Are your goals like an instant pot?

It's officially February 1st, 2019. January is gone. We are now 1/12th through the year.

Do you find this shocking and almost hard to believe?

Me too.

You may have heard the saying "the days are long but the years are short." And whether this refers to parenting (Ha!) or getting your goals, it is very true.

Time tends to fly, if we are not present with the moment and we don't remain focused on what we want.

This applies to your goals, hands-down.

Are you 1/12th of the way to achieving your 2019 Goals?

Are you on track for all of your goals? Or any of them?

And how do you know?!

Here's what most people do: Set goals, and then forget 'em.

Just like an Instant Pot. 

But you are not most people.

And neither am I.

That's why each month, at the start of a new one, I put aside 1 hour to review my goals.

I look at what I've achieved so far. I celebrate what I'm proud of. I make sure I'm failing because if I'm not failing, I'm not growing.

I realized that if this process helps MEit will help YOU too.

So, I put together my monthly goal-review process into a FREE beautiful, easy-to-use guide that you can grab here.

At some point, I will probably put this into a full planner you'll be able to buy along with my weekly planner, and daily habits. 

But until then, you can grab your GET YOUR GOALS Guide for FREE (limited time only).

No matter what you want to achieve, it will take focus.

Achieving goals takes dedication and consistency.

Living your dreams takes motivation.

Celebration. Failure. Reflection. Intention.

This monthly practice gives you all of these in one powerful guide.

Print your guide now and do it this weekend. And let me know how it works for you.

If it works for you like it does for me, do it every month. Schedule the time in your calendar and make it a habit. This GET YOUR GOALS ritual will keep you focused, realigning, and make sure you create the life of your dreams.

As always, I love hearing from youShare your a-ha's, what you learned, and what you'll do with me on social media or email.

Let's keep moving forward. It's time to keep achieving your goals.

Grab your GET YOUR GOALS Guide today and get ready to make the most of February.

2019 is about to be your BEST year ever.

Lisa Michaud

Success Coach

PS. You know what most people do when it comes to goals?

Most people set goals, and then forget 'em.

But you are not most people.

And neither am I.

That's why each month, at the start of a new one, I put aside 1 hour to review my goals. Every month.

I look at what I've achieved so far. I celebrate what I'm proud of. I make sure I'm failing because if I'm not failing, I'm not growing.

I realized that if this process helps MEit will help YOU too.

I've put together my monthly goal-review process into a FREE beautiful, easy-to-use guide that you can grab here.

My goals for 2019 include creating an ah-mazing planner you'll be able to buy that includes this monthly goal-review process, my weekly planner, and 3 game-changing daily habits. 

But until then, you can grab your GET YOUR GOALS Guide for FREE (limited time only).

2019 is YOUR year. Go get it!

Why I spent money I don’t have

I just made a huge investment in my business. 

And I’m f*cking terrified. 

I almost didn’t do it.

I spent 3 hours on a webinar this morning, learning from the person I want to learn more from. 

I spent 3 hours on the fence, desperately wanting to join her program but resisting signing up.

On the surface, I had all the typical excuses. 

Money is tight (we’re currently spending over $100,000 in renos for one of our properties). 

We should invest the money while the market is down. 

I realized that all of these thoughts were not rooted in logic: If I want the money, I can find the money (hint: so can you). 

And time? What the heck am I supposed to do?!

I solo-parent for 14 days at a time. 

Every diaper. Every meal. Every bath. Every nap, every bedtime story, every activity. Everything.

If anyone has an excuse that “I don’t have time”, it’s me.

But, in my work I’ve learned, that the “time excuse” is often not real and rooted in something else. 

So I journaled. 

I asked “what is my resistance?”

Boom. There it came. 

The stomach knots. The worries. 

My belief that I’m not good enough. My fear of failing, again. 

My fear that if I invest and it doesn’t work, I might have to get a 9-5 job. 

My fears turned to tears. 

What if I never become the entrepreneur I’m meant to be?

What if I never show my daughter it’s possible to have it all?

What if I never help the millions of others I want to serve and know I’m meant to show up for?

Then, I chose. 

I choose my story. I choose what I would do differently this time. 

I’m choosing to be the 7-figure entrepreneur. I’m choosing to free up my time, and learn from the best so my results come now (not in 123536+ days when I “figure it out on my own”.).

I am committing the time to this program. I am committing to blocking the time in my calendar. 

