Should you (or shouldn't you) set New Year's Resolutions?

2018 is here! A fresh start. New beginnings.


I don’t know about you, but normally, I start the year with big goals. Giant intentions. And I always have tracking sheets and milestones laid out. 


But this year, that's just not where I'm at.


I'm due with our first baby in 4 weeks and I know life is going to changeBig time.


And for that reason, I've decided not to set traditional goals for myself for 2018.


In the past, I would have seen not setting goals as quitter talk. Or I would not have understood it... period.


But my intentions are coming from a pure, joyful place.


My intention for the next few months and perhaps year are to be present.


To enjoy our new baby. 


To learn. To be challenged. To grow in the challenge and to be the best me every day.


And not guilting myself or beating myself up about this is a challenge in itself.



Maybe you can relate. 


For me, accepting that dancing in the flow of life is ok and beautiful IS stretching and growing! 


And at the end of the day, isn't that what goals and resolutions are about anyway?


I'll reconsider setting goals a little later this year (hello, #quarterlyreview) but for now, I'm giving myself permission to rock into the new year without the big expectations.


And instead, I feel like I'm dancing into the year with a bounce in my step.


I'm flowing into the New Year with curiosity.


I'm stepping out, a little nervous for what is to come but with a faith deep inside that, it will be exactly as it is meant to me.


How about you?


Are you wondering whether you should set New Year’s Resolutions or not?


Only you can answer this.


Ask yourself:

  • How does the idea of New Year’s Resolutions make me feel?
  • What am I excited about in 2018?
  • Who do I want to be in 2018? 
  • How will I become who I want to be?
  • Am I honouring my heart and my values? 
  • Am I being guided by fear?


These answers will give you an indication in how you should approach the new year and how to make the most of it, in a way that serves YOU purely and beautifully (because otherwise, WTF is the point?!)


Whether or not you set (or believe in setting) new goals for 2018, I know if you’re reading thisyou want to make 2018 amazing.


You want to grow, change, evolve and make your life better. 


If you want to make the most of this one, incredible life you have to live, here are some alternatives to setting big goals you can try:


  • Choose a word or theme to be YOURS for 2018. It can be anything. Joy. Laugh. Give. Receive. Present. Open. Move. Green. Simplify. Use this word or theme to guide your year.
  • Set a monthly goal or try a new 30-day challenge, playing with each one monthly.
  • Create a mantra, personal mission statement or intention for the year. This is what I consider my “be present" statement. Reconnect to this on a regular basis and commit to living this mantra, mission statement and intention.
  • Make a 2018 bucket list and set to check one thing off a week.
  • Record/Journal something daily. You can pick a specific part of life – your spending, your eating, your mood – and just write it down daily. Or you can just generally journal whatever comes up for the day. Patterns will come up and you will emerge with a better sense of self and evolution.
  • Try one new thing a week. Some ideas? Try a new recipe, go for lunch with a colleague you don’t get along with, or work from home one day. Go in with the spirit of play and curiosity and you’ll be shocked at what you discover!
  • Write yourself a letter to your future self to open January 1st, 2019. Share what your highlights, lessons and best memories from 2018 are. Then, hide the letter, set a reminder in your calendar and don’t open it until next year!
  • Live your core values every day. If you don’t already know your core values, take some time to clearly define them. Post them somewhere you’ll see them (on your phone, desktop, mirror), and connect to them daily. Find a way to live them each day and allow them to guide you to a fulfilling and happy year.



I know you want to grow, change, evolve and make your life better. And even without big goals, you can do this.


Here are a few tips to making sure that you are moving forward (even without the spreadsheets, data, checklists, and milestones):


  • Build a community. Invite a friend, lover, family member or colleague to join. Or start a meet-up group to find other people with similar intentions and motivations for 2018. Make it fun and you’ll not only be more successful and joyful, you’ll also spread the love!
  • Keep planning your weeks with your intention in mind. (Weekly is the best time-frame for creating evolution and change in your life so I do recommend this practice). Ensure you are honouring the commitment you set out for yourself, each and every week (no matter how big or small!)
  • Get accountability by sharing your intentions with a friend, boss, colleague, lover or coach. Invite them to have a conversation every few months about how that intention – and your year – is going. 
  • Set visual and environmental reminders.  Put your journal somewhere you will touch every day (maybe next to your alarm clock or on top of your pillow to write before bed). Post your bucket list on the fridge – or on your Facebook wall if you really want accountability. Put your mantra in your office, or get it tattooed on somewhere public (half-kidding…). But I am serious about making your intentions visible, whatever that means to you.



Do you still want to set more traditional goals for 2018? I hear you – there is nothing wrong with traditional goals and they are so powerful if set the RIGHT way.


I’d love to support you so if you are looking to set traditional New Year’s Resolutions, grab my FREE goal-setting workbook and video training here. It will help you set the right goals for yourself and make sure 2018 is your best year yet!


As always, I love hearing from you. So if you’re open to sharing, I’d love to know – what are your intentions for 2018?  Comment below and fill me in!


I wish you ALL the best for 2018. I wish you an incredible year – one that brings you joy, love, laughter, purpose, abundance, and anything else your heart desires.


Happy 2018,


Lisa Michaud

Success Coach, Speaker, doTERRA lover and Soon-to-Be Mama



PS.  New Year’s Resolutions don’t have to be a big thing (and in fact, if the thought is stressing you out, it’s totally ok to pass on them for this year - or at least the first few months). 


There are other ways to create a meaningful shift this year including choosing a word or theme for the year, setting a monthly goal, and making a 2018 bucket list. (Scroll up and read for more great ideas!). 


And if you DO want to set traditional goals and New Year’s Resolutions for 2018?  Grab my FREE goal setting workbook and video training here. It will help you set the right goals for yourself - and set you up to make 2018 your BEST year yet!

A guide to non-material gift-giving (AKA how to make your holidays happier, stress-free and memorable)

You might hate me for saying this.



I want to talk about a sensitive topic around this time of year – gifts.  



Truthfully, gift-giving is not easy for me.  During the holidays, my inner perfectionist comes out and I struggle to find the “perfect” gift for everyone (because anything less would be un-Santa-like?!).



This leads to a lot of anxiety for me around gifts and the holidays in general – and ultimately leads to me procrastinating, overspending and overstressing.



Can you relate to getting anxious to find the perfect gift?



On top of the gift-giving anxiety, I’ve also found myself increasingly drowning in “stuff” at my house.



