Wearing this can make you more successful

I remember the first time someone told me to take my rose-coloured glasses off.



I was 17. It was an ex-boyfriend. And he said it in front of a whole classroom of people.



Most embarrassing? I had NO idea what that even meant. But I could tell it was meant to be an insult.




For anyone else who doesn’t know, wearing rose-coloured glasses means you have an optimistic perception of something, a positive opinion or you see something in a positive way. Sometimes it means you think of something better than it really is. 


So yes – based on that definition, I was wearing rose-coloured glasses. That day, and many others. 



I've always been an optimist. And the funny thing is, it has actually served me incredibly well.



When others told me it was impossible to start a leadership conference WHILE in University, I thought it would be the perfect time. And the Vancouver Island Leadership Conference(VILC) is now in its 10th year (YAASSS!!!).



When others were sh*t-talking Fort McMurray, I saw the opportunity to continue falling in love (awww), build my career quickly, and save a nest egg.



When others complained about the housing prices in Vancouver, we held our vision in our mind and heart - and found our dream condo downtown. And we've found ways to make it more affordable and feel more at home than we ever have.


It’s not just my anecdotal stories you should listen to either. Studies show optimists are happier (obviously). They also live longer, and are generally more successful. And, if you want to know more on this, watch Shawn Achor’s TedTalk and pick up his fantastic book “The Happiness Advantage” here.


I recently found this brilliant Winston Churchill quote and thought it summed up a secret to success beautifully:



The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”.


Now, there are days I still need to take this advice and be more of an optimist. 


Sometimes, I worry the coaching space has become too crowded.


I am not sure how I'm going to work with a baby around (I just figured out how to work with a Netflix subscription - and at least Netflix times out to make sure you're still watching... so I've heard.....).



But I know that when there are challengeslooking for the opportunity is the key to success.



So excuse me while I put those rose-coloured glasses back on... and keep rocking the life I've created.



And you should do the same. 


Here are some ways, this week, you can put those rose-coloured glasses on too:


  • Start your day by listing 5 things that make your life wonderful in some way today.
  • Carve out 15 minutes a day to get some sunshine. That vitamin D makes a huge difference in boosting your mood (and it’s such a great feeling!)
  • Reframe rejection as a sign you’re making progress. Thank the person, yourself, or the Universe for the opportunity and congratulate yourself for putting yourself out there and trying!
  • Replace the words “have to” with “get to”: This week, instead of saying you “have to get groceries”, try “get to go grocery shopping”.  This little reframe empowers youbecause it reminds you that you’re in charge of what you do – and that you have the health and ability to take care of yourself (and maybe even feed a family of mouths!)
  • Make someone else smile. Do something nice for someone each day this week. Maybe it’s just taking an extra 30 seconds to tell a colleague you like their new haircutShare a joke you think a friend would find funny. Smile at a stranger (it’s contagious!). Making someone else happy will make YOU happier.
  • Check in to a moment when you feel jealous or envious of someone. Ask yourself what it is you are jealous of? Get curious and use it as an opportunity to learn more about yourself. 
    • What is it that you really want?
    • What is the jealousy telling you about what you really want? 
    • How can you learn from that person to get it too?


I think you’ll agree with me that the world looks pretty darn ah-mazing through these rose-colored glasses too!


Stylishly yours, 





PS.  Today, at 3:00pm PST/ 4:00 pm MST, I’m hopping onto Facebook Live to chat about a topic that can be REALLY hard to be optimistic about – money!


It seems no matter how much of it people havewe never feel it’s enough. 



Today, I’m going to talk about how money can help you create the life you want because money gets a bad reputation sometimes. 


Money is a "dirty" word... and an even dirtier topic. 

But I want to smash that. 

Join my special guest expert, Allyson Mantey, Entrepreneur & Health Coach (and amazing friend), as we talk about one of the most taboo topics out there - MONEY!

Maybe your initial gut reaction is that money is greedy, evil, or just plain complicated. 

But the truth is, it can help you live the life you want – if you use it to empower yourself.

Allyson and I are going to be sharing a little of our journey, how money has helped us, and the things we wish we knew sooner. 

Join us LIVE on Facebook TODAY, Tuesday, September 26th at 3:00pm PST/ 4:00 PM MST HERE. 


Check out this honest chat because we're going to open up about how money has allowed us to travel, start businesses, work with people we love (#byebyeboss), quit our jobs and SO much more!

See you there!


Doing this will make you happier than meditating, therapy, or doing drugs

If you don’t care about happiness, you can skip this blog post altogether and just close out this tab.


If you DO want to be happy, keep reading.


This is for you if you want to be happy in your life. 


If you want to have joy, and love the life you’re living, this is for you.


Because what I have to share is ground-breaking.



It's about work.


I know what you’re thinking: “Come on Lisa, I thought you said we were going to talk about happiness, not work!”



I am. Stay with me.


A lot of us grew up with parents, grandparents, teachers, mentors, and friends telling us that while “it’d be nice” to like our work, it’s not possible, or realistic. 


Maybe these well-intentioned people told you things like:


“It’s normal to hate your job.”


“No-one likes their job.”


Or “it’s work – it’s not supposed to be fun.”


Maybe they told you to “work to live, not live to work”, as if you can just forget about being miserable for 40 hours of your week during the other 70 you’re awake. 


Whatever it is, whatever the message, the result is that we have a ton of people (maybe you?), who are looking to money, job title prestige, or social status in our jobs to make us happy.


And we’ve got it backward.


Because it turns out happy work does matter.


Here’s the thing – the research today is showing us the old mentality is wrong. 


It’s not about money, benefits (yes, even the ping pong table and beer on tap), or job title that matters. It’s the work itself. 


A few months ago, one of my favorite artists, Stefan Sagmeister, was hosting a screening of his new documentary, “The Happy Film” and was even there in person for Q+A. You better believe I bought tickets right away and was PUMPED to attend.


