, and leading those in our organizations, families, and communities.

Third, it means you have know that it will be messy and take time.

It will be imperfect. It won’t be a beautiful, straight line to success (that, I believe, actually doesn’t exist but hey, feel free to prove me wrong!).

You might not “have it all” by the age of 30, or even 40.

But being the woman who WANTS and GOES FOR having it all, no matter how long it takes, will elevate you to become the woman who makes it possible.

Having it all takes courage, in a world that tells you it’s not possible.

It means saying no to a lot of things, most of all: other people’s expectations and your own self doubt.

You have to remember it’s a marathon and not a sprint.

But the power in having it all and knowing you can achieve it is deciding what that means for you.

See, these headlines we keep seeing everywhere?

They are stopping otherwise brilliant, smart, driven women like you from even trying.

It’s bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.

And this is why I am so passionate about what I do.

THIS is why I wake up and share these messages, deeply coach my clientsbare my soul, and work late into the night.

Because I want you to believe it’s possible for YOU to have it all.

I believe in YOU.

And I want YOU to believe in yourself, too.

If you’re reading this, stop listening to people who tell you that you can’t have it all.

Stop listening to those who tell you it’s not possible.

Most of the time, it’s because they don’t have it themselves.

Start listening and looking for people who have done it.

Start encouraging yourself to go for your dreams.

Because let me tell you: there are women – and men – who have it all.

It’s up to you to choose whether you will listen to those who have it.

Those who have been there. Those that can guide you.

Choose to listen to those that support you. That inspire you. That uplift you.

Choose to listen to the women who will lift you up on a hard day or a hard month: not the person who tells you to give up.

Choose not to listen to those who don’t have it all.

Choose to tune out those who tell you it’s not possible, because they have not achieved it themselves.

Friend, this world is noisy enough as it is.

Listen to yourself. Listen to what you desire in your heart, soul and mind.

Listen to the voices that empower you. That encourage you to create the life of your dreams.

Listen to the people who inspire you to go for your big goals – and cheer you on along the way.

Because I know it’s possible to have it all.

Come get it.

Lisa Michaud

Have-It-All Coach & Human

PS. I want you to come on a journey with me.

First, I want you to believe you, yes YOU, can have it all.

Second, I want you to declare it for yourself. To decide that you will go for it all.

My mission is to give you inspirationuplifting content, motivation, tools, strategies and mindset shifts so you can have it all.

I do this through creating weekly content: this newsletter, blog, and live videos. I do this by sharing insights almost daily on social media: Instagram and Facebook.

I do this by creating life-changing products, incredible services, and mind-blowing experiences for you to rise up and have it all.

If this is not for you, that is OK. My messages, my emails, my programs, products and experiences, are not for everyone.

If I am no longer serving you how you want, there are NO hard feelings, my friend. 

I wish you well on your journey, whether you’re coming with me or not.

PPS. I'm going live tonight to go WAY more in depth on this topic on Facebook live HERE.

I'm sharing how to figure out what "having it all" means to you, how to declare it and go for it.

Most important, I'll tell you how to be sure your definition is truly yours, so you avoid burnout, exhaustion, and don't give up, even in the hard times.

Join me every Tuesday night between 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm PST on Facebook live HERE or Instagram HERE for inspiration, wisdom, tools, insights and all your questions answered.

See you tonight!

This daily habit WILL change your life

You’ve probably heard of the power of habit.

As much of 40% of what we do in a day is just habit.

Truly, if you can create habits for success, success becomes EASY.

Now, there are many habits that can improve your life.

Daily exercise.

Consistent sleep.

8 glass of water.

Daily meditation.

Weekly meal prep.


I’m not here to talk about those. You already know about those.

Today, I’m sharing a daily habit I implemented 3 months ago that has fundamentally changed  the way I work and succeed, on a daily basis.

And it hasn’t just worked for me – it’s working wonders for my clients, too.

(If you were a part of the Get Sh*T Done Challenge, it will look familiar: many of you took it on and LOVED it so take this as a refresher and friendly reminder to pick the habit back up).

This daily habit has allowed me to be:

  • More focused

  • Way more productive

  • Less stressed

  • Happier

  • More intentional

This has led to greater success, both personally and professionally.

Here’s the daily habit:

Every day, I start by asking and writing down the answers to these three questions:

  • What are my top 3 priorities? What’s my “frog”? Star your frog*. (Aka – the one I know would make the biggest progress but I’m probably scared/dreading it).

  • situation that might trip me up today is…..and the way my best self will handle it is………

  • One bold action I could take today is:

That’s it. It’s THAT simple.

