
The Advice You Should Never Take

“Never take advice from someone you wouldn’t trade places with.”

This is one of my favourite quotes.

I remember a lovely first date I had with my (new at the time) friend Matt Corker

For anyone who hasn’t heard of or met Matt – if you live in Vancouver, you’ve been living under a rock – this guy knows EVERYONE! And it’s because he’s fantastic

Matt and I were out for a run the first time we met and we got into the discussion of working women – one of my favourite topics. At the time, Matt worked for lululemon. I told him that I believed it was possible to “have it all” – work and family.


I also told him that I felt like I had it all but didn’t know many other people who did. 


Do you ever feel like this too?  Do you ever feel like you’re the only one?


The narrative out there seemed to be that “having it all” was a myth. Or that telling women they could “have it all” was cruel, and makes those who don’t have it all feel worse about themselves.

Not good.

Matt said something very profound to me.

He said, “If you think you can’t have it all, you’re talking to the wrong person.”


Of course. 

Someone who doesn’t have it all will probably tell you it’s not possible. They’ll tell you it’s a myth, and that you have to pick between work , fun, and family. 


Matt hit the nail on the head. If you ask the right women, they will show you it’s possible. At lululemon, he knew many female executives who still made time to exercise, volunteer, and raise families. 


The same goes for men.  If you ask the right men, they will share wonderful stories from their paternity leave, of backpacking trips through Europe and exciting business accomplishments.


Let’s remember that “having it all” doesn’t mean there aren’t sacrifices. Tough decisions. Constant prioritization. And support required. 


But it IS possible! And isn’t prioritizing, making decisions, and being deliberate in what you do a HELL of a lot better than the alternative? 


Being deliberate beats missing out on having kids that you would love to have. 


Prioritizing beats being lonely because you’ve spent too much time at the office. 


Making the decision to set boundaries with your boss (or your business) sure beats missing a best friend’s bachelorette party or birthday.


Do you ever feel like you know it’s possible but just aren’t sure how to “have it all”?   


Here’s how you can get there too.


1)  Having it all starts with figuring out what “having it all” means to you. 

For some, it will mean running a marathon a year. 

For others, it will mean having three kids. 

For others (like me), it means travelling to new countries every year.

For many of us, it means having great family and friend relationships.


I believe we can have all this and also have rewarding, challenging and engaging work to do!


2)  Having it all also means surrounding yourself with other women and men who feel like they have it all. 

  • Reach out to a friend or mentor who is clearly happy and fulfilled in their lives, and learn from them. 
  • Talk to your friends about what “having it all” means to you, and to them. Support each other and encourage them to “have it all” too.


3)  Having it all means being deliberate with your time and consciously creating the life you want. This might mean:

  • Setting the alarm early to have breakfast with your partner and kids because you aren’t always home for dinner.
  • Saying no to volunteering for the fundraiser.
  • Pumping the song “You can have it all” by JRDN in moments of doubt. Which literally just came on my iTunes random playlist.  Yup – it’s a sign – we can have it all!
  • Having a conversation with your boss about after-hours emails.
  • Working late some week nights and weekends so you can take a Friday off and head out on a wine-tasting weekend early.
  • Taking paid or unpaid leave of absence to spend more time travelling.


All of these things become HEAPS easier when you know you’re doing it because you want to have it all.  


And you deserve to have it all.



Success Coach


PS If you’re looking for awesome books to get into the structure of HOW to have it all, I highly recommend Laura Vanderkam’s books168 Hours and I Know How She Does It.  I’ll be sharing learnings from her work from time-to-time but if you are super passionate about this topic, get her books now!  Side note - If you do follow my links, they don't cost you anything extra and keep me reading and recommending only the best books and advice for you!

Here's my alphabet. What's yours?

Welcome to my blog and my website. Thanks for joining!  I'm on a mission for women like you to LOVE your career and love your life.  So who am I? Here's a little more about this curly blonde's life and favourite things:

The A-Z's of Lisa


Adventurist.  I LOVE trying new things and exploring the world.  Anything from meeting new people, to white water rafting, to sky-diving, I love it.  I will try anything once... and I have never regretted anything I have tried. 


Beach.  Is there anything better than sand, waves, and beautiful water?  Not in my world. I love the ocean, and lakes and rivers.  Whether it's a tropical beach in Southeast Asia or the beaches in Vancouver (not so tropical but still beautiful), beaches are so good for my soul. I'm lucky to be only a few blocks away from a beach most days of my life.


Croatia.  Where my family is from. Croatian was my first language and to this day, most of my family still lives there. I love spending summers swimming in the Adriatic sea, and eating delicious Croatian truffles and cevupcici (deliciously spiced sausages!)


Dancing. I started at the age of 3 in ballet, and continued through tap, modern, jazz, hip-hop, song & dance, and point. My love with dance has extended to salsa, belly, tango and burlesque. And let's not forget the occasional twerking to some top 40 (even if it's just in my kitchen)!


Extreme Extrovert.  I'm a 30/30 on the extravert scale. Every time I do a Meyers-Briggs assessment, my other traits change. Not extravert though. I absolutely love being around others and soak up energy from those I'm surrounded by.