Stefan is no stranger to experimentation, and to get the best hold on happiness, he worked with a variety of experts, including Jonathan Haidt, Ph.D. and author of "The Happiness Hypothesis"



From all the research on happiness, Stefan decided to experiment with three things, for one month each. The three things were:


  • Meditation. He even went on a dreamy Bali meditation retreat. 
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). He worked with a therapist to step outside his comfort zone and resolve old issues.
  • Drugs (prescribed, not street drugs). He used plain ol’ Big Pharma pills. 



Spoiler alert: the drugs by far made him the happiest, but of course, the effects were short-lived and dissolved soon after he stopped taking them. 


Stefan Sagmeister tried drugs, meditation, and cognitive therapy... but none of them made him happier long-term.


Here’s what Stefan discovered:


In his project, he missed the mark. He focused on the wrong things, as Dr. Haidt points out in the film. 


Happiness is not about meditation, therapy or drugs - or in other words, treatments. Instead, happiness is about the elements and conditions of how you live your life. 


The 3 critical life conditions for happiness are:


  • Have strong relationships. Romance, family, acquaintances. 
  • Enjoy your work and be engaged in it.
  • Be a part of something larger than yourself, with people you like and respect. A cause. A religion, project or spirituality. 


Strong relationships probably doesn’t come as a surprise to you. If you’ve ever been in love, you know how incredibly happy it can make you (in fact, as happy as cocaine can). 


And if you’ve ever moved away from people you love, you know isolation can make you incredibly unhappy until you’ve made new friends and relationships. 


But I want to talk about work. And happiness.


It turns out, happy work isn’t just a “nice to have” or some dream delusional millennials hold on to. 



Enjoying your work and being engaged in it is critical to your happiness. 


And so is being a part of something larger – which can come from your work as well. 


Your work will make you happier if you are engaged in the work, and a part of something larger.


Meditation, drugs, therapy all helped make Stefan a little happier. But truth is, it wasn't enough to create a sustained change. 


It wasn't as profound as the hype. 


So, after this experiment, what can you incorporate into daily life?


  • Write 3 things that worked during the day and why.  This little exercise can literally take you one minute and will tap you into being aware and looking for the positive.


  • Make time for relationships. No matter how busy you are, find ways to include others. Exercise with a friend. Share a meal with family. Volunteer with someone you care about, include those you enjoy in side projects, and prioritize those you love.


  • Create a focus on being part of something larger. For Stefan, it’s creating happier cities and taking his research and findings to create spaces that allow people to find joy. For you, this could mean joining a non-profit, volunteering for a project you're passionate about at work, or starting a side-business with a company whose mission you're on board with.


Helping people be happier, through work, is one of my absolute passions. It’s a part of my “why”, my “something bigger”. 


I truly believe you shouldn’t have to choose between meaningful work you love – and having a fun-filled life. That’s my passion, and what drives me to create what I do. 


If you are ready to be happier, if you’re ready to take a hard look at the work you’re doing as part of that picture, and find a way to enjoy your workI’d love to support you through that process.


As your coach, I’m here for you to uncover all the fears and help you face them (even the ones you don’t know you have). 


I’m here to show you your brilliance, and remind you that it is possible, even in the moments when you don’t see it or believe it yourself.


I’m your cheerleaderyour mirror that reflects back who you are, and the person asking you questions you wish I wouldn’t ask (but you’re so glad I did). 


I’m here to be the accountability partner you need, making sure that you keep your commitments to yourself – the commitment to having a career or business you love.


Together, we make sure you’re moving forward, week after week, towards the life you know you’re meant to be living.


The life where you have work you enjoy, that’s meaningful to you, and that adds joy to your life (not exhausts, drains and sucks your soul). 


With my sweet baby on the way in January, I’m opening only two final spots for one-on-one clients. These will be the last spots available in 2017, and possibly ever (I honestly don't know what changes baby will bring!). 


Get in touch today and schedule a complimentary discovery call to see how I can help you create happy work, for the happiest life possible.


If you've been thinking about working togetherbook now, because these spots will go quickly.


I love helping people like you find ways to have a job or a business that makes you happier and more fulfilled than you ever imagined. In fact, it’s what makes ME feel happier and more fulfilled than I thought possible. 


I can’t wait to hear from you.




PS.  Here’s a shot of my wonderful friend Kaitlyn and I after the show with Stefan. He talked to us about his next work project, which involves working with cities around the world to create happier spaces. 



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I love that Stefan is taking what he learned to heart – engaging and enjoying his work. 


You can do the same - it IS possible for each of us. If you’re looking to find happiness and joy with your work – and allow that to expand into the rest of your life, let’s chat.



Get in touch to claim one of the last TWO one-on-one coaching spaces for 2017 or book your complimentary discovery call now to see how I can help you create happy work, for the most happy life possible. 



PPS. Check out The Happy Film Here.


Why you haven't heard from me in a while

First of all, thank you. I want you to know I appreciate you for reading my blog. It means the world to me and I am honoured to be a small and hopefully inspiring part of your life.


You may have noticed you haven’t heard from me in a while and I swear, there’s a good reason for it. And on top of sharing some exciting news, I’ve got some exciting gifts to share with you.


Before I drop my surprise, I want to share with you some of the things I’ve been working on that are just for you.


In the last few months, I’ve been a guest expert on a few different podcast shows and publications and I’m SO proud to share them. I’ve been lucky enough to be on some truly incredible shows and if you haven’t heard of them yet, make sure you check them out and give them some love.


1) “As soon as you open up to possibilities, the possibilities will open up to you”. 


In my conversation with Pascale on The Right-Brained Geek Podcast, I share how I went from thinking my dream life was impossible, to asking “how it’s possible” – and the massive impact that made.


Together with Pascale and in-between laughs, I share some of the habits, mindset shifts and apps I use that will help you find the possibilities to make your dreams come true too!


Take a listen here (and try not to fall in love with Pascale's amazing voice and energy - I dare you). 


2) "I was waiting for someone to tell me I was going to die before I started to do the things I really wanted to do"


This is my truth. 


This was my reality, less than three years ago. 

It wasn't until I had a health scare that I realized I hadn't given myself permission to play, to truly dream, and even to fail. 

I had a huge list of things I wanted to do with my life. 