The fact is, most of us are.



Think about the home you live in compared to the size your grandparents lived in.  Chances are, it’s bigger, with more closets and “organizers” – and yet you still feel lost in your things.



Take a moment and reflect on how much time do you spend searching for things (keys, sunglasses, important papers).



Do you ever feel overwhelmed with how much stuff you have?



You’re not alone.



And the reality is, that study after study shows that we get less joy and satisfaction from material purchases than we do from experiences.




When we create experiences – and memories – we get joy before, during, and even after the event is over (it’s like three for the price of one!)



Bottom line? If you want to spend your money and live happier, spend it on experiences and memories, instead of stuff.



Over the last few years, my husband and I decided we no longer needed “stuff”.  We are financially secure, and tend to buy things that we need throughout the year, when we need it. And really, we don’t need much.



At the risk of eliciting a Mariah Carey classic, all we need is each other (especially for Christmas).



So, instead of gifts, we’ve treated ourselves to a day together, often at the spa, at the holidays.  And we’ve taken this tradition and applied it to birthdays and anniversaries where we focus on spending time together and having an experience together, rather than a piece of jewelry or any of the traditional anniversary gifts like paper, cotton or silk.



For me, the holidays used to be a stressful time of year.



Are the holidays stressful for you?



Maybe the thought of dealing with malls, packages, wrapping paper and bows just takes the fa-la-la-la-la fun out of the season all-together (it does for me!).



Maybe you’re already dreading running around the mall on December 23rd and 24th, frantically looking for the right gifts.  




If this is you, I can help because I’ve found that simplifying gift-giving has lead to truly happy holidays for me and those around me.




The first step?




Have this conversation with those you love.



For most people, gift-giving is anxiety-producing and isn’t as meaningful as we intend it to be.  Simply bringing up that you’d love to spend time with that person or focus on experiences together will likely be received well.



Over the years, I’ve expanded this conversation from just my husband and I, to my immediate family, and even friends.



Don’t be shybe open about why you’d like to focus less on material gifts and want to spend more quality time together instead. (Uh, because they’re awesome, of course!). 



And from there, the two (or three or more!) of you can decide on what would be fun for you to do as a couple, group of friends, or family.  Or choose to surprise each other by planning an evening or day for each other.



Once everyone’s on board to make memories, the fun begins.



So, what will you do with your time together?



Here are some non-material gifts you can give that will allow you to create life-long memories with your loved ones during the holidays and beyond:



·      Tickets to a comedy night


·      A Thai cooking class


·      Museum membership


·      Magazine subscription (bonus points if it’s a digital version that won’t clutter the coffee table)


·      Tickets to a local sports game or season’s tickets for big fans


·      Bartending lessons (bonus if you get to come sample)


·      A gift card and reservations for their favourite restaurant


·      Donation to their favourite charity in their name


·      Yoga studio membership


·      Dance classes/lessons


·      Rock climbing passes


·      Membership to a local science center


·      Language lessons (Spanish anyone?)



I guarantee, no matter where you live, there are other opportunities you could explore to give non-material gifts this season.




What about the situations where you’re too far apart to get together over the holidays? 



Or maybe you are committed to not spending moneyConsider giving this:  your time.



You can give your time in the form of a hand-written (or home-printed) gift certificate or “coupon” to give YOUR time towards:



·      A massage


·      A dinner cooked by yours truly


·      Babysitting hours (as a soon-to-be new parent, this sounds ah-mazing!)


·      Coupon for a favourite cake baked-fresh


·      A foot rub after a long day


·      Volunteer for a charity of their choice


·      A geocaching adventure


·      A day off (especially great for parents) – no cooking, cleaning or errands




At this time of year, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle.



I challenge you to ditch the stress and focus on the beautiful, incredible moments this holiday season.



The truth is, if you’re reading this, you’re more fortunate than many others around the world.  Take a moment to be grateful for all that you have – and open up to the idea of non-material gifts.



I have a feeling you will love the joyful memories you create with those you love – and cherish them dearly – for years to come.



Happy Memory Making!


Love Lisa




PS.  While there are lots of incredible benefits associated with choosing to gift experiences over material items, be aware that for some people, giving gifts is a true pleasure and joy (see the 5 Love Languages book here for more on that).  



And if you are – or are in a relationship, friendship or family - with one of those rare people who love giving and receiving gifts, this will be something you’ll need to work on together.  That’s because your loved one may truly give and receive love through meaningful gifts – which may be material.



Be open to communicating and working with your partner, friend or family member to ensure they feel loved – and you feel like you’re giving love in a way that is beautiful and joyful for all of you.




How to have your happiest, stress-free December ever

Can you believe it's already December? And as of today, there are just 27 days left in 2017... and 21 days until Christmas. 


This is the busiest time of year, filled with holiday parties, travel plans, visitors, giving back, and gift giving. And often, this time of year leaves us stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted and overstuffed with delicious food and booze just to get through.


Does this sound like the holidays to you? Or was it just me....


Well, if you can relate, know that it doesn't have to be this way. 


Truthfully, my holiday seasons used to be hectic. But over the last three years, I've been challenged with extra "stressors" on top of an already hectic season. 


Over the last few Christmas seasons, I've found myself moving into a new apartment in the midst of the holidays. I've found myself pitching and launching a business (ta-da, here I am!). And this year, we're preparing to welcome our baby girl into our home in January. 


In the past, having even ONE more thing to do over the holidays would send me over the cranky, not-enough-sleep-or-wine-in-the-world-for-this edge.  But with the lessons I've learned in coaching - about perspective, mindset and positivity - in the last few years I found ways to not only survive these challenges and the holidays, but truly enjoy them.


And here's the thing - you shouldn't just be surviving the holidays (I mean, really, that's NOT what life is about). 


This is an incredible time of year - and with the right mindset and perspective - and some tricks up your sleeve, this will be the most joyful and happiest time of the year! 


So how do you thrive in the chaos? How do you shift from stress to pleasure?



Here are a few tips that have worked for me. And I know they will work for you. 



  • Schedule some downtime. Yup, actually schedule it in your calendar, just like you would any other commitment. Whether it's a yoga class (book it now!), a hot date in the bath with a book, or a morning to sleep in, you need it. And don't wait until December 20th and realize there's no time for it. Do it today. Your future self will thank you.