I am saying “no” to all the other shiny things (and you’re helping me get accountable). 

I am doing it right the first time. I am showing up for myself, my family and my community. 

So girl, if you’re reading this and ever thought “I don’t have the time or the money right now for _____”, I challenge you.

I challenge you to ask “what is my resistance?” and listen. 

Journal. Talk to a friend, coach, or mentor. Meditate on it.

Listen to your fears. Allow yourself to release your emotion.

And then choose. 

Consciously choose what you will believe. 

Consciously choose what you will create. 






Whatever that is, choose to believe it. And choose to make it happen for you.

I say this, not from an inspirational, I’ve-never-been-there-because-I’ve-got-all-my-sh*t-figured-out place. 

I share this because I KNOW. I feel the fear too. I feel the worry. I cry, too. 

And then, I choose and get over it.

There is no secret recipe to success or to your dream life. 

It’s not easy. But it’s worth it. 

So stop with the excuses. Stop with thinking you don’t have time or money (you can make more of both, anytime). 

You’ve got one life. You’ve got a blank slate of a year ahead of you. GO GET IT and make it your BEST year ever!

Calling myself "self-made" is bullsh*t

​​​​​​​​​In the last few weeks, I've had some exciting stuff happening. I've been interviewed for a few major publications, and asked to collaborate with some inspiring brands (I can't share them yet but I will as soon as I can). 


For these collaborations, I shared a bio that read as follows:  "Lisa Michaud is an International Success Coach, Speaker, Entrepreneur and Real Estate Investor.  As an entrepreneur, mother, and self-made millionaire by the time she turned 30, she knows about goal-setting and creating a success mindset."


Sounds pretty good, right?


But since then, I've been reflecting. 


Last week, I shared with you that lately, I've been struggling. The last two weeks have been very hard and I've been digging deep and saying "yes" to all the help (something that doesn't come easy to me). 


It has made me question - am I really self-made?


Is anyone self-made?


I want to clarify:  what I meant by "self-made", is this:  no-one gave me a million dollars. 


My parents are not rich. I worked hard. I made a lot of mistakes. My husband and I have made sacrifices and continue to, to create wealth and financial freedom. We take calculated risks, and are constantly learning more about money and ourselves, to be better and wealthier. 


So in that sense, I'm "self-made".  Sure. 


But in a way, it's really just bullsh*t", isn't it?! 


Self-made millionaire.  Self-made entrepreneur.  Self-made success.


It feels good to hear and say. And I know, that's my ego talking, because "self-made" is something our culture glorifies and applauds.


The truth is, I'm not self-made.

And I highly doubt anyone else is either.

I don't do it alone.

I can't do it alone.

Because we weren't mean to do it alone.

Start businesses.

Raise children.

Change the world.


We don't do any of these things alone. 

I'm a beautiful creation of all those who have come in my life before me.

I'm a product of all the teachers who have influenced and taught me.

I've been made through every book I've read, podcast I've listened to, and leadership conference I've attended.


I've been encouraged and inspired by fellow entrepreneurs who show me the way, and encourage me every step.


I've been shaped as a leader through great bosses, and crappy ones.

I've evolved in friendships, family and relationships - the long-term ones, and the short-term ones. The good and the bad.


The truth is, to truly achieve greatness, and the success we dream of, we cannot do it alone. 


To get to the next level in our life - whether that's personal growth, business success or financial freedom - we move and get there so much faster when we have others running beside us. 


I know this. I've experienced the power of a community of inspiring, ambitious women. And wow, we are truly more powerful and stronger when we are together. 


That's why I created the GOALden Girls Mastermind.


I see you. I see you trying to do it alone, and wondering why you can't. 


It's so easy in our culture to think it's your fault - that if you're not "self-made", if you can't figure it all out by yourself, there's something wrong with you. 


I know the feeling. I've been there. 


But I've learned that to truly expand, to go for my big-big-big dreams, I need help. I need support.


I need inspiration and motivation from those who inspire me, encourage me, teach me and show me how to expand. And if you want to achieve big things, you do too. 


GOALden Girls Mastermind is a 4-month, LIVE online program designed to take you from setting your big goals in 2019 to actually achieving them. With 16 weeks of live group calls, 12 modules to learn from, guest experts and an inspiring community of like-minded women, THIS program is all about what it really takes to be successful (whatever your definition is). 


In GOALden Girls, you're not doing it alone. You are surrounded by ambitious, driven women who are ready to make 2019 their BEST year yet. 