Travel more.

Start a family.

Run a business. 

Live in my dream city.

And I was waiting for "someday" when it would happen. 


Is this resonating for you?

Listen to my chat with Rikki Ayers from Own Up Grown Up podcast if this sounds like you. 

In my chat with Rikki, I talk about:

  • How to take a big leap, even when you're scared (New job? New city? No problem!) 
  • How to deal with people who put you down and stop dimming your light for others (Hint: you're NEVER "taking away" from other people
  • How to stay motivated, even when you're scared, tired or just plain overwhelmed. 

If you're not already a fan of Rikki's show, I know you will be after this. Click HERE to listen to our episode and enjoy as Rikki challenges me to share with you my best tips and strategies so this isn't you anymore!


3) As the summer winds down, you might be ready to start refocusing on your career and/or business. A big part of success depends on who you know and your ability to leverage your network.


For the local Vancouver babes, I’ve put together a comprehensive list of the best places to network in the Lower Mainland. As the official Modern Career Expert for I Like Her Style Vancouver, you can look forward to more articles, tips, tricks and inspiration dolled out on a regular basis. (Follow I Like Her Style Vancouver on Instagram and Facebook to stay in the loop!).


Now… why have I been so MIA?!?!?!


Well, I’m about to embark one my biggest adventure yet – motherhood. Troy and I are expecting our first child in January 2018, and we are so darn excited!


As excited we are, truthfully, I’ve also been exhausted, nauseous, and in a ton of pain.


Many days, it’s been tough to stay upright and eat something (anything!), let alone sit down at the computer and share words of wisdom beyond “I have a whole new respect for women in the world.” 


So, here I am. As I enter my second trimester, I’ve started feeling better. And feeling like I can share, support and inspire you (aka. Do my job again).


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From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your patience and trusting me with your precious email – and even more, your sacred time and life!


I’m spending the next few months creating the best value for you – creative content, relevant advice and to help you have meaningful work AND a fun-filled life.


If there’s something you want more of or want to know more about, send me an email. I love hearing from you! And you’ll be hearing more from me these next few months, popping into your inbox with inspiring insights, exclusive invites and only the best of how to create a modern career you love!


Gratefully yours,




PS. I've got one more exciting bonus to share. 


Do you ever find it tough to make a decision?


Do you spend a ton of time - and energy - agonizing over making the RIGHT decision?


You're not alone!


Knowing and using your core values is one of the best tools for decision-making. And yet so few people know about it!


Cindy Ellen, Business Energy Coach & Healer, (and overall Ah-Mazing woman!) and I recently chatted LIVE on Facebook and you can catch the replay here. 


Cindy helps us understand HOW using your core values shifts your energy and what a difference that can make in your life. 


Follow me on my business page and join Cindy's High Vibe Sisters Mastermind Facebook Group for more details for future chats.


That's all for now but stay tuned for more tools, tips and tricks to help you create a career, business and life you love!

Why I don't feel successful

"The road to success is always under construction". I read this Lily Tomlin quote the other day and it hit me hard.


Success is a journeynot a destination.


To me, success is a very personal definition. Success is being happy and feeling like I'm making a meaningful contribution – at least to me.


It's funny. I used to believe that if I hit certain milestones: buy a house before age 25, make 6-figures before age 30, and become a millionaire - that I'd feel successful and I'd be "done".


But I've hit all of those - and I still don't feel satisfied. Or at least, I certainly don't feel like I've hit the end of the road.


Maybe you can relate.


Have you hit certain "milestones" in life like a stable job?  House? Started a business? Marriage? Kids? 6-figures? 7-figures?


Did those milestones fulfill you?


Do you feel "successful"?


For me, the answer is YES ---- and ----- NO. 


I’m guessing, if you’re still reading, you might feel the same way.


There are two parts to this: one-part healthy, one-part unhealthy.


The unhealthy part:

This is the side that some days has me feeling exhausted, and like I'm not good enough. No matter how "successful" I might look on the outside, I'm human and have doubts and challenges, every day.


But there's another side to this success journey: the healthy part.

The healthy part of my journey is the part of me with serious drive, a fire inside me that wants to create more, to be more, to be better and make a bigger impact.

It's the part of me that dreams, that inspires, and is so motivated. 

My healthy drive connects me to other like-minded, incredible people, each successful in their own way. We push, challenge, and inspire each other.


Do you know what I’m talking about?


So what do you do with this conflict?


Knowing that your road to success will always be under construction will either inspire you or crush you, if you let it.


Now that you recognize this eternal struggle - the hampster wheel, if you will - you can work with it, instead of against it.


Have you got big dreams? 


Heck yes, girl! Go for it. Let those dreams light your path and don't lose your vision of where you're going... and why!


Have you got more milestones you want to cross?


Own it. Work for it. And never forget to celebrate the milestones you've already achieved. Pop a bottle of bubbly. Treat yourself to a massageMeditate on it daily. 


Don't feel successful yet?


Change your definition of success. Create one that you can hit today. Maybe that definition can be "spend time laughing every day." Or "talk to someone I love every day." Make sure you hit that definition of success, every week. Soak up your current success and let it propel you to all your future successes. 


And remember, that hitting certain goals and targets won’t guarantee success or happiness. All of that starts with you and it starts today.


The road to success is always under constructionBuild it out of passion, joy, fulfillment and wonder.


And don’t forget to enjoy the ride.


Successfully yours,





PS.  I love hearing from you and connecting with you. Check out my latest "Pick Lisa's Brain" session here. 

In it, we chat about:

-How to get motivated (even when it feels impossible)

-The best book I've read lately (hint: I had one of the biggest a-ha's of my life from it!)


-My best tips for starting an online business, with bonus tips about coaching.


Got more questions? 


Email me at Lisa@lisamichaud.com with the subject "Pick Lisa's Brain" and I'll happily answer it in June's "Pick Lisa's Brain" session (stay tuned for details).


Join me here - and let's have some fun!


See you on Facebook!

Feeling scared? Make sure you never forget this

Confession: I haven’t been blogging in a few weeks since I’ve been on vacation and tried to unplug as much as possible. 