  • Keep your to-do's organized. Between holiday parties, kid's concerts, and guests arriving, there's a lot on your mind. Get it onto paper - or make it digital.  I love making lists in Evernote (bonus - they're shareable with husbands!). Start a new December "to-do list" today and brain dump everything you know you have to do for the month. Add to it as the month goes by, and cross things off as you get it done. This will help keep your mind clear so you can be present when you're with friends and sleep soundly at night.


  • Lower your "normal life" standards. Make your usual chores easier (this is something that can help beyond the holidays). Let the dishes sit in the sink a little longer. Don't run half-full laundry loads just because. Ask for help when you need it from family and friends. Host a pot-luck instead of a dinner where you cook everything. And use technology to help stay on top of it all. For groceries, I use "Out of Milk" so I never have to scour the fridge before running to Costco or Whole Foods - and I share the list with my husband so he's just as able to get groceries as I am!


  • Simplify. No, but really, keep it simpleNot every moment has to be Instagrammable (unless this is your business in which case, you've got this). Get gift bags to save on wrapping time. Or even better, ask family and friends to opt out of gifts and plan to go a concert, dinner or the spa together instead.  Say "no" when you just can't do it. Shop online, and send your Christmas cards late (again). 


  • Focus on the fun. Enjoy the extra time with friends and family. Put a little too much rum in your eggnog. Dance so hard it would embarrass YOUR parents. Belt out your favourite Christmas song. Enjoy this special time of the year because it only comes once a year. And it's precious. 


Those are my suggestions. And I know they will help you enjoy this holiday season, no matter what comes your way. 



Make a commitment today, to yourself, to celebrate and enjoy the precious moments this holiday.



Cheerfully yours, 


Lisa Michaud

Success Coach, Speaker & HuffPost Contributor



PS.  With only 21 days to Christmas and 27 days left in 2017, holiday stress is already in the air. 


But the holidays are meant to be enjoyed, not just survived. So here are some tips to truly LOVE and savor this special time of year:


  • Schedule some downtime. Yup, actually schedule it in your calendar. Do this today.
  • Keep your to-do's organized.  Get it onto paper - or make it digital.  Start a new December "to-do list" today and brain dump everything you know you have to do for the month. 
  • Lower your "normal life" standards. Make your usual chores easierLet the dishes sit, ask for help, host a pot-luck.
  • Simplify. No, but really, keep it simpleSay "no", shop online and send your Christmas cards late (or not at all).
  • Focus on the fun. Enjoy the extra time with friends and family. Have a little too much rum, dance, and belt out your favourite Christmas song. (The order of those is pure coincidence...)



This time of year is precious. With the right mindset and intentions, you can make the most of every moment in this special season. I hope you enjoy all the surprises, songs, visitors and festivities!


I'm a terrible entrepreneur

I’m just getting back from a 10-day vacation in Arizona visiting family and getting some pre-baby sunshine. It was awesome to relax and soak up the rays.


But I’ve come back to real life and had a huge epiphany.


I realized I’m a terrible entrepreneur.


I’ve come back to work… and I realized that I have absolutely nothing to sell.


What kind of entrepreneur is that?!


My one-on-one coaching spots are all filled and with baby girl on the way, I won't be opening spots until the spring. (Interested in being the first to know when spots become available? Get on the waitlist here).


Our GoalDen Girls are rockin' and rollin' and on their way to CRUSHING their goals. And I’m just days away from official flight restrictions which means I’m limited to Keynote & Workshop facilitation locally only.


So, what the heck am I going to do with all my time?


Well, this is where you come in.


I want to serve you. I want to give back and share as much knowledge as I can over the next few months as I can. 


My mission is to show you it's possible - and help you create a life where you have meaningful work AND a fun-filled life. 


So I want to know how I can help you


Let me know where you’re at in your life… and I’ll revolve my content around that! I’ll be sharing Facebook Lives, webinars, and more to help YOU get where you want in your career and life.


To allow me to best serve you, please take this super quick, 3-minute survey and fill me in.


And because I genuinely want to help, I’m going to do a draw for a FREE coaching session (worth over $600 USD!).


If you take this survey by Thursday, November 30th at 5:00pm PST, you'll be entered to win an entire hour coaching strategy session (I charge over $600 USD for this service!).Together, we'll figure out where you're stuck and uncover the blocks to get you moving towards your goals quicker than you ever imagined!


While I may not be much of a business woman right now, I'm certainly a human and one who wants to give back. And I love creating amazing content to help you create the life of your dreams (or even better). 


I know your time is precious and I appreciate you taking it to give me some feedback - it will be used and I will be delivering valuable tools, tricks and strategies to help you get where you want in life. 


Gratefully yours,

Lisa Michaud  -Success Coach, Speaker & At Your Service


PS.  I’m the worst entrepreneur. It turns out, I have nothing to sell right now (#whoops). 


But this is GREAT news for you because it means I have time and I’m so excited to serve you more!


Help me serve you better. Please complete this super quick survey by Thursday, November 30th and I will put your name in for a draw for a FREE 60-minute coaching session (worth over $600 USD). 


And while it may not be the best business decision, it’s the best decision for the passionate woman inside me who wants to make a difference.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


PPS. To support you right away, I'll be hosting another edition of "Pick Lisa's Brain" this Monday, November 27th at 7:00pm PST. 


Join me at 7:00 pm PST on Facebook liveMonday, November 27th to answer any questions you have!


We'll be chatting about:

-The practical advice that kills most dreams (hint: it almost killed mine!)

-Why most goal-setting fails (even when we make SMART goals)


-Why I love money (weird topic? Perhaps but that's why you should join in!)


Got more questions? 


Email me at with the subject "Pick Lisa's Brain" or join me LIVE and I'll happily answer it. 


Join me here - and let's have some fun!
















Why you shouldn't get cozy this fall

November is upon us and as the fall leaves change color, I’m feeling the transition into the autumn spirit. 


With colder weather settling in, the desire to get cozy has overcome me.  I’m finding myself wanting to be comfortable.  And cruise into the Christmas season and New Year. 


Can you relate?


Now, there are times when feeling cozy and comfortable are essential. We can’t always be grinding, hustling, and exhausting ourselves. 


There are times when the desire and need to be cozy, comfortable and nest are very real. They allow us to recharge, reassess and reconnect with ourselves. 


AND there are times when we decide to get cozy because we’re scared.


We’re afraid to take the leap.  It’s easier to just keep the status quo because it doesn’t rock any boats or make us uncomfortable.