Ambitious, driven... and ready to make 2019 your best year ever. Does this sound like you?

There are three levels of the GOALden Girls Mastermind Membership, so you choose the level that works for what you need to be your best self in 2019. 


I believe in bold action and taking risks (see above about becoming a millionaire), and I want to help you take your own bold action to get you closer to achieving your goals.


From today until Sunday, December 23rd at 12 midnight PST, ALL levels of the Mastermind are $1,000 USD OFF (yup, that's a $1,000 USD discount). 


On top of that, each level has a special bonus. 


If you join at the GOALden Girls level, the next three women to sign up are going to also get a complimentary coaching session with me worth over $600 (I started with five spots and two are already gone so act fast). 


If you decide to go VIP, you receive an exclusive invite to a live, intimate event with me in Vancouver, BC and if you decide to go Platinum, you'll get three bonus one-on-one coaching calls (it ends up being over a year of support with me, which usually costs over $15,000 USD). 


I believe in you. I know you have big goals and big dreams. If you didn't, you wouldn't have read this far. 


Don't make yourself think you have to do it alone. Don't think that it always has to be hard, or slow, or that there's anything wrong with you because you thrive off learning and being around others. 


All that matters is that you go for your goals with this one life you have. And if you're ready to make 2019 your best year yet and achieve those goals, I would love if you joined GOALden Girls Mastermind so we can do it together!


Lisa Michaud

Success Coach & Self-Made Nothing.


PS. None of us do it alone. No matter what your goal is or what level of success you are going for, we need others to support and uplift us. 


That's why I created the GOALden Girls Mastermind


I believe we are stronger when we are together.  I believe we can achieve so much more when we do it together, and build off each other's success and inspiration. 


GOALden Girls is a 4-month, LIVE online program designed to take you from setting your big goals in 2019 to actually achieving them. With 16 weeks of live group calls, 12 modules to learn from, guest experts and an inspiring community of like-minded women, THIS program is all about what it really takes to be successful (whatever your definition is). ​

From today until Sunday, December 23rd at 12 midnight PST, ALL levels of the Mastermind are $1,000 USD OFF (yup, that's a $1,000 USD discount).


And each level has a special bonus (but you have to act fast as the spots are filling up with driven, ambitious women like you!). 

See you in the Mastermind!



HOW do you do it all?!

I'm here with an important question - and answer. 

Lately, I've had a lot of people asking me "how do you do it all?"  Is it REALLY possible to have it all?

They ask me some variation of how I have a baby on my own half the time, run a real estate company, run a coaching business, go on dates, run half marathons, read books, and hang out with friends?!

Here’s the truth: I don’t do it all.  

I’ve built my business around the belief that you can have it all.  And I still believe that 100%.

But that’s different than doing it all.

I don’t do it all and there are some balls I drop. Many, in fact.

I haven’t replied to my LinkedIn messages in almost a year.

My house isn’t always clean. There's always laundry to be done. And my recycling is usually overflowing.

The only person I reply to text or email or FB message in a timely manner is Troy.

I haven’t been as consistent in my business as I wish I had. And I haven’t hit my goal of breaking 6-figures, and then 7-figures in it... yet.

I’m still 10 pounds off my goal weight and the weight I feel best at.

But the truth is, I still do a lot. And these are some of the things I attribute my success to.  

I’m always learning. I listen to podcasts, read books and meet interesting people.

I ask for help. I can’t do it alone and I'm grateful for my partner, parents, in-laws, friends and mama-friends who help and support me all the time.

I throw money at some of my problems. I pay for convenience because I don’t always have time and I get my house cleaned for me.

I invest in myself. A lot. I hire great coaches, attend workshops and take personal development courses.

I plan the next day the night before. And I plan my week on Sundays. I focus both of those lists around what I’m working on in life and what my goals are.

I make as much multi-purpose as possible. I bring baby Sonoma to meetings. I am productive while hanging out with friends l, be it meal prep or co-working. And we often mix travel and business.

I share this for two reasons.

1) I believe in honesty and don’t want to give you false illusions that I’m superwoman. Social media makes comparison way too easy. I want to be real about where I’m not “succeeding” so you hopefully can have compassion with yourself as well.

2)  I believe it’s possible to have it all and there are some very strategic specific and deliberate things I do to maximize my time.  Having all I do have isn’t always easy but I want it and I’m willing to always be working towards the life I dream of.