And if you haven’t done it lately, consider this your friendly reminder to schedule yourself a day off, a week off or a multi-month sabbatical if you need it! Trust me: if you think you're too busy for a vacation, you need it the most!


For this trip, Troy and I were in need of some sun and decided to visit family in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona.


We ventured off to Sedona, famous for its beautiful red rock mountains for a few days. The city is known for its spirituality and new-age practices – Sedona is full of psychics, aura photographers, healing rocks, UFO tours and more. 


Sedona is also known for its incredible hikes and while Troy and I certainly aren’t experienced hikers, we did hike every day for several hours to get into nature. 


On our last day in Sedona, we ended up on a trail that went from a well-marked, gentle incline, to full-on rock scrambling (basically a mix between hiking and climbing with your hands). 


Honestly, this climb was scary. 


I love rock-climbing, but I’m the kind of climber who wants to feel protected. I want to be harnessed in, and I want a belayer to spot me and keep me safe. 


This was not one of those climbs. This climb had no protection. I had no equipment. And embarrassingly, I was wearing a dress (surprisingly comfortable to climb in…)


To this day, I’m not even sure we were on any actual trail since we seemed to be carving our own path up the mountain. 


The climb was extremely arduous at times and at one point, I was ready to give up.


Troy had ascended a particularly slippery and steep section.  I tried twice, and fell within the first two feet of the climb (talk about a bruise to the ego). 


While I waited and watched others ascend (including fearless 6 year olds!), I was severely disappointed in myself.


I wanted to keep going so badly but I didn’t think I could do it. 


Then, Troy reappeared. He came down and I told him I wanted to go up but I was scared. 


In that moment, I asked myself what was going on… and I realized I probably just needed a little push at the bottom and a cheerleader with me. And I was right. 


He helped me get over the first few feet, and I made it to the top, with only minor heart palpitations. 


The lesson?  We all need a little support sometimes – someone to believe in us – and someone who pushes us to go the distance. 




While we loved the views from the top, soon came the realization we’d have to come down.The descent was full of loose, red sand – the kind I was terrified of slipping on and soaring right off the edge of a 50-foot cliff. 



To protect myself in this scary terrain, I sat down and decided to just glide down the mountain. 


But instead of being able to cautiously descend, I ended up sliding out-of-control. Sitting down meant I had no power over my speed or direction – and it was absolutely terrifying!


I quickly realized I had to brave up, stand up, and start walking. I gained the confidence to walk over the loose rocks – and made it down just fine. 


It turns out, in tough moments, when I tried to just stop and sit, things got worse. I lost control. It was actually more dangerous. 



The next lesson from my climb? In tough times, sometimes you have to get confident and fake-it-till-you-make-it. You have to stand up, get brave, find the best balance you can and keep moving.




This message is for you today. If you’re stuck. If you’re facing a challenge (or a climb) that feels impossible.


If you’re feeling scared or uneasy about what’s next in your career, in your relationship, in your life or in your business, this message is for you. 


  • Sometimes we all need someone to believe in us.  I believe in you. I believe that no matter how hard it is right now, imagine this as your little boost to keep you going and get you further (and higher) than you’ve ever been before. 

  • If you’re in a tough or uncomfortable place, keep moving.  Stand up, get confident and keep going. When you move, you’ll find your balance. You have it within you to keep going and when you do, you’ll define and reach your destination.


And never forget, if you keep your eyes, heart, and mind openlife will give you lessons at every turn… and climb. 


I believe in you. Keep moving. 




PS. Got questions for me? Join me for April’s free “Pick Lisa’s Brain” session TONIGHT, Monday, April 17th at 7:00 pm PST.


This 20-30 minute Facebook Live is a chance for you to ask me anything you want. You can ask questions live or email me in advance at lisa@lisamichaud.com with the subject line “Pick Lisa’s Brain”. I’ll answer questions that are most relevant to modern, happy careers first. 


In my "Pick Lisa's Brain" session, I'm not going to hold back. I'll be open, honest, and treat you as if you were a paying client. You’ll get tips, advice, and resources to help you create a meaningful career AND a fun-filled life!


Find event details and sign up here:  https://www.facebook.com/events/781991768642524/


See you tonight!


Take back your time with this simple trick

How do you feel about mornings?


Personally, I’m not a morning person.


Anyone that knows me will tell you I love sleeping. (I’m writing this after a glorious 10.5 hour sleep).


As a college student, getting to an 8:30 am class on time was next-to-impossible. But when I got my last promotion in my corporate job, I knew it would require early mornings. 


To get to my new job, I would have to be ready and out the door by 6:30 am.


On top of that, I know getting a workout in before the work day begins can help make the day better (and avoid the temptation to skip a workout and opt for happy hour instead). 


It turned out, I found a way to not only get to work on time, but to also join in on 5:00 am workout classes (although not every day, let’s be honest here). 


I discovered the simplest trick to make mornings easy


Go to bed earlier. 


Yup. To get up at 4:40 and feel good about it (ok, mostly to not feel like I was going to die), I needed to have 8 hours sleep


And that meant setting an alarm and going to bed around 9:00 pm.


This is the principle of proactivity.



Proactivity is all about preparing for what’s coming. It’s planning, and anticipating what might be to make the best of anything.


Proactivity applies to everything. It’s one of Stephen Covey’s 7 Principles of Highly Effective People (a classic you can find here).


We can also apply proactivity to our time. 


Have you ever had those days when you looked at the clock at 5:00 and realized you’ve barely touched your to-do list?


Have you ever looked at your week and wondered where you were going to fit in a yoga class you’ve been dying to go to? Or when you could possibly go on a date night?


Time management is critical to success in all aspects of life.



Your time is precious – if you don’t claim it, someone else will.


Whether it’s demanding bosses or clients, volunteer commitments, or even house cleaning, your work will expand to fill the time you give it, leaving you with no time for what’s important to YOU.


But it doesn’t have to be this way. If you are proactive, you can have all the time you want for what you want – date nights, spa daysside-hustles, happy hours, and spin classes. 