Your truth might be either one


And only you know whether your desire to get cozy is essential and necessary… or whether it’s keeping you stuck and living in fear. 


Here’s my truth:


I’ve got some big goals to achieve. I have an impact to makeand I’m on a mission


But my goals are terrifying. It’s going to mean doing things I’ve never done before. It means doing things I don’t even know how to do.


It’s going to mean owning up to my full potential.


There’s a very real chance that I could fail. And I’m probably going to piss some people off.



For me, my desire to get cozy is because I’m afraid.




But I’m deciding to NOT stay stuck in my fear.




I’ve got (awesome) work to do. I want to make a difference. And I can’t Netflix + tea all day, every day if I want to make a difference.


How about you?



Have you also got something you want to do with the 55 days left in 2017?



Are you willing to step into the uncomfortable, face your fears, and go after what you want in your life?



If yes, this message is for you.



Last weekend, I spent 4 days in Silicon Valley, California with Brendon Burchard at his Experts Academy Conference. 


For those of you who have heard of Brendon, you know he’s phenomenal. And if you haven’t, he’s a New York Times bestselling authorcoach extraordinaire (works with people like Usher!), and one of Oprah’s Super Soul 100. (Soak that in… this guy brunches with Oprah! Talk about #highvibe!)


Needless to say, I’ve come back from the event feeling re-inspired and ignited in my purpose and work.


This weekend, my fears came to light – and so did my reason for getting over the fear.


Now, there are always conferences you can go to as well to get energized. And I recommend going to at least two a year. 


But the reality isnot all of us can go to conferences or masterminds as often as we want between schedules, flights, costs and other commitments. 


The good news? According to Brendon, there are two things that change your life:


1) Something new comes in


2) Something new comes from within



Option 1 is to get changed from something that comes into your life (and this could be positive or negative).  Most people wait for this. 


But Option 2 is better – something new coming from within yourself.


The truth is, you have everything you need within you.




No matter how big your fears. 


So here are some ideas and suggestions that might work for you to create change in your life and get over the fears that are holding you back.


Commit to trying at least two in the next week and see how it helps re-invigorate you:



1. Choose a quote the uplifts you and put it somewhere you’ll see it AND pay attention to it for the next 30 days.

Perhaps it’s a new screensaver on your phone you need, or quote to add to the bottom of your email signature

Maybe you can draw it on your mirror at home or even put it up in your office. Find somewhere you’ll see it and reconnect to each and every day.


2. Create a playlist of songs that uplift and motivate you. You can easily do this in iTunes or Spotify. 

No time? Borrow my November motivation playlist here. It’s a random mix of everyone from Katy Perry to India Arie to the Glee Cast– and I hope it gets you as pumped up as it does me!


3. Record a quick 1 or 2-minute mantra for the month.  Choose a few sentences that represent who you are and where you’re going.


Use statements that are powerful and are in the present tense, like “I’m putting healthy, nutritious food in my body”,  “I’m building an empire that impacts millions of people”, or “I’m an incredible, loving mother.”


Record yourself repeating your mantra 8 times and listen to it each morning for the next 30 days.


4. Write down your commitments to yourself for the next 30 days.


How did it feel to do this? Did it excite you?  If yes, great!


If not, that’s ok – it happens. BUT it means your commitments have turned into “should’s”, instead of “want to”. And you need to reconnect to your goals & to-do’s.

  • To reconnect to your commitments, explore what it’s going to take to reconnect to the emotion of why you’re doing the work you’re doing.
    • Take a walk and reconnect to your vision and your “why
    • Journal or mediate on these questions:
      • What makes me excited?
      • What impact do I want to have?
      • Who do I want to be?
      • How am I going to make the world a better place?
    • Review your vision board or a previous journal you’ve made to explore this topic


*This is important: Do and explore until it EXCITES you to write your commitments. If you aren’ emotionally engaged with what you want to do, it won’t get done.


5. Get support. You can’t do it all alone (and in fact, you’re less effective if you haven’t told anyone what you’re planning on doing). 



I’m not saying to rely on someone else for your success. But having someone to check in with, someone who’s also looking to get over their fears and step into their power is an incredible privilege.


Find a friend, coach, mentor, boss, or create an accountability groupCheck in daily or weekly to move forward on your goals and accelerate your progress faster than you thought possible! 


Also, if you’re looking for more support, I’ve recorded this video just for you with a special surprise.



Feeling fall-cozy isn’t always a bad thing. But it’s not always a good thing either. 



And getting over your fearsfacing them and living up to your true potential doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy time with family during the holidays, sip your pumpkin-spiced latte/beer, or catch up on your favourite Netflix shows


(Yup, all those things are just common fears dressed up in fancy “rational”, or even “gentle” excuses). 


Finding your courage means that when you do get cozy, and comfortable, it will recharge you. It will reconnect you. Because you are clear on who you arewhat you want in your life - and you’re going for it, despite the fear.



And like those leaves around us, you’re a-changin’ too, into a more powerful, beautiful, impactful and courageous version of yourself. 


If coziness is what you need this season, I wish you every ounce of it.


And if getting uncomfortable, reaching higher, and crushing your goals is what you need this season, I send you powerful “go get it” vibes! 


Lisa Michaud

Success Coach, Speaker, & HuffPost Contributor


PS. Just skimmin’? I get it, you’re busy (and probably overloaded with emails).


If you’re feeling the desire to get cozy this fall, it could be because it’s time for you to recharge and restore before the new year. 


OR, if you’re like methe desire to bundle up and get comfortable can be because you’re afraid. (I share what I’m afraid of above…)


If you just read this and thought “oh crap, you’ve got me”, there’s a few things you can do to push through the fear and get what you really want this year. 


One of the best ways to do this is to get support. You can’t do it all alone (and in fact, you’re less effective if you haven’t told anyone what you’re planning on doing). 



Don't rely on someone else for your success. But having someone to check in with, someone who’s also looking to get over their fears and step into their power is an incredible privilege.



Find a friend, coach, mentor, boss, or create an accountability groupCheck in daily or weekly to move forward on your goals and accelerate your progress faster than you thought possible! 


And, if you’re looking for more support, I’ve recorded this video just for you with a special surprise.


Whether you’re looking to get cozy, or break free and crush it for the next 60 days, I hope your fall is full of glorious walks in the changing leaves, time with family, and holiday cheer. 


Can you answer this question?

I want to know… what is it you most want in your life?


When you make a wish on a star or a birthday candle, what are you wishing for?