Now, I'd love to hear from you... what does "having it all" mean to you? 

Feel free to send me a message and fill me in. I'd love to hear from you and will absolutely read every message I get.

If you're reading this and feeling like you can't do it all, you're right. But remember, just because you can't DO it all, doesn't mean you can't HAVE it all. 

So keep dreaming big. Be strategic with your energy and time. And know that you are always, truly worthy of success in every level. 

With grace AND hustle,

Lisa Michaud

Being Broke is NEVER in Style

This is a story about two women. The first woman has 3 Louis Vuitton purses. She wears $300 jeans and drives two cars. She always has the latest accessories and takes extravagant shopping trips.



She’s also $40,000 in debt. 



The second woman gets her shoes resoled instead of buying new ones. She takes transit instead of cabs and drives a 16-year old car.



Though you might never know it, this girl is worth a few million dollars. 



These two women? 



I’ve been both of them. 



When I was a student, I thought being rich was about looking rich. I was like Carrie Bradshaw and had my money where I liked to see it - hanging in my closet. It wasn’t until I graduated with too much debt to justify that I realized, no matter how rich and stylish I looked, I was broke. 



Since hitting my financial rock bottom, I transformed my financial situation. Here are some tips to get empowered so your bank account is as rich as your dreams.



1) Set financial intentions. Why do you want to be rich? For me, I want freedom: freedom to travel, do work I enjoy, and spend time with people I love. I also want to donate money, and support causes/companies that make the world a better place.


2) Figure out what you’re currently earning and spending - and what the difference is. You can do it ol’ school with pen + paper or an Excel spreadsheet. Personally, I use the apps Mint or You Need A Budget (YNAB) as they look at the last few months of spending and tell you where your money is going. 


3) Get some financial knowledge. Read a few books. Listen to some podcasts. I recommend “Millionaire Teacher” by Andrew Hallam because it proves you don’t need a high income to become a millionaire. Robert Kyosaki’s “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” is brilliant for transforming your perspective on wealth.


4) Make a plan to reach your financial goals. Automate savings. Start a side hustle. Invest your money wisely (I’m a fan of ETFs). If you don’t want to do this on your own, look for a fee-only investment planner. You pay them up front and they’ll give you the best-unbiased investment advice for your situation.


5) Decide where you spend your happiest money. Don’t give up that $4 latte if it makes you ecstatic and start cleaning your house because you don’t mind. Look at your past purchases and keep the ones brought you joy. The ones you hardly remember spending or didn’t LOVE? Cut them.


6) Work your money mindset. Money is an emotionally charged subject and many of us (myself included!) have “stories” about money. Pay attention to how you think about money and listen to how you talk about money. Get Jen Sincero’s “You Are A Badass At Making Money” and don’t just read it - do the work and your wallet will thank you. 



When I stopped worrying about looking rich, I started focusing on becoming rich. I started saving, watched where my money went and spent on things that truly made me happy. You can do the same. Because a fat bank account and confidence from being truly wealthy? That never goes out of style. 


*Originally published in Fall 2018 edition of I Like Her Style Vancouver, available here: (page 42-43 -…/…/ilhsv_fall_fashion_web) OR grab the latest issue at one of the racks (rack locations here: ⠀

DIY Coaching

Let's be honest: the whole "Life Coaching" concept can be cringe-worthy sometimes, and the coaching industry has a bad reputation in some people's minds. 


Truthfully, there are a lot of misconceptions about what a "Life Coach" is, does and how they help (even among coaches!). In fact, I even call myself a "Success Coach" to differentiate because I believe it's necessary to take a stand.


Recently, I was featured on the Remodel Your Life podcast with the amazing Camille Finan. Camille is a female carpenter with an MBA who loves to remodel kitchens - and help women remodel their lives!


Her podcast is full of information on remodelling your kitchen - and your life. 


On this podcast episode, Camille and I chatted about a LOT. Camille asked me the tough questions about "Life Coaching" -- and I shared my honest opinions, even though they will probably make some people angry. 