Here’s how to get proactive about your time:


  • Spend time each week planning your week.  Set aside 20 minutes to schedule time for the important things for the week ahead including work, family, exercise, and learning. Hint:  Friday afternoons are usually great for this (since it’s usually not a time you’ll start any big projects anyway!).
  • Make time for “big rocks”. Figure out what your big priorities are for the week, month and year and block that time in your calendar. For me, my weekly big rocks are exercise, and important projects. Each month, I make sure I have time blocked off to spend with my husband Troy. And over the year, I plan vacations and time off, as well as time for any big new projects. Exercise, husband time, vacations and work projects are my “big rocks”.  Find yours and block the time for them.
  • Plan each day the night before. Take 10-15 minutes the night before and list your priorities for the day. It makes it easy to start your day on what you want to do instead of getting sucked into other people’s wants and needs.
  • Work backward from a goal to figure out timelines and check-in. Want to run a half marathon? You need to start training about 12-16 weeks ahead of time. Want to save $20,000 this year? Set a reminder in your planner to check in monthly to ensure you’re on track. Want to go on a 6-month sabbatical?  Picture in your mind what you should be doing the day before you leave (saying final goodbyes), the week before (packing), month before (handing in your notice at work, booking accommodation), and so on (renewing your passport, booking flights). 
  • Estimate how much time it will take you to complete a task.  Then, stick to it.  Try Timer Tab to count it down for you and let you know when time is up. This will help you work towards finishing the project you’re working on. 
  • Break projects into small steps. As you work towards them, you’ll stay inspired because you can see the progress you’re making. Whether it’s a home renovation, new website, or work initiative, seeing your progress helps keep you motivated.
  • Plan your work and errands to avoid peak times. For example, arrive at work early or stay late to avoid traffic (hopefully you don’t have to do both). Hit the grocery store early on a weekend to avoid the weekend rush. 
  • Find what works for you to be most productive. I personally love playing music, having lots of water around me, and my essential oils diffuser on making my office feel energizing. I also work well with others and love co-working because of this. Experiment. Play.  You’re unique - find what’s best for you
  • Start your day by “eating the frog”. In other words, start with the most challenging task or the one you’re dreading first. Then, once you’ve finished it, you’ll find yourself more energized for the rest of the day. And whatever you do, don’t start by checking your emails.


Here’s the thing:  when we don’t get ahead of our time and time management, it gets a hold of us. 


Time is a fantastic servant but terrible master.


Being proactive allows you to take back your time


And with that, I’m off to a proactively planned happy hour (hey, I'm on vacation!)




-- Lisa

Success Coach & Speaker




PS. Private one-on-one coaching prices increase today, March 31st, 2017. If you are interested in coaching, this is a great opportunity to get the support, accountability, and encouragement to create the life you want to live. 


It IS possible to have meaningful work AND a fun-filled life. I know it is because that’s what I have and what I’ve helped other clients create. 


If you want to live life full-out, with no regrets, start by taking action. 


My 3-month Fireworks Coaching Package takes a proactive approach to your life and time. Together, we'll define where you want to be, and create a plan to get you there.  If you want to have meaningful work and a fun-filled life, this package is for you (and you can find out more here). 


Get in touch today for a complimentary discovery session to find out how I can support you best and see if we’re a great fit to work together. I’ll honor the $1500 USD price for any discovery call requests I get before midnight PST tonight!



Start your regret-free life by committing to yourself and all your dreams for your best life!

This is the only thing separating you from royalty

Let’s start by being honest: we’re pretty damn lucky.


As women (and men) in developed countries (which I know you’re in if you’re reading this), we’re more fortunate than most. 


For the most part, our time is our own. 


We don’t have to walk three hours each way to fetch water from the well.


We don’t grind our own wheat to make flour. 


A dishwasher cleans most our dishes. We have a washing machine to wash our clothes and dry it. Even our ovens are self-cleaning


In the 1950’s, as this technology was developing, it was predicted that the average person in modern times would become bored.  Experts believed that we would have as much time as royalty used to – can you imagine?!  What would we do with all our time?!


Fast-forward 50-60 years and it seems we are busier than ever.


What gives?!


How did we go from hopes of becoming most time-abundant, (bored) generation - equal to royalty - to being one of the most overworked, stressed generations ever?



One word:  Expectations.



Did you know the average (often working) married woman today spends more quality time with her children than the average (often stay-at-home) married women in the 1960’s did? 


According to the University of Maryland’s analysis of Americans’ Use of Time Study, married moms in 1965 spent 1.5 hours per week interacting and playing with her children. By 2000, this number had risen to 3.3 hours.


And married fathers spend almost three times as much time on childcare now than they did in 1965, from 2.6 hours a week, to 6.5 hours in 2000


To add to this, in the 1950’s, the average household had nearly 4 children per women while in 2007 this number was about 2.12 - and yet the total number of hours spent on childcare still increased. 



Interesting, right?


Good Housekeeping magazine in the 1950’s and 1960’s gave advice on how to cut raisinsiron blankets, and keep kids out of the kitchen while doing Christmas baking. 


Today, the purpose of Christmas baking is to entertain and engage children… and to taste-test along the way! (If you’re wondering the source of my data – and a fantastic book - check out 168 hours by Laura Vanderkam, p. 132-139). 



So… what has changed?






While the expectations for our household cleaning have gone down, expectations around quality time with children have gone up.


Expectations for the number of hours you work has increased. (And it’s worth mentioning, it’s often about number of hours you’re visible at the office, not about how much actual work you’re doing). 


Often, these expectations take over our minds without us even realizing. They might have started from childhood, or from feedback from a leader in our life. 


It might be based on what has worked for you in the past. It might come from the culture of your community or workplace. 



Expectations, in this sense, assume it’s the way things “have to be” or that there are things we “should do” or “must do”.