When you cut out pictures and phrases for your vision board, what’s on it?


If you won the lottery, what would you spend your first year doing?


And, because the first year might involve vacations and Oprah-inspired “everybody-gets-a-car” family gatherings, what would you spend your second year doing?


Now, I don’t know for sure, but I can make some pretty good guesses.


I imagine you really want to have meaningful work. Maybe it’s working in a career where you’re contributing and feel valued. 


Maybe you work for an incredible non-profit that makes an impact.


Maybe you start the business of your dreams.


But you want to wake up and have a purpose, and feel appreciated.


I bet you want to travel and see the world.


I bet you want to treat your family and friends, whether it’s to dinner, a spa day, or an all-expenses paid vacation.


I know you want to feel financially free, like you have choices and freedom about where you work, where you live, who you spend time with and what you spend your time doing.


There’s probably more that you want. (And that’s ok).


But today, I want to ask you this:  when are you going to get it?


When are you going to go for it and make it happen?


By now, you probably know that the doors to my signature program GoalDen Girls are open – and they’re closing in just a few hours.


GoalDen Girls is for the ambitious woman who’s ready to make it happen. Today.


GoalDen Girls is for you if you’re ready to stop wishing on a star – or a cake – and make that wish come true.


If you’re not ready, that’s ok.


But I want to know – when will you be ready?


I know, all too well, that it’s easy to put off what you really want for a “better time”. A time when you are “less busy”, have more money, or more time.


For me, I waited until I was told I might have lung cancer – and a year or two left to live– before I finally decided to start living my life for today.


And that’s why I’m so passionate about this program and about my business.


Because I believe life is too short and your time is too precious to keep waiting for someday, and one day.


I truly hope you sign up for GoalDen Girls to get the support, accountability and personalized coaching to support you in your goals and dreams.


But even if you don’t, I hope that you decide, after reading this, to make today the dayyou decide to go after your goals.


Make today the day you take action.


Make today the day you take the first step.


Make today the day you have enough time, money, patience – but most of all, GUTS – to go for that life you really, really want.


There’s no better day than today to get going on your dreams. And I’d love to be a part of making that happen.


Join GoalDen Girls today, before 12:00 PST.


And know that your “someday”, starts today.


Lisa Michaud

Success Coach, Speaker & HuffPost Contributor



PS. I know that you’ve got big goals and dreams. There’s more out there that’s meant for you.


And I also know how it never feels like the right timeI remember this feeling.


It wasn’t until I faced the realization I might only have a year or two left to live, that I realized I would never have enough time or enough money to justify going for my dreams.


I just had to go for it.


And so do you.


No matter how big or small your goals, no matter how challenging it may seem, the best day to get started is today.


Make today the day you take action.


Make today the day you take the first step.


Make today the day you have enough GUTS to go for that life you really, really want.


Registration for GoalDen Girls ends at 12:00 noon PST today and I don’t want you to keep putting it off like you are your goals.


Join today – and let’s get you closer to that wish-upon-a-star than you ever imagined!




Why you aren't an uber-fit, happy, millionaire... yet

This weekend, I went to an amazing prenatal yoga class at Semperviva Yoga Vancouver.


But I’m not here to talk about prenatal classes (although if you want to know more, message me). 


There’s something the instructor said that I really wanted to share with you today. 


The instructor asked the group how many of us had been reading pregnancy books? 



Every hand in the room went up.



She asked us if any of us had read articles about babies.


All hands stayed up.


“How about listening to podcasts?” she asked. 


Most hands were still up.


She said “that’s great, you’re getting some information”. 



“But that’s not enough,” she continued. 


That’s all in your head. And it won’t be enough to get you the labour you want.




She challenged us:  “To see the real results, you have to get into your bodyinto your heart. You have to feel into your own power, and cultivate that power.” 




I listened to her, went into my heart, and could immediately feel the difference in the class. 


As soon as I got out of my head – which, to be honest, was busy making excuses to get out of a challenging pose – and took a deep breath and got into my body – I felt INFINITELY stronger!  And more powerful. 



Now, obviously, this is great for yoga. This will be even better when it comes time for labour.


BUT as I left the class, I walked away thinking - FEELING – this isn’t just for mamas or preggos or yogis. 



This is for everyone. 



Let’s get real here – most of us KNOW what we “should” be doing. 



We have the information we need to be successful


We have the tools, resources, tutorials, podcasts, articles, books, etc, etc, etc. 


If information was the golden ticket, we would all be rich (you read that best-selling finance book, right?).


If information was the answer, we’d all be fit with six-packs.  We know we’re supposed to be eating more greens, consuming less fast food, and drinking less booze. 


And yet, most of us aren't uber-fit, happy, millionaires, despite the fact we know what we should be doing to get there.


So if information – if being in our heads – if knowing what we’re supposed to do – if knowing “the right steps”was enoughwe’d all be uber-fit, happy, traveling millionaires.


Am I right?! 


So what’s a person to do? Especially in a world where information is “king”.  Logic, facts, steps, process – all are sold as the answers and the solutions. 


Well – here’s the reality: 


Having knowledge does NOT equal results or success. 



So what does?


Getting out of your head and getting into your body, heart and soul.


You do this by paying attention to your body. 


You do this by physically taking action. (In fact, sitting around thinking about what you should do often creates fear while taking action builds confidence and squashes fear!)


You do this by getting clear on what works for you – and what doesn’t – regardless of what works for your best friend, your boss or Mark Zuckerberg.


You do this by getting out of your head and getting into your heart. By tapping into your inner strength, power and tenacity.


Success is personal and it is about SO much more than information. 


That’s why I’m SO excited to be launching my signature GoalDen Girls program today. And in the spirit of getting into MY heartI’m giving you extra bonuses when joining today.


GoalDen Girls is a 12-week goal-setting to goal-achieving program. 


And while there are a ton of tips, strategies, tools, templates and more – 


The REAL key is the exploration that you do. 


GoalDen Girls is going to get you to dig deep into who YOU areHow YOU thrive. 


We have group coaching calls where I don’t just spout out information you could google online. Instead, it’s about exploring what’s going on for YOU.


Each module gets you asking questions of yourself no-one has ever asked you, so you know yourself better. And from there, you can create the habits, success mindset, and goal-setting plan that will work for YOU.


Because if it was as easy as reading another article about “how to achieve your goals”, we’d all have accomplished them by now. (Maybe even by March of this year). 


But not all of us have achieved our goals. 