Food. Delicious! I used to be a ridiculously picky eater (I didn't like steak or seafood). Let's just say a 2 month trip to China fixed that! Now, I adore trying new food and cuisines. I also generally dislike cooking and being in a foodie-centric city like Vancouver suits me well!


Goals.  I love them!  I'm all about making sure that I'm living life on my terms and goals help me do that.  There's nothing better than doing some deep soul-searching, reflecting and brainstorming with amazing friends to determine what my BEST life is. And then setting some awesome, inspiring goals and habits to match. 


Husband.  His name is Troy and he's simply amazing. I have found a true partner in life. He's smart, funny and it doesn't hurt that he's extremely handsome. 


Inspiration.  It's all around us so I make sure to soak it in every day.  Each day, I take time to be grateful for the amazing things in my life (my 7pm phone reminder).  I'm always on the lookout for fun, interesting and inspirational events online and in my city that will teach me and inspire me to be a better coach and human being. So far this year, I'm already signed up for The Art of Leadership, and at least 2 TedX Conferences. #inspirationoverload


Juggling. I have a great life, don't get me wrong. But my schedule, commitments and life are a constant juggling act. I'm very deliberate with my time and each week I sit down to plan out the next week. It helps me make sure I have all the right balls in the air and that the important ones are getting the attention they need. If only juggling time would be as cool of a party trick as actual flame juggling or something....


Kelowna.  Where Troy & I got married, on a gorgeous rooftop overlooking the lake. It's where I got to have friends and family from all parts of then world celebrate as I said "I do" to my best friend. It holds a special place in my heart. Plus it has amazing wines ;)


Leadership. I love everything about leadership.  I even started the Vancouver Island Leadership Conference 8 years ago, ran it for 3 years, and it continues to this day. I believe we all need to be leaders, not just at work or school but in our home lives. Each one of us can be a leader in life as we support friends, family and lead ourselves on the path to achieving our goals and dreams. 


Meeting new people.  Genuinely one of my favourite things. Everyone is a friend I just haven't met yet. I love finding similarities and the connections between all humans - I've learned we really are all more the same than we are different.


New York. One of the most amazing places on earth. I absolutely adore every moment I spend here and mostly only watch tv shows if they can offer a glimpse of Manhattan. 


Open-minded.  I believe in being open, honest, and vulnerable.  I'm not perfect and that's ok.  I love learning from others and hearing their perspectives. I will always learn something and continue to grow more as a person when people share their thoughts with me and I deeply appreciate it.


Possibility.  There is nothing that can't be done when we believe it's possible. Nothing is more powerful than people who believe in their own potential.  When we believe in possibility, fear disappears and we just do it.  We create change.  We make a difference. As Henry Ford said, "Whether you believe you can or you believe you can't, you are right."  

Now I want to empower more women to believe they can.


Quad. My husband loves quadding and so do I. That's why we have a quad in our downtown apartment complex. Sure, it's a little quirky but it doesn't take long to get a bit outside the city and hopping on the quad is an exciting way to get deep into nature and explore new territory. And it's a great conversation starter with the neighbours.


Running. Something I always hated and never thought I could do. Until I found wicked-awesome running partners and I've now done 5 half-marathons. I'm signed up for number 6 and love the challenge and friendships that form over sweat and exhaustion.


Sustainability. We're all just visiting on Planet Earth and it's important to me that the world will be a better place because of me. I once heard "leave everything just a little better than you found it" and I apply this philosophy to everything. Whether it's a job, a city, a friendship, and especially, this beautiful planet, I live and work to make everything I touch better.


Travelling. My great love. My current count is 32 countries and I will hit 50, 100, and more in my life!


Umbrella.  You won't catch me on the We(s)t Coast without one. This curly hair frizzes just hearing the word "sprinkle" so I'm always prepared for the rain. 


Vancouver.  The city I live in and adore. My love affair started when I was a child and I'm constantly in awe of its natural beauty and cultural diversity. 


Wine.  My usual drink of choice. I love visiting wineries around the world and meeting super passionate wine makers who put their all into their delicious wine. The only thing better?  Getting to take home a bottle and enjoy it on my patio with my husband and awesome friends. In full disclosure, I also love craft beer and I swoon for original, innovative cocktails. 


Xenodochial.  Wow. Who knew finding an "x" word would be so hard?  Xenodochial means "friendly to stranger" and it's a philosophy I live by. Everywhere I go, I find connections with all ages, backgrounds, languages, and distance.  And now we've learned a new word too!  


Yoga.  What kind of Vancouverite would I be without it?  All kidding aside, I love the mix of mental and physical challenge in yoga and it helps this type-A chick stay grounded, humble and sane. 


Zestful.  How I approach life. Life's an adventure, an exciting gift, a remarkable journey.  I want it to be filled with fun, love, curiosity, wonder, exploration and laughter. 


Who are you?  I love getting to know amazing, driven, passionate women like you.  

Get in touch with me - I love hearing from you!