Here are some examples of expectations you might have:

  • You hand make all your costumes for Halloween or children’s activitiesYou automatically clean your house every week
  • You feel anxious when you haven’t returned texts/emails and social media messages within a few hours
  • You force yourself to get 8 hours of sleep (but you actually feel better with only 7 – or need 9 to function your best)
  • You must be the last one to leave the office… and the first one in in the morning
  • You can only stay caught up with work by taking an hour or two on Sunday mornings to catch up


I’m not saying every (or any!) one of these is inherently “wrong” or “bad”.


The question is all about you: is the expectation serving you… or no longer serving you. 



Let’s turn the spotlight on to you (because we want to make YOUR life better). 


Here's how to release your expectations - and feel more like royalty - this week:



1) Ask yourself: "What are the expectations you (or society) has put on you that just aren’t working for you anymore?"



Start by reflecting to figure out which ones aren’t serving you. As you go through life this week, check in with yourself daily to see what parts of your life are stressful, challenging and unfulfilling. Take notes of your least favourite parts of the week – chances are, that’s where your expectations are out of alignment with what you truly want.




2) Ask: "Where have these expectations come from?"


Some of these expectations come from within. Some come from what we learned growing up, from friends and family. Some come from bosses, colleagues, teachers and mentors.

The problem is that often, we take on these expectations on ourselveswithout really asking if they are true for us. 

These expectations get placed on us – and then stick around, often far too long.


3) Figure out: What will it take to change these expectations? 

To move forward, you need to reset those expectations with yourself and those around you. This might mean some difficult conversations. But you’ll probably be pleasantly surprised by how supportive those around you are when YOU come across as confident and happy in your decision. 



4) Commit: What action will you take to align your expectations with the way you want to live your life?

Set up a support system and create opportunities and structures to let go of your expectations. 

Find a seamstress for costumes and hire him/her today. 

Sign up for a 5:00 yoga class, 3 days a week, so you’re forced to leave work on time. 

Set a calendar reminder to wash your baseboards once every 6 months (or less). And don’t worry about it until the reminder comes up. 



You are in control of your time. You have 168 hours, just like everyone else.




It’s what you do with that time that makes the difference. 



When you change your expectationsyou change the amount of time you “need” to spend on things. And that frees you up for the things you WANT to be doing!


Just to be extra clear:  I’m not talking about settling


I’m talking about lowering your expectations on the sh*t that doesn’t matter. The sh*t that stresses you. The sh*t you’re only doing because you think you have to.


I challenge you to change one expectation, this week. 


Be gentler on yourself for the things that don’t matter (ironing your sheets anyone?!) to create time and space for those things that do matter (meditation, eating healthy food, date nights with your partner). 


When you change your expectations, you will change your life. And it'll make you (almost like) royalty, just as predicted. 


Proudly changing my expectation of helping everyone, every day


Lisa Michaud

Success Coach & Speaker



PS. Recently, I've had more and more people reaching out and asking me questions and for advice. 


I love helping and am so happy people trust me. I'm honored people come to me as an expert in modern careers and how to have it all. 



At the same time, it's become very time-consuming to provide one-on-one advice to everyone, in addition to the (awesome) support I provide to my clients. I'm getting several messages a day, from friends, contacts, and people around the world. The worst part?  I know this is unsustainable - and I'm just not able to give the quality and level of advice I'd love to give to everyone who reaches out.


I've decided to try something new to connect, help and support you, while still keeping the majority of my time sacred for my paying clients and my creative pursuits. 


I'm going to be doing a monthly 20-30 minute Facebook Live called "Pick Lisa's Brain" to answer any questions live on the FB Live call. 


In my free "Pick Lisa's Brain" sessions, I'm not going to hold back. I'll be open, honest, and treat you as if you were a paying client.  You’ll get tips, advice, and resources to help you create a meaningful career AND a fun-filled life!


I'll be doing my first "Pick Lisa's Brain" session TONIGHT, Wednesday, March 22nd at 6:30 pm PST. If you want to join in, you can find me on my Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/lisamichaudcoach/


Give my page a “like” and you’ll get a notification when I go live. And if you can’t make it live, you can check out the video afterward, right on my Facebook page. 


My intention is to give better support to all of you, my amazing clients, and my own creativity. 


Thanks for allowing me to try something new. To play. To experiment.  And have fun!


The question you must ask before you say "yes" again

As you know, this month, I’m talking about time.  Where your time is going. How to create more of it. And how to make the most of it.


While I love to remind you that anything is possible (and it is!), time has a constraint. We all have 168 hours a week24 hours a day. So far, no-one has been able to create more hours. 


We can’t speed time up (for boring meetings or flight delays). 


And we can’t slow it down (for weekends, children growing up or while we’re on vacation). 


Because of this simple fact, this equation exists:



Saying “Yes” to something = “Saying No” something else



When you say “yes” to something, you inevitably say “no” to something else. 


You have to. 


You cannot say “yes” without saying “no” to something. 


It’s the law of time, and it’s simple math. 


“No” is not inherently a bad word. It’s important to say. And in fact, often we end up saying “no” without even realizing it.


My challenge to you is to get conscious of what you are saying “no” to in order to say “yes”. 


So, what does the law of time look like in the real world?


Your best friend invites you to Happy Hour on Friday night. You want to say “YES” (and make it a double!). 


By saying “yes” to Happy Hour, you’re saying “no” to many other things:

  • You’re saying “no” to working late. 
  • You’re saying “no” to going home right after work.
  • You might be saying “no” to a workout after work.
  • You’re saying “no” to volunteering for your favourite organization.


Some of these “no’s” are reasonable and even responsible. Some might be interpreted as “the wrong choice”.  The reality is, “no’s” exist every time you say “yes”. 


And only you can decide if they are the right “no’s” for you.



Here’s another example:

Your boss/client asks you for extra support on a new project and for you to present the results.

  • You’re saying “yes” to the opportunity to be exposed to a new part of the business.
  • You’re saying “yes” to a new experience.
  • You’re saying “yes” to winning brownie points with the boss/client.
  • You’re saying “no” to coming in at a normal time every morning this week.
  • You’re saying “no” to an hour of sleep each night.
  • You’re saying “no” to a lame meeting you didn’t want to go to anyway.


You’re probably getting the idea by now. 