This podcast episode has two important parts: 


1)  Sharing the truth about the coaching world and industry, including what I don't like about it




2) DIY Coaching Amazing coaching exercises, strategies and mindset shifts you can do without hiring a coach


Give the podcast a listen and check out these highlights (specific times shared below):


What a life/success coach is (2:20)

What does a coach do (16:20) and how a coach actually helps you and examples of it (19:50)

What makes someone a "life coach" and what you do at "life coach school" (22:45)

What makes a coach different than a therapist or a consultant (33:45)

What I don't like about the coaching industry (42:30)

The best expert you should listen to (2:50) and examples of how you may be sabotaging your own success (29:20)

What to do if your spouse doesn't support you (12:30)

How to get over your fear of taking action (38:30) and whether you should take small steps or giant leaps (41:30)

What I do - and YOU can do - when you get stuck, frustrated and need to get re-motivated (44:45)


When you're done, check out Remodel Your Life's other episodes. I know you'll love Camille's fantastic questions (she's not afraid to ask the tough ones!) and enjoy her podcast as much as I do. 


Enjoy the podcast - and give my DIY coaching tips a try!


And of course, if you decide you'd prefer to work with a real coach and you think we would be a great fitget your name on the waitlist for when I re-open spots for One-on-One coaching here. 


Gratefully yours, 

Lisa Michaud

Success Coach, Speaker & Essential Oil Lover


PS. If you're a skimmer like me, I'll get to the point. 


Let's be honest: the whole "Life Coaching" concept can be cringe-worthy sometimes, and the coaching industry has a bad reputation in some people's minds. 


Recently, I was featured on the Remodel Your Life podcast with the amazing Camille Finan. Camille is a female carpenter with an MBA who loves to remodel kitchens - and help women remodel their lives!


Check out the podcast here and find out (among other things) what a coach does, what makes someone a "coach", what I don't like about the industry (here's where I'll definitely anger people), and how YOU can incororate coaching tools in your life every day.


What's this costing you?

Let's talk about the cost of things. I know, life is expensive.


So often, we think about the cost of something. 


The cost of joining a gym. 


The cost of a babysitter for the night.


The cost of going back to school.


The cost of a dream vacation.


The cost of a coach.


The cost of a yoga retreat. 


The cost of an assistant.


The cost of meal delivery services.



But how often do you ask yourself "what's it costing me to NOT do it?"



Is it costing you your health?


Is it costing you your relationship or marriage?


Is it costing you a good night of sleep?


Is it costing your friendships?


Is NOT doing it costing you your sanity?


Is NOT doing it costing your dreams?


Is NOT spending the money costing you massive business growth?


If you said "yes" to any of the above, I encourage you to find a way to make it happen. 


The next time you say (or think) "I can't afford it" or "it's too expensive"ask yourself "what's the cost if I don't do it?"


Your health, your marriage, your sanity and your dreams are worth so much more than a few hundred, or even thousands of dollars. 


I'm willing to bet that while you may have never thought about it, there's something in your life right now where the cost of not doing it is higher than you're truly willing to pay.


Before you give up because of what something will cost you to DO, ask yourself "how can I afford it?" 


Then, find a way to make it happen.


I guarantee by doing this, your life will start looking a whole lot different. 



And those costs? 



Well, there's nothing more valuable than a happy, healthy, fulfilled YOU!





Lisa Michaud

Success Coach, Speaker & Essential Oil Lover

Meet my new boss

I’m so excited to share that on February 2nd, at 2:41 am, my husband Troy and I welcomed our baby girl Sonoma Genevieve Ivona Michaud into the world. She arrived like her mother - fashionably late and has long legs like her dad. We are all happy, growing together, and unbelievably in love. 


Screen Shot 2018-02-08 at 5.13.17 PM.png



Troy and I are excited to get to know her and have been enjoying every moment of newborn snuggles, sounds and love. 


I’m a proud mama so of course, I have some pictures to share (of course). 


I’ve been meaning to send this message for literally weeks (pretty much since she was born) but having a baby has rocked my world in more ways than I could have ever fathomed. 


Now, there have been so many shifts and transformations I’ve gone through in the past 4 weeks that I couldn’t possibly share them all here but I wanted to share this one with you. 



Something can be simultaneously ordinary and incredibly profound. 



Pregnancy, labour, delivery, and parenthood all fall into this category. 



The first time you feel your baby kick or hiccup in your belly, your heart sings and it feels like absolute magic.


It’s totally cliché but there is nothing like the moment when you first meet and hold your baby.



And the amount of work you put in as a parent, day in, day out – and mostly night in and night out – is actually insane. Already, I recognize how much effort parenting is and I’m still an absolute newbie. 


But it’s all worth it when you see your child thrive, smile, grow and develop.


