14. So you didn't achieve your goal? Here's what to do when you don't reach your dreams

The end of the year is here. Did you achieve your goal?

If you did, HIGH FIVE to you!

But chances are you’re one of the 99% of people who didn’t achieve their goal.

Welcome to the club (one I belong to, also!).

Didn’t reach your goal? Missed the mark on your dream?

If you didn’t achieve your goal, chances are, you’re feeling disappointed.  Maybe you’re embarrassed.

Maybe you’re exhausted, or ready to give up. 

If you didn’t achieve your goal, how do you deal? And should you just give up?

Spoiler alert: It’s a HARD NO on that one. 

Instead, right now, it’s a chance to reflect, reassess, recharge, CELEBRATE and revitalize. 

By the end of this episode, you’ll go from feeling disappointed and maybe embarrassed about your goals, to celebrating how far you HAVE come.  

You’ll get clarity on why you didn’t achieve your goal, and understand the most important question to ask yourself:  Do you STILL WANT this goal?

Goalden Girl, the biggest thing I can promise to you is this:  You’ll let go of the guilt, the shame… and the pressure. 

You’ll be refreshed, and optimistic about what the new year holds for you:  whether it’s a new goal, a jump-start on the old goal, or a reset all-together. 

Here are the juicy bits you can look forward to:

Shoutout to Goalden Girl Erin:  3:00

3 quick goal-getting lessons:   3:32 

The truth about if I hit my goals:  4:25

Why not achieving your goal can cause you to spiral:  4:45

How to deal with not achieving your goals and dreams: The best exercise you can do when you don’t achieve your goal:  7:00

Year-in-review questions you can ask yourself: 8:10

  1. Look for progress over perfection  8:15 

    1. What did you accomplish?

    2. What are you proud of?

    3. What are your highlights?

  2. What didn’t work:  8:45

    1. What disappointed you

    2. Where you failed

    3. What you learned

    4. Where you grew 

  3. Review how you spent your time: 9:27

    1. Calendar audit:  9:35 -- check out www.lisamichaud.com/podcast/4 for more 

    2. What was a good use of time?

    3. What was a waste of time?

    4. What was missing from your calendar? 

    5. What did - and didn’t get you results?

    6. What will you do differently?

    7. For more about time, check out episodes 7, 8, and 9

  4. What will you incorporate? What will you keep? What will you change?  10:35 

  5. Celebrate: 11:10    

    1. Do something to celebrate and acknowledge yourself - for the success, the failures and the lessons

The honest question: Do you still want to achieve and work towards your goal? 12:10

If you don’t want to achieve this goal anymore: 12:25

If you still want to achieve this goal:  14:20 

Why you shouldn’t care about how long it takes you to achieve a goal:  14:30 

  1. Reflect on the goal: 17:05

    1. What worked

    2. What didn’t

    3. NO BS: Why didn’t you achieve your goal?

    4. What has NOT achieving your goal given you? 

  2. Reconnect with the vision and why you really want this goal:  19:40 

    1. Why did you set this goal? Why does it matter?

    2. How is it going to change your life? Your family? What’s the impact on your community?  

  3. Decide the next realistic step:  20:35 

    1. Start with a realistic step, even if it’s an unrealistic goal

  4. Take your lessons from your goal progress so far and incorporate them 22:10  

Why time doesn’t matter 23:10  

How to set yourself up for success next year:  grab your free Year-in-Review guide at www.lisamichaud.com/yearinreview

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Join our free Facebook Community for a behind-the-scenes look, more insights and of course, insider perks: https://www.facebook.com/groups/goaldengirlspodcastinsiders/

Year in Review:  http://www.lisamichaud.com/yearinreview 

Additional Resources: http://www.lisamichaud.com/goodies

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Episodes of Goalden Girls Podcast You’ll Also LOVE:

How to get clarity when you have big dreams and no idea where to start:  http://www.lisamichaud.com/podcast/4 

Why more followers and a bigger audience isn’t the answer to growing your business:  www.lisamichaud.com/podcast/10 

Time Management:

The 4 questions to ask yourself - and answer -  before you try any other time management hack - www.lisamichaud.com/podcast/7

How to shift your perspective and mindset to create more time and less stress  - www.lisamichaud.com/podcast/8

Time management strategies, tips and tools that actually work for you and your goals:  www.lisamichaud.com/podcast/9


Download and share the quotes you loved on your social and inspire those around you:

“You just can’t beat the person who won’t give up.”  — Babe Ruth: 

“You either win or you learn”. — Unknown

“The recipe for success? Have an “unrealistic” goal and a realistic first step.” — Lisa Michaud 

“If your dream isn’t worth giving up sleeping in or isn’t worth getting uncomfortable or hearing some “no’s”, or possibly failing, then you need a bigger and better dream in your heart.” — Lisa Michaud 

“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”  — Dale Carnegie

“Never let your current competencies limit your vision for the future” — Brendon Burchard

“The genius thing that we did was, we didn’t give up”.  — Jay-Z. 

Thank you so much for listening.



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