As you can see, not all “yes’s” are good. AND not all “no’s” are bad. 


If your goals are currently centered on creating new career opportunities, and you’re feeling recharged from a recent vacation, the “yes’s” might be worth the “no’s”. 


If you feel like your boss/client is taking advantage of you, or you’re burned out, those “no’s” might be unacceptable for you this week. 


It’s up to you to be sure you are saying both the right “yes’s” and the right “no’s” for you and the life you want to create.


The bottom line is that you want to shift the equation in your favour:



Saying “Yes” to something > “Saying No” something else



The next time you are about to say “yes”, ask yourself:

  • What am I saying “yes” to?
  • What am I saying “no” to?
  • Is the “yes” advantage greater than what I’m saying “no” to?


Then, act accordingly.


The only right answer about how you spend your time is the answer you know deep inside. 


When you know who you are, and what’s important to you, you can look at time decisions through this lens.  Knowing that will make it way easier to figure out what you should say “yes” to and what you should say “no” to when you know what your “yes” advantage is. 


I’m off to say “yes” to a run (and “no” to getting ahead on my work!),


- Lisa
Success Coach


PS. If you feel like you never have enough timeI can help. I recently led two groups through an exercise on time management and everyone gained at least four or more hours a week back in their life. (Yes, that’s enough time to take a spa dayread a whole book, nap every afternoon, or start a side-business - every week!). 


As a trained coach, this is an example of the kind of work we can do together. We refine your goalsmake time in your life for the things that are important, and learn to say “no” to the right things. 


In just three months together, you’ll see your time expand and you’ll achieve goals you didn’t think were possible!  I have two last spaces at my current price point of $1500 USD + tax. If one of these spots is for you, reach me here and we'll set up a complimentary Discovery Call before prices increase!


If you’ve been thinking about working with a coach (or even better, working with me!), get in touch today. I will never offer coaching again at this price, ever! On March 31st, 2017, my prices are increasing to $3,000 USD for a coaching package.  Don’t miss out on this opportunity.


If saving $1500 and getting a life-changing coaching experience isn’t a “hell yes”, I don’t know what is!



Are you guilty of this big time waster?

Spring is in the air and this month, I want to talk about time.
Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough time?
You’re not alone.
Do you ever see those people that seem to have time to do everything and wonder how do they do it?!
It’s hard to remember sometimes that we all have the same amount of time. 
We all have the same number of hours in a day – and 168 hours in a week.
You. Me. Beyonce. Mark Zuckerberg.
We all have the same amount of time.
So… how do the most successful people get so much done?!
And more importantly, how can you use this knowledge to create the time for everything in your life?
That’s the question I’m exploring this monthFor you.  For me.  For anyone who feels they don’t have enough time (so, basically everyone).
Today, we’re going to start with the biggest time waster. 
Are you guilty of the biggest time waster?
I know what you’re thinking:  social media.
And no, that’s not it.
Well… not exactly.
The biggest time waster is actually something you don’t do. 
Not doing this will lead to time wasted.
Not prioritizing this will suck time from what’s important.
Not making time for this will result in you squandering your life’s precious moments.
What is this big time waster?!
Working too much.   And not taking downtime.
Time to recharge.
Time for you.
Time to recover. Rest. Relax. Rejuvenate. 
Your brain needs a break.
Your body can’t go all the time.
And that’s totally normal.
I get it.  You want to grind. You want to get sh*t done.

I’m guilty of this too.  (In fact, I came up with this blog idea at 2:00 am, after a long night of work).
But this isn’t sustainable.  And it’s not effective.
What happens when you don’t take a break?
You’re less productive.
The worst part?!
Your brain still takes a break. 
(Yup, everyone’s). 
Here’s the problem with this:
The break might be during something important.  Like a critical meeting.  Or an intimate conversation with a friend. 

Your brain might zone out when you’re supposed to be enjoying the improv show you’re watching at the theatre.
Or the exhaustion might come out in meaningless time spent scrolling social media or watching TV.
It might come out in reading news you don’t care about online late at night – or early in the morning.  Or your brain will shut down and you’ll oversleep.
Even worse? 
The break will come.  And go. 
Without you even getting the benefits.
You’ll feel like you never got a break. 
You won’t get the joy of reading a book.  Taking a bath.  Spending quality time with friends and family.  
You won’t get the endorphins you get from going for a run. Or the relaxation from getting a massage.
Because your brain just spent it’s much-needed break time and your precious downtime zoning out.
Mindlessly scrolling. 

Spacing out. 
My challenge to you this week is to schedule your breaks.  Schedule your downtime. 
Make time for your breaks. 
Put them in your calendar.  
Set the expectations with friends, family or bosses if you need to.
Try working in pre-determined time sprints and breaks, also known as the Pomodoro Method.  Marinara Timer and TomatoTimer  are two excellent, free tools to try.
Call and book a massage.
Sign up for a yoga class.

Schedule it so it happens.
Schedule it so it happens on your terms.
I guarantee you’ll be more productiveYou’ll waste less timeYou’ll accomplish more.
And you’ll actually enjoy the time you spend, however you choose to spend your down time. 
In the end, the greatest way to be productive with your time is to enjoy the time you do spend.


Hello happy brain. Hello happy you! 


 - Lisa
Success Coach


PS.  I know it’s hard to schedule breaks. I struggle too.  But we all need breaks.
Without pre-determined breaks, you will end up taking one anyway. Your brain just needs a rest.  And it will either have you zoning out when you shouldn’t be.  Or you’ll mindlessly scroll Facebook, the news, or watch TV for hours. 
Wouldn’t those mindless hours have been better spent catching up with friends?   Reading to your children?   Walking on the beach.
I think so too.  Schedule your breaks this week.  And cut out the biggest time-waster to get your time (and joy) back.