Some of that is because things comes upPriorities shift.



And that’s ok. 



But I want to reinspirere-energize, and set you up for the success you’re meant for! 



To support you in reinvigorating your goals – and getting you ready to ROCK the rest of 2017, I’m offering special bonuses:


  • Be one of the first 5 women to sign up and get a private one-on-one coaching session with me (value over $500 USD). Act fast - these spaces will probably be gone by the end of today!  Take advantage of this opportunity



  • Use the promo code “earlybird” and save $300 USD (take advantage now because it’s only good until midnight today, Tuesday, October 10th PST). 


  • Interested in the most exclusive offerBecome a GoalDen Girls VIP and you’ll receive:
    • 3 private one-on-one sessions with Lisa Michaud
    • A bonus gift (it’s a surprise!)
    • An extra VIP-only group coaching call at the 6-month mark to keep you inspired and on track
    • Direct email access to Lisa (normally reserved for one-on-one clients only)
    • And until midnight Tuesday, October 10th PST, you can save $500 USD off a VIP membership by using the promo code “makemeavip”.  Go ahead, make yourself a VIP!


Maybe your goals have nothing to with fitness, happiness, or money. That's ok. 


The point is, whatever results you want, whatever goals you have, it requires personal action, accountability, and tapping into that heart and soul of yours to make it happen



Join GoalDen Girls today and get ready to Rock the Rest of 2017!


Lisa Michaud

Success Coach, Speaker, Modern Career Expert & Huffington Post Contributor



PS. For the skimmers out there, thanks for still reading!


Knowledge does NOT equal results or success.


So what does? Getting into your own heart, soul, and taking action that works for YOU. 


Success is personal and it is about SO much more than information. 


That’s why I’m pumped to be launching my GoalDen Girls program today. And in the spirit of getting into MY heartI’m giving you extra bonuses when you join today.


GoalDen Girls is a 12-week goal-setting to goal-achieving program to help you ROCK the Rest of 2017!


Here are your extra special bonuses:


  • Be one of the first 5 women to sign up and get a private one-on-one coaching session with me (value over $500 USD). Act fast - these spaces will probably be gone by the end of today! 


  • Use the promo code “earlybird” and save $300 USD (take advantage now because it’s only good until midnight today, Tuesday, October 10th PST). 


  • Interested in the most exclusive offerBecome a GoalDen Girls VIP and you’ll receive:
    • 3 private one-on-one sessions with Lisa Michaud
    • A bonus gift (it’s a surprise!)
    • An extra VIP-only group coaching call at the 6-month mark to keep you inspired and on track
    • Direct email access to Lisa (normally reserved for one-on-one clients only)
    • And until midnight Tuesday, October 10th PST, you can save $500 USD off a VIP membership by using the promo code “makemeavip”.  Go ahead, make yourself a VIP!


I'd love to have an ambitious, driven woman like you join the program. Don't delay - join us today! 



And get ready to make 2017 YOUR YEAR!


Why you aren't an uber-fit, happy, millionaire... yet

This weekend, I went to an amazing prenatal yoga class at Semperviva Yoga Vancouver.


But I’m not here to talk about prenatal classes (although if you want to know more, message me). 


There’s something the instructor said that I really wanted to share with you today. 


The instructor asked the group how many of us had been reading pregnancy books? 



Every hand in the room went up.



She asked us if any of us had read articles about babies.


All hands stayed up.


“How about listening to podcasts?” she asked. 


Most hands were still up.


She said “that’s great, you’re getting some information”. 


“But that’s not enough,” she continued. 


That’s all in your head. And it won’t be enough to get you the labour you want.


She challenged us:  “To see the real results, you have to get into your bodyinto your heart. You have to feel into your own power, and cultivate that power.” 


I listened to her, went into my heart, and could immediately feel the difference in the class. 


As soon as I got out of my head – which, to be honest, was busy making excuses to get out of a challenging pose – and took a deep breath and got into my body – I felt INFINITELY stronger!  And more powerful. 


Now, obviously, this is great for yoga. This will be even better when it comes time for labour.


BUT as I left the class, I walked away thinking - FEELING – this isn’t just for mamas or preggos or yogis. 



This is for everyone. 



Let’s get real here – most of us KNOW what we “should” be doing. 


We have the information we need to be successful


We have the tools, resources, tutorials, podcasts, articles, books, etc, etc, etc. 


If information was the golden ticket, we would all be rich (you read that best-selling finance book, right?).


If information was the answer, we’d all be fit with six-packs.  We know we’re supposed to be eating more greens, consuming less fast food, and drinking less booze. 


And yet, most of us aren't uber-fit, happy, millionaires, despite the fact we know what we should be doing to get there.


So if information – if being in our heads – if knowing what we’re supposed to do – if knowing “the right steps”was enoughwe’d all be uber-fit, happy, traveling millionaires.


Am I right?! 


So what’s a person to do? Especially in a world where information is “king”.  Logic, facts, steps, process – all are sold as the answers and the solutions. 


Well – here’s the reality: 


Having knowledge does NOT equal results or success. 



So what does?


Getting out of your head and getting into your body, heart and soul.


You do this by paying attention to your body. 


You do this by physically taking action. (In fact, sitting around thinking about what you should do often creates fear while taking action builds confidence and squashes fear!)


You do this by getting clear on what works for you – and what doesn’t – regardless of what works for your best friend, your boss or Mark Zuckerberg.


You do this by getting out of your head and getting into your heart. By tapping into your inner strength, power and tenacity.


Success is personal and it is about SO much more than information. 


That’s why I’m SO excited to be launching my signature GoalDen Girls program today. And in the spirit of getting into MY heartI’m giving you extra bonuses when joining today.


GoalDen Girls is a 12-week goal-setting to goal-achieving program. 


And while there are a ton of tips, strategies, tools, templates and more – 


The REAL key is the exploration that you do. 


GoalDen Girls is going to get you to dig deep into who YOU areHow YOU thrive. 


We have group coaching calls where I don’t just spout out information you could google online. Instead, it’s about exploring what’s going on for YOU.


Each module gets you asking questions of yourself no-one has ever asked you, so you know yourself better. And from there, you can create the habits, success mindset, and goal-setting plan that will work for YOU.


Because if it was as easy as reading another article about “how to achieve your goals”, we’d all have accomplished them by now. (Maybe even by March of this year). 


But not all of us have achieved our goals. 


Some of that is because things comes upPriorities shift.



