Does it ever feel like your goals and dreams are so far away?
Do you ever wonder if you’re good enough to achieve your goals?
Or look at your goals and think you won’t be able to reach them because you don’t have as much money, time, or as many followers as someone else?
Yup, me too.
I’m totally guilty of comparing myself to others.
And if I let myself, my inner judge/critic/jerk will let me sit in that story all day.
My inner judge tells me that "I can’t be successful until this happens, or THAT happens… and to give up because I’m not good enough – period."
Obviously, I need to fire my inner jerk (and if you have one, you should fire yours too).
Instead of listening to that inner critic, I’ve been pulling on my BEST self and listening to what SHE has to say.
Recently, I decided to adopt a mindset I’ve heard in the past but didn’t truly understand:
“You have everything you need, right now.”
I have everything I need, right now.
Now, this is a quote that's in pretty much every personal development book.
It’s in all the spiritual guides.
Logically, it reminds us that wherever we are, we can get started, today.
And yet for a long time, I didn't always believe it.
But I’ve been converted… and I can say that this is true.
Here’s my crazy story:
A few months ago, I had the idea to host a live webinar to share incredible strategies to make 2019 your best year ever.
I thought about it, hummed and hawed, and then realized it wasn’t going to work out.
I didn’t have childcare available and if you’ve seen Sonoma on camera, you know I’m lucky if she stays still for one minute, let alone a one hour webinar.
So, I tossed aside the idea and decided it wasn’t going to work this time.
Then, out-of-the-blue, a friend messaged me.
She asked “hey, would you like me to come over and watch Sonoma so you can do your webinar?”
I was so excited, and gratefully said “yes, please!”
We made plans for her to come over and watch Sonoma, and I started spreading the word about my webinar.
That’s when I realized something crazy:
I had NEVER mentioned anything to my friend about this webinar.
I had never spoken it out loud to anyone. I never announced that I was doing it… or not doing it.
The webinar idea was an idea that I killed before it could come to life.
Until my friend somehow knew… and offered to help.
Now, I don’t know what your personal, spiritual or religious beliefs are.
But this is a true story of what really happened.
This beautiful friend was someone I adore, appreciate and admire but not someone I see on a regular basis.
In fact, it’d been over a year since we’d even talked.
And yet, she knew. She knew what I needed.
She reached out, and gave me what I needed.
She reminded me that I have everything I need, right now.
You too, have everything you need right now.
I’m sharing this story to inspire you and to let you know that whatever your beliefs are – in God, in the Universe, or Life – you have got to believe in yourself.
Believe you have everything you need, right now.
Somewhere in your life, there's a friend that wants to help.
There's an opportunity about to open up for you.
And it starts with you believing, and taking action.
Beautiful friend, stop comparing yourself to her. Or him.
Stop waiting for more money to go for it.
Stop telling yourself it’s not possible for you.
Just stop.
Start believing that you have everything you need, right now.
Not a spiritual or religious person?
Remember: there are people who have started with less advantages than you and they made it happen.
YOU can too!
Start taking some steps.
Take action.
Have faith.
Believe. Deeply.
Know that you have everything you need.
I truly believe that you are meant to live an incredible life.
And that life starts with believing in yourself.
Believe and know that you have everything you need.
With love and trust,
PS. Join me LIVE tonight on Facebook and Instagram Live around 8:30 pm (ish) PST – or catch the replay.
Do you ever find yourself comparing yourself to others?
(Who doesn’t?)
Does it ever feel like if you were just smarter/prettier/richer/skinnier/quicker/a ninja that THEN you’d be able to reach your goals?
Uh huh.
I get it.
But here’s a truth from every personal development and spiritual lesson that is REAL:
You have everything you need. Right now.
No matter what your goal or how big your dream, you have everything you need.
It might not all happen today or even this year.
But you have what it takes to get started.
Join me live tonight and I’ll share the crazy thing that happened in my life that proved this to be true.
Join me live and let’s throw away the excuses.
The comparison.
And let's throw away the belief that you or I are not good enough.
See you tonight, Tuesday, March 12th at 8:30 pm PST (ish).