80% of what you're doing doesn't matter. Here's what does matter

The time has come. 

Planning for New Year’s Eve parties has begun.

Should we plan a trip to celebrate?   Should we do a house party?  Should we rent a hotel room and watch the fireworks with friends?  Should we get tickets to a hip event? 
Oh, the options.  
Don’t get me wrong. I love a celebration.  I enjoy New Year’s as an opportunity to connect with those I love, whether it’s an intimate gathering, or a giant blow-out bash.
But there’s a more important New Year’s conversation we’re not having. 
And that’s the conversation of your 2016 New Years resolutions.
Ya. Those. 
I know you might have forgotten about them.  But I didn’t.
I get it.  Time flies.  Sometimes my year feels like a roll of toilet paper – the closer I get to the end, the faster it goes.  
Every year I feel this way.  January, February and March start out slow and intentional.  I start out feeling like I can do anything – that my year ahead is full of opportunity and possibility. 

By April, May and June, I’ve made some progress.    Then summer hits, and I take my foot off the gas petal a bit to enjoy the sunshine and time with friends.

In September, life kicks up a notch and by October, I’m wondering where the time has gone and can’t believe it’s almost Christmas. 
That’s me today. 
There are officially 70 days left in 2016. 
Do you remember the goals you set at the beginning of the year?  
With 70 days left in the year, in some ways, I almost feel like giving up on my 2016 goals.  I mean, it’s only 9 days until Halloween, and then Christmas season starts.  
Maybe this is you.  You’re thinking that between holiday parties, gift-giving and decorating, there’s little time for anything else.  You might as well kiss you goals goodbye and just settle with what you’ve accomplished so far.
70 days is enough.
70 days is 20% of the year. 
Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule?  It’s a beautiful law (the Pareto Principle) that surprisingly applies to a ton of things in our lives:
We wear 20% of our closet 80% of the time. 
We cook 20% of the recipes we know 80% of the time. 
20% of the activities you do account for 80% of your happiness.
80% of our business comes from 20% of our clients. 
80% of our success comes from 20% of our effort.
This last 20% of the year can be the difference between getting what you want.  Or not. 
So, let’s make sure you get what you want.   Refocus, reenergize and rejuvenate to rock the rest of your year. 
What were the intentions you set for 2016?
Here’s how to get what you want in the next 70 days of 2016:

  • List five things you are proud of in 2016 so far.  Be genuinely happy and recognize that you HAVE made progress.


  • Say thank you to two people who have made a difference in your life this year. Get in the spirit of gratefulness and joy.


  • Write out all the things you still have left to do in 2016.  Brain dump all the things you keep telling yourself you “should” do


  • Cross out all but three of them.  Yup. Only three get to stay.


  • Make a plan to get those three things done
    • Set your milestones – what are the big moments along the way to your goal? 
    • Get clear on the next few steps. Where will you start?  What do you need to do to get there?
    • Create a plan with timelines.  Work backwards.  If December 31st, 2016 is the day that you have accomplished those three goals, what are you doing on December 21st?  On December 1st?  November 15th?  November 1st?  
    • Track your progress AND results.  How will you know you’re making progress?  What are the results you are seeing?  Set a time weekly to track and review.


  • Find an accountability partner and share your goals.  It will keep you motivated and responsible for doing what you say you will do.  This can be a friend, spouse, teacher, boss, or – of course – a coach!


  • Get guilt-free about saying “no” to other goals until you’ve crushed the ones you’ve set.  Why guilt-free?  Because you can add them to you 2017 goals list and have a jump start on those creating resolutions!  #win-win

So in full disclosure, here’s my three priorities for the last 70 days of the year:


  • Create permission and time in my life for self-care.  Join a gym. Get a yoga punch pass (and use it).  Drink more green juice. And take 2 days off a week.   I know. I’m so #vancouver. 


  • Make an impact on 3000 high-performing men and women through a growing list and established brand.  Expand my reach so I can create a world where we don’t have to choose between work and life.   We can have it all!


  • Develop a community of ambitious go-getters who are committed to making 2017 the best year of their lives!  Serve this community powerfully and support them as they learn the tips, tricks and tools I’ve got to change their life.

Thank you for being my accountability partner.  If you need me to be that for you, I have a few last spaces in my one-on-one program that are perfect for keeping you on track.  Hit reply and we can connect for a complimentary discovery session to find out what you want to accomplish and how I’ll support to make sure you get what you want!

Remember – it’s not too late to make a difference.  Today matters.  Tomorrow matters.  Your goals and dreams matter.  

Go get them.

 - Lisa
Success Coach

PS.  For those of you in Vancouver, I’m so excited to be hosting a live event, a partnership with Vancity Business Babes.  November 9th, join us for our GoalDen Girls Morning Mingle.

Let’s be honest: goals sound easy but actually achieving them isn’t so simple.
Join me for an interactive workshop where you’ll learn about best goal-setting tricks, meet other inspiring women, and walk away with tools to help you rock 2017!
You’ll learn how to:
Overcome common mistakes you’re making when you set goals
Create a plan you’ll actually stick to
Build a strategy so you can consistently meet and blow away your own targets!
For tickets or more information, click here.   See you there Vancity Business Babes!