And that’s ok. 



But I want to reinspirere-energize, and set you up for the success you’re meant for! 



To support you in reinvigorating your goals – and getting you ready to ROCK the rest of 2017, I’m offering special bonuses:


  • Be one of the first 5 women to sign up and get a private one-on-one coaching session with me (value over $500 USD). Act fast - these spaces will probably be gone by the end of today!  Take advantage of this opportunity



  • Use the promo code “earlybird” and save $300 USD (take advantage now because it’s only good until midnight today, Tuesday, October 10th PST). 


  • Interested in the most exclusive offerBecome a GoalDen Girls VIP and you’ll receive:
    • 3 private one-on-one sessions with Lisa Michaud
    • A bonus gift (it’s a surprise!)
    • An extra VIP-only group coaching call at the 6-month mark to keep you inspired and on track
    • Direct email access to Lisa (normally reserved for one-on-one clients only)
    • And until midnight Tuesday, October 10th PST, you can save $500 USD off a VIP membership by using the promo code “makemeavip”.  Go ahead, make yourself a VIP!


Maybe your goals have nothing to with fitness, happiness, or money. That's ok. 


The point is, whatever results you want, whatever goals you have, it requires personal action, accountability, and tapping into that heart and soul of yours to make it happen



Join GoalDen Girls today and get ready to Rock the Rest of 2017!


Lisa Michaud

Success Coach, Speaker, Modern Career Expert & Huffington Post Contributor



PS. For the skimmers out there, thanks for still reading!


Knowledge does NOT equal results or success.


So what does? Getting into your own heart, soul, and taking action that works for YOU. 


Success is personal and it is about SO much more than information. 


That’s why I’m pumped to be launching my GoalDen Girls program today. And in the spirit of getting into MY heartI’m giving you extra bonuses when you join today.


GoalDen Girls is a 12-week goal-setting to goal-achieving program to help you ROCK the Rest of 2017!


Here are your extra special bonuses:


  • Be one of the first 5 women to sign up and get a private one-on-one coaching session with me (value over $500 USD). Act fast - these spaces will probably be gone by the end of today! 


  • Use the promo code “earlybird” and save $300 USD (take advantage now because it’s only good until midnight today, Tuesday, October 10th PST). 


  • Interested in the most exclusive offerBecome a GoalDen Girls VIP and you’ll receive:
    • 3 private one-on-one sessions with Lisa Michaud
    • A bonus gift (it’s a surprise!)
    • An extra VIP-only group coaching call at the 6-month mark to keep you inspired and on track
    • Direct email access to Lisa (normally reserved for one-on-one clients only)
    • And until midnight Tuesday, October 10th PST, you can save $500 USD off a VIP membership by using the promo code “makemeavip”.  Go ahead, make yourself a VIP!


I'd love to have an ambitious, driven woman like you join the program. Don't delay - join us today! 



And get ready to make 2017 YOUR YEAR!

The truth about my year so far (maybe you can relate?)

My year has not gone as expected, to say the least. 


Can you relate?


I started out the year with big goals; business goals, fitness goals, and personal development goals. And I started out strong.


In fact, I was on track and hitting all the milestones I set for myself. With motivation from the start of the year, I was making an impact in my business. I was traveling to amazing places, and being hired to speak at more events.


I was on a roll.


Does this sound like you, too?


I have a feeling you were on fire in January. And probably even still smokin’ in February.


March was probably when motivation waned


It was easier to sleep in than hit the gym (and so much warmer).


It was (way) more fun to book that winter vacation instead of save it up for a down payment.


I know this is how my year started.


Personally, my progress and my drive changed abruptly in May when I started to feel exhausted, and shortly after, found out I was pregnant. 





As excited as we are to be having a baby, truthfully, having a baby was a surprise (we like to say he/she chose us). 


And it’s thrown off everything in my carefully planned – and yet to be executed – year. 



(To all the mama’s out there, I know – this is just the beginning of my plans being thrown off). 



Maybe you can relate to this. But perhaps its not a baby that made your year go different than expected.


Maybe you had a busier summer with family commitments. 



Maybe your boss asked you to take on a new project you weren’t expecting (and that doesn’t align with your goals). 


Maybe you ended up moving when you weren’t planning it. Or got married. Or went through a break-up, or a natural disaster. 


Maybe you lost your job, or simply just got stuck in old habits (which is totally normal, btw). 


No matter what the reason, the point is that you aren’t where you wanted to be on your goals. 



And that’s ok. 


Here’s the thing: you can only control the present.


You can’t control what has happened (which might be a whole lot of nothing, and that’s alright). 


You can’t control what will happen next year. 


But you CAN control what you do today. 



And that’s what made me decide to host a FREE webinar this week just for you – “How to Rock the Rest of 2017.”


I want you to seize the opportunity in front of you.


Here's the opportunity:


As of today, there are 85 days until January 1st, 2018.


That’s 85 days to create new habits (you’ll learn on the webinar that it takes about 66 to make it happen). 


85 days to instil a success mindset, the foundation for your unlimited potential.


85 days to get more productive and effective than you’ve ever been before.


85 days to become focused on what really matters – and rally your energy and resources to making it happen. 



85 days is more than enough time to make massive progress on the goals and dreams you set for yourself. 


Just because you may have had a bad few weeks, few months, or even few years, the secret sauce is making a change today – and being consistent from here on out. 


Save your spot (they're limited!) and join me LIVE Wednesday, October 11th at 7:00 pm PST OR Thursday, October 12th at 12:00 pm PST for “How to Rock the Rest of 2017”.


Can’t make it live? 


Sign up anyway and get the replay to watch when you’ve got more time.


I know it can be tempting to write off the rest of the year. To assume it’s not the right time, or you’re too busy, or that it’s not worth it.



But I want to reinspire, re-energize, and set you up for the success you’re meant for.


Because your goals ARE worth it.

You are infinitely capable. You are brilliant. You are smart. You are hard-working. (And I haven't even touched on your fantastic taste in email subscriptions - thank you, by the way!)


Your goals – and your dreams – are worth the sacrifices you will make today.


Remember: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.


You WANT those different results. You want a change.


And there’s NO time like today to make it happen. Sign up today for "How to Rock the Rest of 2017" - and I’ll see you live on Wednesday and Thursday!


Let’s ROCK the rest of 2017!





PS.  Did your year go exactly as planned? Kudos to you. You can stop reading now. 