In all these moments, it’s hard to imagine anything any more profound or incredible.


Now - here's the mind-blowing part:



These moments happen every day, all the time, all around the world.



Women have given birth for millions of years. 


Every daymothers feel their babies wiggle and kick inside. 


Every moment, babies are being welcomed into the world. 


Every night, exhausted parents tap into every ounce of strength and love to persevere to morning… or the next nap time. 


In a lot of ways, pregnancy, labour, delivery, and parenting is totally mundane. Routine. Everyday.


And at the same time, each of us have our own experience that is deeply personal, soulful and powerful. 



I love this perspective because it is a beautiful reminder for each of us that all that matters is our own experience in life. 


It doesn’t matter how many people have gotten a certain level of education before you. What matters is the effort you put in, what you learned, and the feeling of achievement you have


It makes no difference how often businesses hit the 5-figure (or 6-figure) monthly mark. What matters is the moment you do and realize you’ve created a successful business. 


Who cares how much faster someone else ran a marathon, was promoted to a Director, or won an “Entrepreneur of the Year” award?! 


It doesn’t take away from the hard work and dedication you put in. 



By remembering this, your champagne will be every bit as bubbly. 


Your sense of self and confidence will grow.


And your life will be filled with powerful, profound experiences that are meaningful for YOU. (Because honestly, no-one else matters). 


The truth is, I have transformed. I feel like a different person. 


No matter how many women have come before me, I have shifted. 



I genuinely want to be present and enjoy my baby so my to-do list just doesn’t matterlike it used to. In time this will change. Or maybe it won’t.


All I know is that right now, I want to spend every moment enjoying Sonoma. Between feeding and sleeping (her and me), I also want to snuggle her, play with her, read to her,sing, and do tummy time together. 


So I’m taking the next few months to spend as much time with baby girl as I can. I’ll still be popping into your inbox periodically to share wisdom and tips to create meaningful work AND a fun-filled life


I’ll be on social media and I’d love to connect with you there. Find me on Instagram here and Facebook here.


Because I just want to be with my baby and my new expanded family as much as possible, I won’t be replying to non-urgent emails and I’m not currently accepting any new clients.


I will absolutely be back and am excited to work with more amazing clients like you starting this summer.  If you’re interested in coachingtogether in the future, be the first to know by hopping on the waitlist here


I appreciate your patience and support so much <3


Ordinarily – and profoundly yours –


Lisa Michaud



PS. Here’s a few pics of my sweetheart, Sonoma


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Why I took naked photos at my heaviest

I’m diving right into this juicy topic – naked photos. 


Having professional nude photos taken is something I wanted to do for years. It’s something I wanted to do for me, and my future self.


I told myself I’d do it when I was at my most fit, to have a keepsake and reminder of my strength, beauty and confidence forever. I figured it’d be fun, liberating and a positive experience.


And yet, last week, I found myself having nude photos taken at the heaviest weight I’ve ever been.


Full disclosure – I’m 38 weeks pregnant, so it’s perhaps not a surprise that the number on my scale is tipping higher than ever before.


But if you’d told me a year ago that I would be doing naked photos next year, I would have guessed that in January 2018, I must be at my most fit. 


(Side note: I can’t even imagine the negative self-talk that would have ensued if you’d toldme a year ago that I had professional nude photos taken at my heaviest weight ever). 


Yet, when the day came to take the photos, I felt beautifulregardless of the number on the scale.


I felt confident even though I hadn’t been training, dieting or fasting for the photos. 


I felt strong, even though I haven’t run the full marathon yet.


But, this isn’t a story about nudity. Instead, it’s about the limits we place on ourselvesoften arbitrarily.


Have you ever said any of these things?


  • I’ll buy those gorgeous jeans when I can fit into a size “X”
  • I’ll quit and find a job I enjoy when I have enough money saved up
  • When I get the promotion, then I’ll stop working so hard and go back to the gym
  • I’ll retire when I have “X” dollars in my account
  • I’ll go on a trip when I get a raise that lets me afford it
  • I’ll be happy when I fall in love
  • We’ll have date night again when the kids go to school
  • I’ll start my business when I’m ready
  • When I have my MBA, I’ll ask for a raise.



I’m guilty of saying and believing a lot of these things, too. 


With all of these beliefs, the problem is this:  the power is placed into the future


And often built on false assumptions. 