Here’s a bit more detail and a few tips for you:

1) What are my top 3 priorities? What’s my “frog”? Star your frog*. (Aka – the one I know would make the biggest progress but I’m probably scared/dreading it).

Decide on what’s most important for the day. Most days, you should have at least 1 or 2 priorities that align with your current goals.

If more-often-than-not, your priorities are not aligned with your goals, you need to shuffle and change some things in your life or you will not achieve your goals. It’s that simple.

Now – what the heck is a “frog”A frog is the thing on your list that will help you move the needle towards your goals the most – and it’s also likely the one you might be dreading/procrastinating on. It’s often the most important thing.

You will want to start your day with your frog. Start with the hard task before your motivation fades as the day goes on, before 100 emails come to your inbox and your baby pees on you (just me?!).

2)  A situation that might trip me up today is…..and the way my best self will handle it is………

THIS question has been a complete revelation for me.

Let’s be honest: when things don’t go as planned, or we get stressed, in the moment, we often don’t show up as our best selves.

In fact, in those moments, this is when we yell at our partner or kids, say "yes" when we mean "no", or just plain give up for the day.

The reason this question is SO powerful is two-fold:

  • You’re looking ahead at your day and anticipating what could potentially go wrong or trip you up – it’s a proactive approach.

  • When you identify a potentially stressful situation before it happens, you allow yourself to look at it from a calm, level-headed perspective. You bring your best self to it and prepare before it happens.

This one strategy has allowed me to avoid arguments with my husbandstop being late to important events, and release the excuse of “I’m tired” (when what I really mean is “I’m scared of doing this”).

3) One bold action I could take today is:

Real talk here:

If you want to create an amazing life, and achieve big goals, it’s going to mean taking bold action.

It’s going to mean taking a few risks. It is going to require you to step outside your comfort zone, and what’s familiar and instead, just f*cking GO for it.

So, every day, ask yourself what ONE bold action you could take. Today.

My bold action is not something crazy every day like “launch a new program” or “call up 10 potential community members.”

Some days, being bold means I allow myself to take a nap.

Other days, I push myself to learn something new.

To create something new to serve my community.

To take a day off from my phone completely.

No matter what that is for YOU, it’s about figuring out what bold means that day, for you.

You don’t have to do your bold action every single day, but you should take and do that bold action 90%+ of the days.

Just getting in the habit of thinking bold, and taking action will fundamentally change who you are – and as a result, the trajectory you’re on.

Your goals require bold action.

To get something you’ve never gotten, you have to do what you’ve never done.

If that’s not bold, I don’t know what is.

If you do these three things, every day, you will literally change the path of your life.

We’re just a few months in to trying this, and it’s changing my life, and the life of my clients.

It can change yours too.

Implement this daily habit and watch your success exponentially grow.

Go get it!

Lisa Michaud

Success Coach

PS. Here’s a quick summary for the skimmers (I see you!).

This daily habit has allowed me to be:

  • More focused

  • Way more productive

  • Less stressed

  • Happier

  • More intentional

This has led to greater success, both personally and professionally.

Here’s the daily habit:

Every day, I start by asking and writing down the answers to these three questions:

  • What are my top 3 priorities? What’s my “frog”? Star your frog*. (Aka – the one I know would make the biggest progress but I’m probably scared/dreading it).

  • A situation that might trip me up today is…..and the way my best self will handle it is………

  • One bold action I could take today is:

Answer these three questions daily and watch your life change.

PPS. Don't forget, tonight (and every Tuesday!), Tuesday, February 12th at approximately 8:30 pm PST, I will be going LIVE on my Facebook and Instagram communitiesJoin me live or catch the replay for more strategies like this one!

Tonight, I'll be expanding on this daily habit, and answering any questions you have.

See you there!

The two C's you need to amp up your success

It’s a fresh week and a fresh new month.

And if you’re in Canada or the United States, you’re getting blasted by the polar vortex and it’s extremely fresh outside. I won’t complain that Vancouver got snow when I know many of you are dealing with temperatures -40 and colder! Stay warm, my friend.

So, it’s fresh outside, and it’s a fresh start.

You are a part of my community because you have goals and dreams. And whether we ever get to work together through one of my programs, courses, or events or not, I’m here to help you get to those big dreams and goals.

I know there’s things you want to accomplish in 2019 and you want to make it your best year ever.

And, as I’ve said before, and will say until the day I die, if you want something different – a change, anything new or that you’ve never had before – you have to do something different.

This sounds really easy, doesn’t it?

Just do something different.


Well, it is that easy. And it isn’t.