If you’re like me and your year went in some unexpected directions, my “How to Rock the Rest of 2017” webinar is for you.


Save your spot today here and learn join in to learn:


-Why you shouldn’t just give up on your goals

-The 5 secrets of goal-achieving (not just setting!

-How to make the most of the 80 days left in 2017


See you on the webinar!


You're unstoppable

This summer, I ran the lululemon Seawheeze half marathon. Unexpectedly. Accidentally, you could say. 


The Seawheeze is one hot race. It usually sells out in minutes. Trust me, I’d been trying to get in for five years. 


But last fall, the Running Gods looked upon me and finally offered me the chance to run the race and I took it as fast as my internet speed would let me click “sign me up!”


Fast-forward almost a full year, and when it came time to start training, I found out I was pregnant.


As a runner for the last 5 years, I wasn’t worried. I’d run 5 half marathons in the past; I was sure I could do one more. 


But honestly, the first trimester of pregnancy kicked my butt. Hard. Between nausea, vomiting, exhaustion, and headaches, just eating and staying upright was a daily, monumental challenge.


Added to that was the fact that my body was getting ready for labour by loosening muscles in my pelvic area (the body is AMAZING, btw!). This sounds great, except it was creating pain so excruciating it has been difficult to roll over in bed, stand up, sit up and walk, let alone run for any length of time (without something chasing me). 


The race weekend was coming up and I knew I at least wanted to participate. I worked with a whole team - chiropractor, osteopath, physiotherapist and reiki healer, in hopes it would help me walk and roll over better, and comfortably do a few kilometers on race day.


Race day came, and my goal was to do 10km.


Start of the Seawheeze.jpg



And when I hit 10km, someone said “you’re halfway there”!  I looked around me and saw other women, pregnant and rockin’ it.  I saw people of all ages and fitness levels, still going. And I felt the energy that comes from working towards a common goal as a group and came alive. 


I decided to keep going. And I ended up completing the entire race!


No-one was more shocked than I was. 


I felt Ah-MAZING!


It turns out, I am much more capable than I ever knew. And you are too. 


Here's how I know you are unbelievably capable of anything and absolutely UNSTOPPABLE:


1. Joy trumps everything and makes anything possible. While running, I was having FUN on the race. I was soaking up the energy from those around me. I was taking in the sights of Vancouver as I ran through it. 


I wasn’t focused on a goal, or a time or a target. I was just enjoying.


2.  Pain does not equal suffering. I’ll be honest. For most half marathons that I’ve done, I have pain. Inevitably, my head, feet, back, calves, or other muscle I didn’t know existed, gives me some horrendous pain.


Not focusing on the pain made this pregnant, hot, sweaty race the most fun I’ve ever had running 21.1 kms (because 21.2kms would just be crazy…). 


I ran collecting high-fives, sharing smiles, and cheering as loudly as I could for all of us.


And that was way better than collecting metals, sharing best times and cheering for just myself.


I always expect that from kilometers 15-21I’ll wonder what the heck I’m doing. I know the last .1km at the end of the race will last forever. And I’ll cry because it’s just what I do at the end of races.


But this time, when the pain hit, I expected it. I knew it was normal. And yet I was having so much fun, I hardly noticed it.


I was in pain whether I walked or ran, and had a bit of a side lean/limp to me. I was not a pretty or graceful gazelle crossing the finish line. 


Those last few kilometers, despite the pain, I was having fun. I was not suffering. 


And there IS a difference. 


Despite the pain, the limp, the lean I had going on, I was still laughing. I was still excited and grateful to be there.


I was still chatting with friends, taking in the sights, and strategizing what I was going to eat after the race (incredibly joyful and motivating!).


Pain is not optional. But suffering is. And this time, I chose to not suffer. 


(Also, will someone send this to me and help me remember this before labour in January? Thank you, much appreciated.)



3. Trying is better than not trying. You might get further than you ever expected. 


You’re capable of more than you ever imagine. More dreams and goals die before they begin because of fear, than because of failure. 


And let’s be honest, failure really isn’t that bad.


But success IS that good. Accomplishment feels THAT amazing.  Doing good – BEING good – is totally, absolutely worth the fact that you might fail.


Trying is all that matters. Don’t stop trying.



Now, this might all sound pretty and poetic… and possibly helpful if you spontanteously end up pregnant in a half marathon… but what does this look like in everyday life?



Here’s how to become unstoppable:


  • Find a way to be joyful in the work you do. Heck, in all you do. Pick one “fun” task for the day, every day, and crank up the music, invite a friend to join you, or pop some sparkling water to create joy as you do it


  • Separate pain from suffering by committing to make the best of it. A weekly work meeting you particularly dread might be the perfect chance to practice this. Try volunteering to take on part of the meeting, or commit to taking three leadership lessons out of it. Find a way to focus on more than just how crappy the situation is. 


  • Not sure if you can do something? Who cares? Just try. Who knows… you might get further than you think. Apply for that promotion. Sign up for that race. Start that business. Ask that cute guy on a date. Just friggin’ try.


  • Recognize that all things will involve pain. Even a good massage often involves some deep breathing as your muscles release. The same goes for starting a new job or business – the learning curve can hurt. There’s sometimes pain involved when you set up your first automatic savings plan (goodbye daily happy hours…_).  Being prepared for the “painpoints” and knowing it’s normal, means that you can be mentally strong enough to overcome that pain and push through to the inevitable benefits and success that will come. 



In moments of doubt, pain, or even suffering, remember these words. Remember these lessons. And use them to propel you to be even better than you knew you could be. 


Let this little picture of me at the end of the race - mine and baby's first half marathon together - serve as a reminder that you are absolutely unstoppable and capable of more than you imagine. 


Baby's first half marathon.jpg



Go for it. 




Lisa Michaud

Success Coach & Speaker



PS. Earlier this week, I hopped onto Facebook Live and hosted a session of "Pick Lisa's Brain." On the call, I shared:


-How to make more time in your life (just one of these tricks will make you 25% more productive!)


-Calendar schedulers and avoiding the back-and-forth of arranging meetings, clients, and more!


-What do to if you've been insulted and it's still sticking with you


-How I include self-care in my life and you can too


AND I have a huge announcement coming this Monday but I shared it early on this call too (#spoileralert). 


Got other questions for future "Pick Lisa's Brain"? Hit "reply" and let me know! I love helping you create a modern career - one where you have work you love AND a fun-filled live! 


And until then, catch the replay of "Pick Lisa's Brain."


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