Sure, maybe having an MBA might convince your boss to give you a raise. But maybe it won’t. And instead, it’s possible that having the raise first makes it easier for you to get your MBA because you can hire extra help around the house or splurge for a monthly spa date in the middle of your crazy work/school schedule. 


Absolutely, if you’re falling in love, you’ll be happy. But have you ever been happy without being in love? Of course you have. It’s not something you have to wait for


Should you have a certain amount of money saved up before you quit your job, or start a business?  Maybe. But I know plenty of successful people who didn’t “have enough” saved up but took the leap anyway. 


And not knowing exactly how you’re going to pay for next month’s expenses could just be the motivator you need to get the dream job, or start the dream business. 


The truth is, the limits, boundaries, parameters within which you thought you needed to have in place before {insert dream here} happens, probably don’t actually exist. 



So take the boudoir photosSign up for the triathlon. Have a baby. Start the businessAsk for the raise. 


Because today is the best day you have to start. 


So today, look at your life and find the place where you’re “waiting for the right time” to do something. And just do it.  This week. 


The check-box you think you have to tick off first, probably isn’t real. 


The milestone you’re waiting to hit first can probably be crushed sooner than you think. OR it might not even exist. 


When you take real, powerful action, the doors open for you. Opportunities are created.


You realize you never needed to be “ready” or “worthy” – you always were.  And truly are.


Proudly clothed again, 




PS. I recently took maternity photos and decided to take some photos where I bare it all and get naked (on so many levels…). 


Nude photos had been on my list of things I’d love to do one day. And I figured I’d do it when I was at my most fit, toned and gorgeous. 


Turns out, I did it at my heaviest – 9 months pregnant. 


And you know what I realized?


The experience was as beautiful and empowering as I could have ever imagined it, no matter what number was on the scale, how many kilometers I could run, or how many squats I could do. 


Sometimes in life, we think we need to be “ready” for something. We wait for the perfect moment. 


But we’ve all heard stories of waiting too long, and opportunities missed.


I want you to start – and do - before you’re readyRelease expectations.


And live the life you want today. 


If you don’t seize the opportunity - someday, one day, that day “when” - may never come. 


I challenge you to look at your life and find where you’re “waiting for the right time” to do something. 


And just do it this week. 



It might not be perfect. 


It might not be exactly what you expected. 


But who knows? It could be magically more amazing than you could have predicted. 


And you’ll probably be surprised that the limits you placed on yourself weren’t as real as you once believed.



PPS.  Here's a (slightly clothed) photo from our photo shoot with the lovely Sugarlily PhotographyI'm proudly sharing because I do feel beautiful and hope it inspires you to just GO for it this week! 


Screen Shot 2018-01-18 at 7.48.18 PM.png

Ever been told you're "too emotional"? This is for you

Have you ever been told you’re too emotional? I know I have been. 


If it makes you feel any betterI just cried over a stroller. 



Here's my story... and how you can get over feeling "too emotional."  



Recently, Troy and I have been looking for a stroller. We’d done some research and knew what the one we wanted would cost to buy new (over $2,000… yikes!). 


Then, a used one came up in a Mom’s Facebook group online. It was a smokin’ deal. 


It wasn’t quite my dream stroller but it was a great value. (Side note: I never thought I’d have a “dream stroller” but parenthood is surprising already!)


The stroller came with all the bells and whistles, was in good condition, and would save us more than $1500. 



So we bought it. 


On the way home, all of a sudden, I burst into tears. 


I was devastated and disappointed over the stroller.


It didn’t feel logical. 


Or rational.


Before the words even came out, I started saying to my husband Troy, “I’m so sorry, I know this sounds crazy but…”


And then I shared my initial reasons for why I was crying.  (Or why I thought I was crying…)


“Maybe we should have bought new.” 


“I feel like a bad mom.” (Mom guilt is SO real and she’s not even here yet!)


“She’s our first baby.”


“She deserves better.”


I found myself instantly in this emotional state of guilt, fear. I felt like I wasn’t good enough as a mother. That I’d made the wrong decision.


And, right away, I found myself making excuses for my emotions.  Apologizing for crying.


Then, I tried to laugh it off. 


“I’m just emotional”, I told Troy.


“It’s my first and only big pregnancy breakdown,” I said.  As if only having one pregnancy breakdown was a badge of honor I should be proud to wear. 


“I’m just tired.”


“I’m just hormonal.”


But what I realized shortly after is this:



So many times, I try to make excuses for my emotions, and apologize. Or laugh it off. 