Here’s the thing: there’s often something holding us back from creating change. It’s up to you to figure it out, and then move forward.

I want you to be aware that creating change can be hard for two reasons:

1) You are prepared with the right expectations so you don’t go too hard on yourself and give up the moment you first fail. Success sometimes looks a lot like failure.

2) You can dig deep and figure out what it’s going to take for YOU to achieve your goals

if you aren’t progressing on your goals, or you want to move faster, it’s up to you to figure out how and why.

There are two key, foundational things it takes to see results in any area of your life: Confidence and Consistency.

And the two are totally related: in a chicken-and-egg kind of way.

Confidence is what it takes to set solid boundaries with ourselves and those around us.

Confidence allows us to ask for the promotion, the leadership role on the project, or the raise.

Confidence makes being rejected from a sale easier to swallow and means we pick up the phone and call the next potential client right away.

Confidence helps us show up as the woman who ALREADY has it.

When you have confidence, it’s easier to be consistent.

On that note of consistency, now’s a good time to be honest with you:

I have not been as consistent with my content, serving you and growing my business as I want to be. I asked myself the questions below and I know consistency is a major way that I can support you and create my big dreams.

And it is my intention in 2019 to do better, for you.

Consistency is key. And if you’re confident, it makes consistency easier.

It’s easier to consistently tell your boss the successes you've had – not in a braggy “look-at-me” way - but in an “I’m awesome and valuable and don’t you forget it when it’s time for promos and bonuses” way.

It’s easy to consistently give and receive respect in our relationships.

When you’re consistent, there’s magic and power.

You can’t run a marathon without consistent training. (Well, maybe you can but it will HURT, not to mention the potential for nipple chaffing, which is a real thing).

To grow your impact and business, you need consistency. You need to consistently create content and engage with your community.

To have an exceptional marriage, it means consistently being an exceptional wife; not just on the days when you feel like it.

Consistency allows you to always be improving. Always be moving forward. Always be learning.

Always be delivering value and creating impact – in your life and the life of others.

Consistency is what it takes for true success.

And of course, consistently doing something will make it easier, which gives you more confidence.

See the momentum building? Can you feel it?

Chicken or the egg, confidence or consistency: the reality is there’s no point debating it and instead, it’s important to focus on both.

Confidence and consistency will allow you to charge full steam ahead into those goals as you make this your BEST year ever!

So if you’re ready to amp up your goal progresshere are two questions to ask yourself:

1) Do I have confidence in myself?

2) Am I being consistent?

Now, don’t just read this and move on.

Answer it truthfully, and honestly.

Ask your partner what their take is on. Do they see you having confidence and showing up consistently?

Meditate on it.

Journal it.

Ask a respected peer, mentor, coach or friend for their perspective. Or talk it out with them.

Confidence and consistency give you a solid runway for success.

Chances are, you can step it up in one of these two arenas (or maybe both).

And when you do, you will see results.

Real change takes time to create.

Remember: you can do it.

Be confident.

And stay consistent.

If you appreciated this opportunity to reflect and move forward, there’s even more of this in the monthly reflection exercise I use that you can find here.

You know my intention this year is to create much more impact and serve you.

To do that, I’m taking a lesson from this post and I’m going to be going live every Tuesday night on my Facebook page.

In my weekly LIVE video, I’ll be sharing inspiration, extra wisdom and answering any questions you might have.

Catch me here every Tuesday night between 8:30-9:30 pm PST. (Flexible time for allow for baby sleep surprises and I'm not letting it stop me from supporting you).

Confidence. Consistency.

Let's do this!

Lisa Michaud

Success Coach & Consistency Queen (I'm owning it!)

PS. If you aren’t progressing on your goals, or you want to move faster, it’s up to you to figure out how and why.

There are two key, foundational things it takes to see results in any area of your life: Confidence and Consistency.

And the two are totally related: in a chicken-and-egg kind of way.

Confidence is what it takes to set solid boundaries with ourselves and those around us.

When you have confidence, it’s easier to be consistent.

Consistency allows you to always be improving. Always be moving forward. Always be delivering value and creating impact – in your life and the life of others.

So if you’re ready to amp up your goal progresshere are two questions to ask yourself:

1) Do I have confidence in myself?

2) Am I being consistent?

Now, don’t just read this and move on.

Answer it truthfully, and honestly.

And take action.

PPS.  My action from doing this exercise myself?

I want and need to be more consistent.

Join me every Tuesday night between 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm PST on Facebook live HEREfor inspiration, wisdom, tools, insights and all your questions answered.

See you tonight!