My husband wasn't my dream man

As a little girl, I grew up dreaming about a lot of things.
I dreamed about growing up.
I dreamed of the places I would travel (mostly Disneyland repeatedly).
I dreamed of being an actress.  Then a doctor.  Then a dancer at a Mexican resort.  (You might be able to guess which one was my parent’s favourite career choice).
I dreamed about my wedding.
And I dreamed about the man I would marry.
It turns out, I was wrong about almost all my dreams. 
I never actually grew up – I’m still just a hair over (or under) 5 feet, depending on the day.
I’m not an actress.  Or a doctor.  Or a dancer at a Mexican resort (at least not a paid one).
I was right that I’d travel to Disneyland repeatedly.  But I had no idea about the other 33 countries (and counting) I’d also see. 
What about the dream I was the most wrong about?  
My dream man.   
This sounds terrible right?  
Hearing this, you may think I’m unhappy with my marriage.  Or that I'm still out there looking for my dream man. 
I’m not. 
Even though I consider myself a very self-aware personsometimes I get it wrong. 
We all do.
There are some serious differences between my "dream man" list and the dream man in front of me (spoiler alert: I really did marry an amazing man).
Here’s the differences between my dream man and my actual man:
Dream Man:  Man who loves to dance.  I love to get down.  Salsa.  Belly-dancing.  Ballet.  Kitchen dancing.  Wine dancing.  Fast dancing.  Slow dancing.  I love it all.  I wanted a man who would join me on the dance floor (and around the kitchen island).
Actual Husband:  Troy doesn't dance very often.  It takes a giant crowd that he can get lost in (and usually a significant dent in a bottle of rum) for him to dance.  But when he dances, I am in my happiest place!  He looks happy - he has so much energy and life in him.  It makes the moments when we are dancing together, my absolute favourite in the whole world. 
Dream Man:  Man full of compliments. 
Actual Husband:  Those who know my husband, know he's a man of not-so-many words.  Getting a compliment from Troy is kind of rare.  The good news?  A compliment from Troy is completely genuine and true.  He doesn't dole them out to fill conversation or to suck up to someone.  If he says something kind about youhe means it.  And that means a lot to me. 
Dream Man:  Man into spirituality and an uber-well-being lifestyle.  I wanted my dream man to like yoga, exercise,  and juicing.  I thought I wanted a man who spoke my hippy-dippy, all-loving, free-loving, self-improvement loving language. 
Actual Husband:  Troy is not one of those men.  He couldn't tell you what a savasana is (although he lays in one almost every night and on the couch when he watches Mad Men).  He doesn't know what namaste means, or who Deepak Chopra is or many of the mindfulness/wellbeing gurus.  And that's ok.  Because even if it's not his thing, he lets it be my thing.  He fully embraces that part of me and encourages me to do what is important to me and makes me happy. 
Dream Man:  Man who is super driven and type-A. 
Actual Husband:  Troy is brilliant. He's smart.  And he's happy and accomplished.  But super-driven and goal-oriented, he is not.   He is, however, amazing at balancing life and fun and goals.  And I need that.  I need someone who is more laid back.  He is the calming part of my life. 
Dream Man:  Man who pushes me on my goals journey.

Actual Husband:  Troy’s not one to check in on my goals.  Or even ask me about them.  Wow, am I ever glad I did not find this!  Now don't get me wrong: Troy fully supports me through and through.   He encourages me and cares about my hopes and dreams.  But he doesn't ask me about the progress of my goals weekly.  Or check-in on what I've accomplished in a day or month (yes I would have wanted this.)  And yet poor Troy suffers through me doing all these things to him.
The truth is, if Troy was everything I listedI’m not sure it would work.
And if there were 2 type-As like me, we’d probably die of early heart attacks.
I work incredibly hard.  I set aggressive goals.
I write to-do lists, and am constantly checking in on how I'm doing. 
I don't need someone else doing it all the time. 
I LOVE having incredible conversations that don't revolve around progress and results all the time. 
Troy is the calm in my crazy storm of drive.  
He is the steady foundation when my stress is high and I start to waiver.  
He's the hug, the laugh, the grounding and the reminder that life isn't all serious. 
He reminds me that life isn't about just doing, it's about being
I wrote the “Dream Man” list for a few reasons (not the least of which is because I love lists).
The point of writing a “Dream Man” list was to find a beautiful, joyful relationship. 
It was to find someone to share my life with. 
Someone to be my partner in good times and bad.  Someone to love me and to love being loved by me.
While I may not have hit all of the items on my list, I got something even better. 
I accomplished exactly what I wanted – I found an incredible partner. 

If there is one thing Troy has absolutely in spades, it is that he wants me to be happy.  
In my soul, and in his, I feel that he loves to see me happy.  
He encourages me to be the best me, and the most fulfilled me.  
Ironically, it's a quality I didn’t have had the foresight to write on my list.

 And yet, I can’t imagine our relationship (and my life) without it. 
Because at the end of the day, what I really wanted was a deep love and someone to be truly, crazy, ridiculously happy with.  
And no unchecked boxes on a list will ever take that love and happiness from my life.
Life is like this – it is full of surprises.
You can go in with lists.  Expectations.  
To-do’s.  Guidelines.  Specifications. 
Clear goals.  Defined plans. 
And then, life shakes us up.
The key to success is an open mind. 
The key to happiness is an open heart. 
There are key things on my “dream man” list that my husband sure doesn’t fit. 
But if I’d stayed attached to my list or my “dream”, I would have missed the amazing man he is. 
See, the most important part of my dream was “have a relationship that uplifts me and fills me with love.”
Before you get attached to any plan, or list, or even dreamask yourself “what do I really, really want here?”
Chances are, there are many ways to get what you want. 
Plans change.  Dreams change.  Life changes.
When you stay open to what comes to youand how (and even what!) you get in life, you’ll be amazed at your life.

In fact, it will probably be even better than you ever imagined.
Gratefully married to my non-dream man,

 - Lisa
Success Coach

PS.  I want you to stay open. Open-minded.  And open-hearted. 
Having an open heart is essential to your happiness.  And to stay present to the wonders of life. 
Although our month of love may be coming to a close, I believe there’s actually a beautiful opening.  
An opening to putting love first. 
To all the gifts of love. 
And an opening to self-love.

Troy and Lisa s Wedding-ceremony-0073.jpg