Do you ever do this?


Have you ever apologized for your emotions? (Especially if you’ve ever been told you’re “too emotional”).


Have you ever made excuses… or tried to laugh off your emotions?


Maybe it was with a partnerFamilyBoss or colleague


Have you ever gotten emotional… and then tried to rationalize it?


“I’m just tired.”


“I must be hungry.


“Sorry, I’m just having a bad day.”


Now, don’t get me wrongthere ARE days when these “excuses” are real. 


Some days, you should get more sleep before having the tough conversation. 


Sometimes, your blood sugar has dropped and it does make you crankier. And you should eat the snack.


There are days when you are tired, and everything seems to upset you, and you need self-care before you can make a good decision. 


BUT there’s a difference between recognizing what’s going on for us – whether it’s a real emotion or physical state like sadness, loneliness, anger, hunger, tired…. AND just discarding it. 


See, emotions are neither good or bad.


They are neutral.


They are energy in motion. E-motion… cool, right?!


And when we don’t listen to our emotions… and instead, make excuses for them, or suppress them… and push them down….


We end up not learning from them. 


We end up wasting what our emotions are trying to show us. 


We never get the message the emotion is trying to share.


We don’t learn from what the emotion is telling us.


Logically, I couldn’t believe I was crying. And for that reason, I tried to rationalize it. 



“I’m being stupid because….”



“The baby won’t know new from old.”


We can use the money we saved towards a family trip together.”


“Buying material goods don’t show love.”


All these thoughts were logical. And I could have… and often have in the past, stopped here. 


But this time, I realized, that perhaps I was losing the lesson.



I reflected and had to ask “what was that emotion teaching me?”


I asked “why am I crying?”  “What’s going on for me?”


My lesson? It’s the realization that becoming a mother is going to change me. 


It’s going to come with ups and downs. 


I realized that I’m shifting, and that’s ok. 


I have this mama bear instinct that’s here – and it might defy logic sometimes. 


(Logically, I know that “new” isn’t how we show love and that our baby won’t know the difference between new and used.)


That’s the lesson I can gain from this. 


But if I hadn’t stopped to ask myself, “what is this emotion showing me?”,


I would never have gained this lesson. 


In our culture and world, emotions are so undervalued and underrated. 


It’s seen as such a great trait to be “emotionless”, calm-headed. 


It’s considered to be a compliment to be very logical. 


These can be wonderful things, but it’s not necessarily how you should live your life all the time.


Being logical, calm, rational, and emotionless is NOT the only way to live life. 



So the next time you start laughing away emotions, or making excuses for them….




Own your emotion. 


Reflect on them.


Ask yourself…

  • Am I emotional because I’m tired (or insert hungry, lonely, angry) or is there something here?
  • What’s the lesson here?
  • What is my body trying to tell me?
  • Is there a trigger here for me?
  • What is my heart telling me?


And explore what you discover.


If all you do is make excuses and ignore your emotions, you do yourself a disservice. 

Because if all you do is discard your emotions, you won’t ever learn from them. You won’t ever discover more about yourself. 


You won’t have the beautiful realizations that come out of emotion. 


You might not have the meaningful conversation with a loved one when you realize you truly miss them more than you realized. 


Or recognize that your boss’s “jokes” are absolutely A-Not-OK. 



You might not notice that you’re going through a massive change in your life… and you need to open up to it.



Most of all, don’t ever feel like you are “too emotional.” Instead, use your emotions as a tool to explore, learn and grow.


Because you are worthy. You are human. 


In all your humanness. In all your human mess (especially in the mess!). 


Tap into your emotions instead of excusing them, and you’ll find depths, lessons, meaning, and fulfillment like never before. 


Messily yours,


Lisa Michaud

Success Coach, Speaker & Mama-to-Be


PS. Have you ever been told you’re too emotional? If it makes you feel any betterI just cried over a stroller.



Recently, Troy and I bought a stroller.  On the way home, all of a sudden, I burst into tears.


I was devastated and disappointed over the stroller.


It didn’t feel logical. 


Or rational.


And instantly, I found myself rationalizing, apologizing and trying to laugh off my tears.


Have you ever done this?


Have you ever apologized for your emotions? (Especially if you’ve ever been told you’re “too emotional”).


It’s time to stop supressing your emotions and instead, 


Own your emotion. 


Reflect on them.


Ask yourself…


And explore what you discover.